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Warframe Is Getting Boring....


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Sometimes i wonder what it would be like if everyone did this for every game they got bored of..every game.


"i just dont like tag anymore. Its the same thing over and over. Why cant they create more rules to give tag an endgame for vets like me?"

- "dude, youre 17, just stop playing tag if you don't find it fun"


Why do so many people seem to go through some sort of existential crisis when they get bored of a highly repetitive game like WF? Just be glad it held your attention for more than 200+ hrs. Theres nothing more you should expect after that. 


Im still having fun, when i stop having fun i just move on. I wont act like the previous 1k hrs were "horrible, imbalanced and lacking content" all of a sudden after i just ran it into the ground for a year straight.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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getting bored with game is natural process ofc. But.... It happened to me with World of Warcraft but not after 615 hours... but after 8 years LOL. this game needs endgame content;quest lines, scenarios, dynamic events, dungeons and raids and deep PVP modes for those who are into pvping. Current state of warframe is cca 500 hours of "fun" - but only if you take it really REALLY slow - no plat purchase etc.

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Take break, play something else for a while. I stopped WF for about a month when Destiny dropped and came back totally refreshed. Haven't played this week because Mortal Kombat dropped and haven't missed it tbh because apart from some Archwing bits to level I have absolutely nothing to do.

Will probably log in tonight just for the void trader and the tac alert then play MK until update 16 hits but bummed out to hear raids have been dropped tbh.

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I think Warframe becoming boring is a symptom of RPG gaming....

With RPG's you're constantly getting new weapons and armor,so there's always something new to play with....Enemies are usually different depending on where you go,and you can always get stronger.


In Warframe however, you're stuck with the same weapons unless you grind for PARTS of weapons,you're stuck with the same frames (armor)unless you grind for parts,Enemies are the SAME (just higher levels),and you don't get more powerful after rank 30.


Forma isn't much of a boost to weapons and frames when you get right down to it...it helps but it is only a slight improvement..

Then add in the grind walls,time walls, RNG, poorly matched enemy spawns (running a rank ONE frame on a starter planet and getting ambushed by Simaris' hit squad that is level 15...load of BS right there),Hype often result in letdown,incentives to do missions sometimes aren't even close to being worthwhile...Players are penalized for playing solo by cutting out content they can effectively solo... Online players are burdened by leeches,afk'ers,and what not....Connection issues abound..Updates usually break things,hotfixes break things....things are introduced to the game that shouldn't be the way they are,people get used to them,and THEN they're nerfed. The whole community is punished when a group exploits areas...And ,quite frankly, there are times when DE acts like children...refusing to answer or even laughing at serious questions...Not because they can't answer,but because they just don't feel like it....


ALL THIS SAID I STILL PLAY AND LOVE THE GAME (I do not play as much as I used to though...by a longshot).

I went from playing every day to MAYBE two or three times in a month.....

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I get bored with Warframe sometimes, mostly since I miss a regular I used to play with (fingers crossed we'll play again soon). Having that company kept things fresh and fun.


But when bored, I just play something else for a while. I don't mind the repetition when I play, I tend to play the same types of levels over and over and over again anyway (Defense, survival and exterminate) but I really enjoy the game play for the game play and the fact it's a gorgeous game that's just fun to take in visually.


Taking those breaks helps out. I logged on yesterday just to put my Kubrow in the freezer since I haven't played much this week and I had forgotten I had a new frame being built so he's waiting for me when I jump back in. So that'll be something new to learn :)

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Its a shame that people NEED things just to make a game enjoyable, just enjoy the game at your pace and if it is boring to you stop playing for a while and come back. No one game "currnetly" can keep you playing forever without boardem unless you love some aspect of the game a ton and even then its bound to now or then get dull.


Just keep switching games thats my best advice to ya.

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It's inevitable, all games will get boring at one point. 


Warframe is different, after 2 years it still has been continuously updated. You can try to challenge yourself with interesting loadouts and see how you like them. You can try them out with your friends and maybe you can get at laugh out of that, but if you feel that with each new update, there isn't anything different than the previous update....well I'm sorry. You're officially bored of Warframe. Try playing another game for some time and then return to Warframe after a while and see if you are impressed with any changes. Good luck.

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Phoenix intercept was actually enjoyable. Challenging and high level mobs instantly without having to wait a long time in endless missions. Ignore the reward and do it for fun.


I suggested this and hoping DE might implement it or something similar... https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/418737-the-random-node-raid/

Edited by Letter13
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