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6000Th Post : Question To The Community : Should There Be Easier 8 Player Missions?


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Hey guys so here's the deal;


Raid have been introduced to the game  and people seem ( I do say seem) to appreciate them .


I personally have only tried the mission twice only to get obliterated. It's a mighty challenge , but to me the rewards just don't seem worth it.


What I anticipated the most about those missions was actually playing with 7 other people, and believe me , wehn you don't get 1 shot by crazy accurate hitscan grineer ; coop with that many people is quite enjoyable.


But I wish there were gamemode that didn't require to be a veteran to play. I mean I am a vetara  but it doesn't mean anything when the rest of the team aren't.  Maybe not a raid mission , but Gamemodes similar to the regular ones but build for 8 players  like bigger defense and exterminate missons,  or even better  , multiple boss fights like on Ceres ( Vor + Sargas would be fun

Playing as 8 is fun , but I feel that a lot are missing out. + Woulndn't it be better to give players a taste of what it's like to be in a  8 man/ woman/ other   team early on?


TL:DR :  Should DE introduce lower level  , or at least non raid level 8 player missions in the future?

Comment below let me know :)

Edited by Deidaku
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Raids need to be at all levels, with lower levels being more about doing parkour and non-combative puzzle based. Obviously combat would be in it but mechanics should be really focused on, kinda like a teaching or proving your mastery of these concepts.

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if the mission was easier you wouldn't need 8 players.

Who said it was 8 advanced / experienced players?


and i'm,talking about a new missions , or new missions , the current one is fine as it is


i'm pretty sure a team of 8 newish players  with proportionally lower leveled enenmies and less valuable rewards would work just fine.

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Who said it was 8 advanced / experienced players?


and i'm,talking about a new missions , or new missions , the current one is fine as it is


i'm pretty sure a team of 8 newish players  with proportionally lower leveled enemies and less valuable rewards would work just fine.

The entire point of raids is that they are endgame. They are meant to be hard enough to make 8 players needed. 


If you are a newish player, you have all other content in the game to play already, let the veterans have at least one thing as endgame.


8 players on standard star chart stuff would just be broken.

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Yeah when I heard we was getting raids I got excited remembering fun bosses from allods or WoW. Instead I got a puzzle game with cheap one shot mechanics and a lame boss fight.


You aren't fighting anything, it can't be called a bossfight.


I can already imagine the next raid being a sudoku puzzle.

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rewards are not worth it?

If you get a barrier you might end up selling it for 250 pl or so, that's alot of plat for finishing up 1 mission.


I have also seen players make good use of common arcanes to boost damage, raise armor and it ain't that bad considering the mission you need to do is the same everytime.

I'm quite happy with my arcane prisma yamako with 4% chance to restore shields when hit, triggers more often then what i expected.

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