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Omg Such Dmg~Plz Nerf Tonkor


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After so many 'Obligatory' nerd threads in this subforum, ppl never learn. Seriously why a thread with the title of 'Plz Nerf' will attract so many attentions than the thread requesting for a buff. 


Folks, if u really don't want a particular weapon get nerfed because of 'Forum nerd warriors'. Then don't reply or even click in any thread like this one. I knew even if i didn't make this thread, some1 else whose truly wants a nerf for this weapon will eventually do the same thing. 


Honestly i really doubt those ppl who replied in this thread were using reverse arguments of ' Dont Nerf' to support the idea of Plz nerf this weapon. 


Btw got u guyz XD

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It deserves the damage.

I mean 2 shot magazine and a 2 second reload is arse.


And you cannot self detonate it unlike the penta.



If anything, the Tigris should be doing damage closing this as well (slightly less since it has waaay more ammo).

Edited by fatpig84
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Real talk: don't be surprised if a nerf actually happens.

But then again, unlike the Synoid Gammacor, it takes some finesse to utilize this weapon. It can be difficult lobbing, landing, and getting these nukes detonate where you want with consistency due to the arc'ing and travel time. Compare that to the Penta in which you can detonate the grenades, and Ogris where the rocket explodes on impact with ANY surface. Thus, the Tonkor may actually be balanced after all.

It's like the Launcher version of the Kohm. Freaking high damage output in theory, but with a catch.

Edited by Sonitorum
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Brace yourself for the nerf train !


Just buff the other launchers. :) we actually need more strong weapons aside from soma and boltor.

Edit : besides. Its a fooking "GRENADE" launcher



And P.S buffing the other launchers won't work.

They still kill their users just as easily as before.

Edited by fatpig84
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Well, in terms of burst DPS, it's up there, but the 2 ammo clip and the 2 second reload time means its sustained DPS is so-so.


I don't know how so-so, or really how it stands up to the Ogris, but the Penta seems fine since you can use 5 grenades in one big boom.

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oh keep it down OP, its a grenade launcher, its not a rocket "fire and forget" weapon, it takes skill to aim and its limited ammo is already a hinderance.


If you don't like such weapons, do not use them. But do not, and i repeat, do NOT complain and ask for nerfs. Instead offer suggestions for balance, such as fire rate change, flight speed, time of explosions after firing, limit the number of grenades that can be out in the open. etc.


People like you, are the cause that Ogris, Penta, and other such needed weapons are getting the short end of the stick, while weapons that shoot BB's are the only things left that are somewhat reliable.




A real WarFrame player.

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It doesn't need a nerf. It's a freaking grenade launcher; were you expecting a spud launcher?


It has a magazine of 2, a huge arc and takes a bit of skill to land shots. If it needs a nerf so bad, why don't you stop using Vauban's vortex or tight hallways?

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Its about balance. You use an ogris, you die in close range, You use a penta, you can die in close range.

The tonkor does little to no close range damage, insane damage per shot because its crit based.

This is power creep! It needs to be looked at in terms of balance.


I invested alot more about my penta and now a new weapon comes along that blows it out of water? Pure powercreep!

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Its about balance. You use an ogris, you die in close range, You use a penta, you can die in close range.

The tonkor does little to no close range damage, insane damage per shot because its crit based.

This is power creep! It needs to be looked at in terms of balance.


I invested alot more about my penta and now a new weapon comes along that blows it out of water? Pure powercreep!


Yea it probably doesnt kill the user in one hit at close range, but it sends you flying, and in the middle of a firefight, where you need to make every shot count. Getting sent flying by one of your own grenades costs you time and/or a missed shot, making the 2 second reload kick in, that will actually stop reloading when you land, making it another 2-4 seconds.


Maybe its time to change how the other launchers damage the user, or adjust the Tonkor's jump mechanism to the others.


This is what i mean by offering suggestions, and not just screaming "nerf!". Suggest something useful, or gtfo. Simple, Einfach.

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Yea it probably doesnt kill the user in one hit at close range, but it sends you flying, and in the middle of a firefight, where you need to make every shot count. Getting sent flying by one of your own grenades costs you time and/or a missed shot, making the 2 second reload kick in, that will actually stop reloading when you land, making it another 2-4 seconds.


Maybe its time to change how the other launchers damage the user, or adjust the Tonkor's jump mechanism to the others.


This is what i mean by offering suggestions, and not just screaming "nerf!". Suggest something useful, or gtfo. Simple, Einfach.

Nerf base crit modifier to 1.5, and damage by 30% and remove "Rocket jump feature", does that sit well?

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Ah, I love just love when kids learn new words like "powercreep" and can't use them properly. Penta is a completely diffirent weapon, and it is far better in most cases (still the best weapon for Infested defense, along with Torid and Ogris), while Tonkor is meant to be used offensive.


And if you keep dying by blowing yourself with Penta, well, the only problem here is an object between your keyboard and chair.

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