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These Catalysts Feel Like Trolling Now...


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It seems every other day there's a catalyst alert now.



At 5 am. Always at 4-5 am.



There were TWO IN A ROW at 5 last night.




Is it so hard to put a freaking alert that EVERYONE WOULD WANT during normal hours for the US? Like 3 pm. 3 pm would be nice.

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You should appreciate the fact they even give us such items in alerts , they are meant to be purchased with platinum..


I'm not getting any of them cause I actually sleep.  So I don't appreciate it.


That's like appreciating your boss giving everyone who works tuesday a raise just cause they were there, but giving you tuesday off beforehand.



I'd rather just them not have the alerts and have to buy plat than the frustration of missing like 5 in the last week because they're always at godawful times.

Edited by DarthZ
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they are RANDOM, that means nobody there has control over it, your making so no sence, in europe they had them at 12 am, so ive it would have randomly switched, they would be mad.



Because it's impossible for them to edit alerts.


We just happen to be able to get oh say a 12 hour catalyst alert after everyone misses one due to server issues.

Man love that randomness that totally seems like developers starting an alert.



Devs have the ability to do whatever they want for alerts, random is bs cause they have access to reprogram and change any and everything.

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I need alot of them aswell but il manage with what i have , i got two today which wasn't expected so yea , helped me out , but they don't always do it at the same time , its just random like most people said you just need to be lucky enough to get the right alert at the right time i guess.

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Because it's impossible for them to edit alerts.


We just happen to be able to get oh say a 12 hour catalyst alert after everyone misses one due to server issues.

Man love that randomness that totally seems like developers starting an alert.



Devs have the ability to do whatever they want for alerts, random is bs cause they have access to reprogram and change any and everything.


just be happy ive youre lucky to get to one and ive not you wont lose anything

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Because it's impossible for them to edit alerts.


We just happen to be able to get oh say a 12 hour catalyst alert after everyone misses one due to server issues.

Man love that randomness that totally seems like developers starting an alert.



Devs have the ability to do whatever they want for alerts, random is bs cause they have access to reprogram and change any and everything.



Except if they did have no randomness and did so every single time a whiner like you *@##$es (Which happens at least 50 times a freaking day) they would just be constantly throwing them up now wouldn't they? No, the server issues were their fault and they made up for it, same with the dark sword alert and they remedied that situation too. Now stop being a little baby and think of a solution to your problem that doesn't involve the devs just giving you what you want.

Edited by DrCashew
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It really comes off as all item alerts happen during Europeon Times. 


Until I see one happen during normal hours of US times I am going to call them stating its RNG bull S#&$.


Just because they say its RNG doesn't mean it. If you look at every item alert within the last Two weeks the stats will show you all between midnight and 6 am in the morning for US. 

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You're basically asking for free potatoes.


Again... do you even RNG?


Ok, and like there's no issue that the other side of the world IS getting free potatoes, and plenty of them, while this side either has to stay awake all night or just not get them?


The alerts are giving free potatoes regardless.

My issue is that they're all going elsewhere consistently.



And DO YOU EVEN PROGRAM? Developers can change alerts in a second. They can schedule plenty if they want.





It really comes off as all item alerts happen during Europeon Times. 


Until I see one happen during normal hours of US times I am going to call them stating its RNG bull S#&$.


Just because they say its RNG doesn't mean it. If you look at every item alert within the last Two weeks the stats will show you all between midnight and 6 am in the morning for US. 




Maybe if it actually looked random I would say it's random.

But the fact it's been fairly consistent for a rather large sampling of alerts...in science we call that repeatable, not random.

Edited by DarthZ
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It really comes off as all item alerts happen during Europeon Times. 


Until I see one happen during normal hours of US times I am going to call them stating its RNG bull S#&$.


Just because they say its RNG doesn't mean it. If you look at every item alert within the last Two weeks the stats will show you all between midnight and 6 am in the morning for US. 

Yes it does come off like that, but remember the saying: Correlation does not imply causation.


@OP I live in US



If you want scheduled potatoes wait for livestream.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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Ok, and like there's no issue that the other side of the world IS getting free potatoes, and plenty of them, while this side either has to stay awake all night or just not get them?


The alerts are giving free potatoes regardless.

My issue is that they're all going elsewhere consistently.



And DO YOU EVEN PROGRAM? Developers can change alerts in a second. They can schedule plenty if they want.

Well many rewards are late at night for europe so i dont see a point?? Stay awake or miss half of rewards.

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It really comes off as all item alerts happen during Europeon Times. 


Until I see one happen during normal hours of US times I am going to call them stating its RNG bull S#&$.


Just because they say its RNG doesn't mean it. If you look at every item alert within the last Two weeks the stats will show you all between midnight and 6 am in the morning for US. 


i can tell you some of the bigger ones i had this week on EST time: 3x potatoe, 1x dark kitchen knife, endless artifacts, and lots of cash.



I'm not getting any of them cause I actually sleep.  So I don't appreciate it.



dont take naps all day long and you will get some alerts

Edited by AssassinenMuffin
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I don't know what time zone you're in but you might wanna remember you and yours are not the centre of the world.


So Europe-Asia is? Is that why they seem to get everything?


Man, here I thought it should go up everywhere equally.

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i can tell you some of the bigger ones i had this week on EST time: 3x potatoe, 1x dark kitchen knife, endless artifacts, and lots of cash.


I will give that we have reactors.

But why no catalysts?



If it's random then why does it only seem to roll reactors (Which I now have enough saved up for every single frame including two more to be added).


There were also several frame helmets only being dropped in the early am's so I think that makes up for 1 dark dagger.


Artifact drops turn useless after you get them all, you don't collect dupes nor can you sell them. And cash is constant 24 hours and again after a while becomes mostly useless.

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Would you complain this much if a rogue in your party kept rolling natural 20's, and you rolled mostly 5's or below? It may seem there is some conspiracy that EU is going to dominate the US in Orokin potatoes, but some times people on the other side of the world are just luckier than you.


Also think about the people in EU who stay up all night waiting for good alerts, and then give up the wait to sleep all day but then miss three catalysts. They are just in as much pain as you... Which is none at all... Because it's just a game.

Edited by Xoxile
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