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Excal Prime Extra V Polarity


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they are introducing more mods as we go.


V is attack polarity. future attack mods might be worth it.


continuity makes your slash dash go FFFFooooorrrrreeeevvvveerrrrrr.

I thought thats what reach mod does?

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Reach only really improves Radial Blind, and its how far the stun effect reaches.

Slash Dash utilizes BOTH Focus and Cont., making it beastly

Super Jump gains nothing from any mod

Radial Javelin can only be boosted with Focus


GO GO Wiki favorite button!! Seriously, use the Wiki, saves a lot of time digging through the forums

Edited by FriedAlbacore
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The way I see it the Excal Prime was made to have (design intent) a really obscene Slash Dash because of those two V slots, making it the most efficient damage dealer for the energy cost in the game.


I really wish that other V slot was a - instead though. Or, perhaps they could make more frame mods with a V polarity.

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I think that the second V polarity slot isn't that bad.
My personal mod set for Excalibur is Redirection, Fast deflection, Vitality, Rush (just to be a bit more quick while running, but it's not necessary) and Slash dash (a really usefull Skill that just costs 25 points...). Just using 5/10 polarity slots...

What could a player add as mod? Extra stamina? Extra power? They're not so necessay.... With 2 V polarity slot, instead, we can put Focus and Continuity on and still have points for another mod (or two mods).. That's not so bad. It's a very strong Warframe with ax exceptional Skill (almost OverPowered, or OP) that still has space for other skill (as Radial blind / javelin or super jump) or mods (as extra stamina).

I think it's quite good!

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