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[Poll] Rate This Event: Operation False Profit


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the actual gameplay is massively hindered by the absurd scaling on the bursas. You either bring a team that basically CCs them to death (like phoenix interception escalation) and you sit there doing nothing but a static defense, OR you are CONSTANTLY DEAD to ONESHOT ATTACKS.


WHEN did "difficulty and challenge" definition in Warframe shift to one-shot-kills and nullifying abilities? I mean come the **** on, now enemies will have lobbed nullifier grenades? Next thing we know the regular grunts are gonna be throwing those at us. And forget about speedrunning missions, if you're unlucky and a random instakill laser bursa shows up while you're Sonic-The-Hedgehoging down the corridor as Volt YOU'RE ON YOUR ARSE before you even realize what you were running into, LITERALLY.


The idea of a hackable turret type of enemy is actually amazing, i could even see turret-type gameplay as a minor option, riding on the back of a hacked bursa firing off grenadeshots until it runs out of ammo and then executing it with a melee attack. We don't have that kind of turret gunplay in Warframe and it'd make for a nice possible addition, IF you want to use it.


Instead it's another thing where you sit and defend a static objective that you freeze down as good as you can because otherwise you're blinded and flying across the room into instakill lasers or it uses a mounted 9001 dmg gun which instantly downs even a maximum health&shield modded frost in a single shot. Its like mobile defense and the systems console is trying to kill you. That's not really immersive gameplay.


I'll rate the event a 5/10 because of the POTENTIAL presented by these types of enemies, losing points for inconsistent and infuriating waiting times and yet another possible nullifier in the future, this time a RANGED variety, with a TINY hitbox. that's terrifying!


I already have problems taking out the freaking scorching blue-light-aoe-damage-droplets fired by the Scorching Ospreys, if you create grenades with a similar hitbox that you have to shoot to avoid being nullified it basically makes using any guns that don't fire masses of shots useless. Bows, my former favourite weapon type have become freakin useless because there are tiny targets and nullifier bubbles that eat 10+ arrows in every mission that includes corpus units (plus they're completely pointless against manics as well, is the future of warframe REALLY going to be spray&pray or Crowd Control Teamcomps everywhere??)

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Interesting concept that was horribly mismanaged


Imagine if they had done this with the Grineer Manic? Making us stand next to her for an upwards of six minutes, ten separate times. We might not have gotten such complaints as "more threatening than the Stalker" (I think in retrospect, no one will say the Manic is more threatening; more annoying, sure, but certainly not more dangerous)

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