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I Noticed Something A Little Disturbing About The Community.


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Right now, excalibur codex entry echoes through me:

The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way.

To turn that into our current situation:

The Enemy had won. We had turned our weapons, our technology, against ourselves. The more “balance” we became, the greater our losses (weapons viability). The war was over unless we found a new way.

And this is how i feel about weapons being currently nerfed. If you nerf it, we slowly and slowly lose whatever advantage we were meant to have.

Its true that the community really hates nerf, when we really should be asking for buffs. Does anyone even remember the spectra?

So you are essentially saying that nerfs make this game too hard? Are you serious? This game is really easy on any place it is balanced for. And any "challenge", be it a tac alert, long survivals or a raid can easily be completed if you abuse enough game mechanics.

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Well from my point of view I dont think everything in the game should be nerfed. In fact I think we should forgo nerfs entirely in leiu of buffs to make more weapons/frames viable in a greater variety of content. Its very rare that I think a nerf is ok, one of the main ones being the increase in ammo use for the synoid gammacor (although I was adamantly against the damage nerf and continue to be to this day).


Call me crazy but I want to see more variety in end game content then what we currently have

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So you are essentially saying that nerfs make this game too hard? Are you serious? This game is really easy on any place it is balanced for. And any "challenge", be it a tac alert, long survivals or a raid can easily be completed if you abuse enough game mechanics.

I like how you justified the game being easy by stating you can just abusing game mechanics ;)

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I like how you justified the game being easy by stating you can just abusing game mechanics ;)


I don't get what you mean? He's saying that the game is easy enough as it is, and that nerfs are sometimes needed to prevent things from becoming even easier. This easiness is bad.

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we should forgo nerfs entirely in leiu of buffs


Only buffing things would be just as idiotic as only nerfing things. 


The whole "no nerfs ever" attitude is just bizarre. I think it's people not being able to look past their own little personal bubble.

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I like how you justified the game being easy by stating you can just abusing game mechanics ;)

It's easy if you don't as well, at least for all areas of the game that we are supposed to be balanced for (pretty sure Devs said 30-50 minutes survival. Pretty vague though. T1? T4?).


But anything that would normally be challenging (Manic Alert. Just get on a high ground or spam some slow abilities with Power efficiency and Pizzas) can easily be bypassed.


And one weapon like the Synoid Gammacor cannot be allowed to surpass everything else. It was a death ray with high damage, ideal damage types (4x CP, Magnetic + Viral), barely any ammo drain and quick reload. And please don't give me 25 meter range as an excuse, because that range hardly ever mattered.

I would also like to compare to ME3MP: The "best" Assault Rifle there (a few could match it though, depending on what character you played as) also had the least spare ammo. And on the highest difficulty, ammo boxes gave less ammo.


Guess what, instead of whining, people played around a weapon's problems. One character could deploy a supply pylon (would be perfect for Vauban if you ask me), you could always carry a second weapon and most characters had powers that you could fall back on.


But in this game, if a weapon has a flaw, it is often regarded as mastery fodder "because there is Soma Prime / Crutch Boltor Prime / Synoid Gammacor".

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The only nerfs truly powerful weapons need is some form of sabotage that doesn't make them perfect.  Having high damage is fine, but the problem with many high damage weapons is that they don't really have any notable flaws that need fixing... or their "fixes" are so underwhelming they're not worth the mod slot.  Bringing us to another point that's important to "balance" in Warframe: that sabotage needs a solution.  Synoid Gammacor was a powerful weapon and is still a powerful weapon.  DE merely sabotaged what made it sustainable as a "primary" - it's ammo economy.  There are mods to mitigate or even fix this, but people refuse to utilize "band aid" mods.  It's funny, people complain about all these "useless" mods but when presented with something that would get a ton of mileage out of them, they dismiss the weapon as trash and go looking for something else that will allow them to stack damage and elemental mods only to complain that's ALL that's worth modding.  It's simply rock-bottom short-sighted and selfish thinking.  No wonder the forum is a mess.


Technically, the Soma requiring crit mods falls in line of this mentality, but because it translates to raw damage (and loads of it) no one thinks of applying point strike and vital hit as applying band aids in the same way they would in applying pistol mutation to the Synoid Gammacor.


Right now, it's kind of difficult to nerf the accuracy of weapons as +accuracy mods don't exist.  There's recoil dampeners for sabotaging the recoil on some weapons (like the AKJagara's Or Vasto or Magnus for example,) but those are iffy to get, as is handspring for those with problems with knock down frequency.


And then there are mods that exist in the tweener zone, where they do something well enough for weapons with already large stats but nothing for weapons with crap for stats, like magazine size mods.  Great on say, a Soma, but the Soma doesn't need a bigger magazine.  A weapon like the Sybaris though?  Get's practically no mileage from it what so ever.  It will get maybe 1.5 more trigger pulls for a mod slot and 9 mod points.  Not really worth it.


Truth be told however, MOST weapons are actually in a good spot.  As long as they can get through level 40-45 enemies, they're in acceptable working condition.  We weren't precisely meant to make it to and survive level 100+ enemies, despite raids (to be frank, DE barely knows their own player base, let alone game) so anything beyond the levels presented on the star chart isn't really anything to build a weapon or frame around.

Edited by Littleman88
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