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Omg Such Dmg~Plz Nerf Tonkor


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I cant describe how muchI hate thoose guys trying to take away avery bit of fun in the game.... THI WEAPONS IS F****** FINE, DE did a great job with concept, mechanics, damage balanced with bounce and mechanics, look, ...


Stop complaining about it, just ask for your teamates to avoid using it while you are in the squad.


BTW the numbers OP claimed to be well... OP ^^ are nowhere near what i can get with various loadouts that i keep secret and only use in my clan because of this kind of guys...


This weapon is fun, balanced by the amount of skill and forma needed to use it properly, period


Sorry for my poor english, i just needed to react to this gigantic troll.

Edited by nononimous
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Besides the joke, i think that this shiny rocket (my bad) grenade launcher should be «MR10+» locked.


If Soma and Opticor requires only MR6, and Tonkor doesn't require any MR(?), i can only imagine a gun that will require... uhm.. let's say MR12 -- i'm wondering, will it blow up the planet?..

Edited by Spectre-Agent
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Are you guys serious!?






     I don't give a **** if this is a joke or not. We finally have a launcher viable for high levels. EVERY high level weapon is op-accusation prone. This weapon is in a good spot without being god tier, but strong enough to be nerfed if a bunch of people make stupid threads like this one about nerfing it. It's like joking about jumping off a building while you're standing on the edge of one without a guard rail. It's not funny.

Besides the joke, i think that this shiny rocket launcher should be «MR10+» locked.


If Soma and Opticor requires only MR6, and Tonkor doesn't require any MR(?), i can only imagine a gun that will require... uhm.. let's say MR12 -- i'm wondering, will it blow up the planet?..

Personally I think the MR lock should be a bit more spread out, but MR 10 with soma at MR 6? No, this weapon isn't that strong...

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Vargras, on 23 Apr 2015 - 10:27 AM, said:snapback.png

people think they understand balance and game development.


They really, really don't.



The fact that you quote that statement is hilarious, given that it's you in this case that doesn't understand game balance.

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You guys...I'm pretty sure the OP was just joking.

There's nothing funny about the threat of nerfs!!! Maintain full readiness at all times!!!! Let no call for nerfs go unchallenged, no matter how obviously trolly the call is!!1!

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It doesn't need a nerf, it's mechanics make it unforgiving and difficult to use outside of nitch situations. It's fine the way it is.

If anything it could use a quality of life improvement by removing the bounce and setting it to impact based.

Edited by Vanhline
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DE always does this. They purposely makes a weapon OP for their own benefits. Just like the Synoid Gammacor which I believe was made to be so OP that people would actually switch over to Suda as many were Red Veil in order to balance out the syndicates. I believe it worked. I would love to see the statistics and difference of the amount of players in each syndicates before and after the Synoid Gammacor was revealed. 


Same thing as Tonkor, they will make this so OP so people are interested in getting this and after it has generated enough interest or sales, later nerf it to the ground when there is a new weapon released. How can they make players interested to get or buy new weapons if the current is already the best right?  It's all games and business by DE and all we can do question them and these stealth nerfs to weapons and frames. 

Edited by GKDK
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I'm curious about how many weapons have been recently nerfed. There's the SG obviously, and the Kohm although from what I gather there's a bit of give and take on that one. What else?


This isn't a rhetorical question. I honestly can't think of many and I'm wondering if I've forgotten a whole bunch.

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I'm curious about how many weapons have been recently nerfed. There's the SG obviously, and the Kohm although from what I gather there's a bit of give and take on that one. What else?


This isn't a rhetorical question. I honestly can't think of many and I'm wondering if I've forgotten a whole bunch.


the thing is the majority of the weapons they release are worse than the old go-to weapons such as the soma, boltor, marelok, or what have you.


when they finally release a weapon that gets up into the same league people get to use something new after months and months of the same old top weapons, then it gets nerfed.


personally i was quite angry about the kohm nerf. not so much because it was like the life changing thing that happened to me, but it was fun to actually have a new weapon to use in high level missions. then it was just taken from me a patch later. 

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DE always does this. They purposely makes a weapon OP for their own benefits. Just like the Synoid Gammacor which I believe was made to be so OP that people would actually switch over to Suda as many were Red Veil in order to balance out the syndicates. I believe it worked. I would love to see the statistics and difference of the amount of players in each syndicates before and after the Synoid Gammacor was revealed. 


Same thing as Tonkor, they will make this so OP so people are interested in getting this and after it has generated enough interest or sales, later nerf it to the ground when there is a new weapon released. How can they make players interested to get or buy new weapons if the current is already the best right?  It's all games and business by DE and all we can do question them and these stealth nerfs to weapons and frames. 

the fact that this is a overpowered BROKEN (yes broken the stats shouldnt be pointing to this much damage AT ALLthats bad coding) weapon available in the market is obviously A.) going to be nerfed, get your tears ready, and B.) will be used in a later weapon.

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the fact that this is a overpowered BROKEN (yes broken the stats shouldnt be pointing to this much damage AT ALLthats bad coding) weapon available in the market is obviously A.) going to be nerfed, get your tears ready, and B.) will be used in a later weapon.

What are you going on about? What bad coding, I don't understand what are you trying to convey.

Tonkor feels like a proper explosive firearm. It's not overpowered because aiming is difficult, there are only two grenades per "mag" and stuff like that. 

Edited by Gale47
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Tonkor is Broken yo. Plain and simple. Its stats shouldnt be pointing anywhere near 17 million damage. Buffed or not.

Have you used it? Also, I fail to see why you wrote broken with a capital letter. And how are stats "pointing" towards anything? This is the point I cannot comprehend.

Edited by Gale47
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