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Omg Such Dmg~Plz Nerf Tonkor


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We don't use real life as a basis for weapon balance. That would lead to problems.

Them tell me how nice is see a bow red criting bigger numbers them our normal launchers before tonkor.

Real life was always the basis of balance and mechanics. Warframe lore was the first one, orokin era they are loosing to sentients, them they used the old old war weapons ( the ones we actually have nowdays ) because too much technology dont work on them.

If a rocket launcher is going to have a poor damage, them dont even introduce it to the game.

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Them tell me how nice is see a bow red criting bigger numbers them our normal launchers before tonkor.

Real life was always the basis of balance and mechanics. Warframe lore was the first one, orokin era they are loosing to sentients, them they used the old old war weapons ( the ones we actually have nowdays ) because too much technology dont work on them.

If a rocket launcher is going to have a poor damage, them dont even introduce it to the game.


Real life isn't used as a basis for game balance because A) this is a sci-fi game and B) real life isn't balanced. Bows have always been crit machines, they can't clear a crowd like a launcher can though. Every weapon (supposedly) has its niche.


Also, I never said rocket launchers shouldn't deal damage. Be careful putting words in someone else's mouth.

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Real life isn't used as a basis for game balance because A) this is a sci-fi game and B) real life isn't balanced. Bows have always been crit machines, they can't clear a crowd like a launcher can though. Every weapon (supposedly) has its niche.


Also, I never said rocket launchers shouldn't deal damage. Be careful putting words in someone else's mouth.

*muh feels hurting bra*

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Personally i can semi relate but on other hand not at all i mean


+ 2 mag size

+ is hard to hit moving targets from even close range at sometimes

+has a troll potential

+ uses sniper ammo


- Can do up to 50k hits with 0 mods on infested and that is stupid i mean no mods no skill boost and so on 50k crit


So i can see why OP wants ''nerf'' to this weapon.


Personally i would want it to be a rocket with maybe 50 dam nerf on blast coz i mean its called rocket jump not grenade jump

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Personally i can semi relate but on other hand not at all i mean


+ 2 mag size

+ is hard to hit moving targets from even close range at sometimes

+has a troll potential

+ uses sniper ammo


- Can do up to 50k hits with 0 mods on infested and that is stupid i mean no mods no skill boost and so on 50k crit


So i can see why OP wants ''nerf'' to this weapon.


Personally i would want it to be a rocket with maybe 50 dam nerf on blast coz i mean its called rocket jump not grenade jump

And the rocket jump mechanic is useless ATM, because you cant do it on the move you need to literally stand still and then shoot but you dont have any speed while doing so.

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Well if we're going to cry and moan about weapons doing massive damage in only a few shots and have them nerfed into complete garbage I'll give you a list.


Boltor P, Paris P, Dread, Penta, Orgis, Torrid, All the Quantas, Vectis, Both Mareloks, Brakk, Amprex, The entire Latron family, Opticor, Telos AKbolto, eh.. Screw it nerf all the syndicate weps, Nukor, Hikou Prime, Both Nikanas, Scindo prime, Jat Kittag, Dual Ichors, Dex Dakra and Dakra Prime, Fang Prime, Glaive Prime, and everyones favorite, Tipedo.


Hows that? A game full of garbage weapons, can't cry and complain anymore! And now the games boring because we can't kill a darn thing...



Seriously... It is a launcher, every launcher in every game is SUPPOSED to out damage the majority of weapons. Think I'm wrong? Go back to Call of Duty MW2 and get noob tubed across the map.

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Well if we're going to cry and moan about weapons doing massive damage in only a few shots and have them nerfed into complete garbage I'll give you a list.


Boltor P, Paris P, Dread, Penta, Orgis, Torrid, All the Quantas, Vectis, Both Mareloks, Brakk, Amprex, The entire Latron family, Opticor, Telos AKbolto, eh.. Screw it nerf all the syndicate weps, Nukor, Hikou Prime, Both Nikanas, Scindo prime, Jat Kittag, Dual Ichors, Dex Dakra and Dakra Prime, Fang Prime, Glaive Prime, and everyones favorite, Tipedo.


Hows that? A game full of garbage weapons, can't cry and complain anymore! And now the games boring because we can't kill a darn thing...



Seriously... It is a launcher, every launcher in every game is SUPPOSED to out damage the majority of weapons. Think I'm wrong? Go back to Call of Duty MW2 and get noob tubed across the map.



If they nerfed all those, the garbage ones would become strong and people would whine about those. You can't win here.

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Well if we're going to cry and moan about weapons doing massive damage in only a few shots and have them nerfed into complete garbage I'll give you a list.


Boltor P, Paris P, Dread, Penta, Orgis, Torrid, All the Quantas, Vectis, Both Mareloks, Brakk, Amprex, The entire Latron family, Opticor, Telos AKbolto, eh.. Screw it nerf all the syndicate weps, Nukor, Hikou Prime, Both Nikanas, Scindo prime, Jat Kittag, Dual Ichors, Dex Dakra and Dakra Prime, Fang Prime, Glaive Prime, and everyones favorite, Tipedo.


Hows that? A game full of garbage weapons, can't cry and complain anymore! And now the games boring because we can't kill a darn thing...



Seriously... It is a launcher, every launcher in every game is SUPPOSED to out damage the majority of weapons. Think I'm wrong? Go back to Call of Duty MW2 and get noob tubed across the map.



How come the tonkor has a bigger ammo cap than the penta? the penta has 20 ammo cap, while the tonkor has 40?



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If they nerfed all those, the garbage ones would become strong and people would whine about those. You can't win here.


The point is... if we continue asking to nerf this and nerf that eventually we won't kill anything. Even the garbage weapons will be more garbage. Soon enough throwing rocks will be stronger than using actual weps (Rock prime confirmed).


So for the final time, just buff the weapons that are lacking in damage there is 0 reason to nerf the Tonkor. A launcher is a launcher which means you're going to kill something no matter what it is.

How come the tonkor has a bigger ammo cap than the penta? the penta has 20 ammo cap, while the tonkor has 40?



The Torrid has 60 the biggest ammo cap out of launchers. Your point? 


Edit: The Penta holds 5 in a clip out of 20 total, while the Tonkor holds 2 in a clip out of 40 seems fair enough to me.

Edited by -CdG-MikeJonesDaOreo
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It's ironic that this satire thread only proved the OP's beliefs wrong.

Haha, so true. It was supposed to demonstrate the oppressive and pervasive nerf mentality of the forums, but instead it played how these sorts of threads always do: the person recommending a nerf gets dogpiled by the BUFFS ONLY crowd by like a 10:1 or 20:1 ratio. The only things this thread is missing are hilarious "how about NO" gifs and the Steve Carell NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO youtube clip getting recycled for the one-millionth time.

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When it is nerfed, the hilarity will be gruesome!

And while we nerf the Tonkor for it's damage, while we're at it we should nerf all the bows for being able to do high damage too, right?

If you said no, I'd like to ask... why nerf this? This has hardly any ammo, only 2 shots per clip, and has a not-too-good firing rate, yet has high damage. In a similar way to bows.

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And while we nerf the Tonkor for it's damage, while we're at it we should nerf all the bows for being able to do high damage too, right?

If you said no, I'd like to ask... why nerf this? This has hardly any ammo, only 2 shots per clip, and has a not-too-good firing rate, yet has high damage. In a similar way to bows.


The penta is inferior, the ogris is inferior but DE doesnt care about balance. Here is something you should know, the tinkor is currently OP. With crit build, it makes the penta look like a joke. Tested this.


Instead of buffing the penta or ogris, DE will nerf the tonkor. Personally, if the tonka was a regular Noobtube, I would be happy.


But hey, the true enjoyment comes from people here. I like to use convenient weapons, not this.

They'll nerf this, as it is currently does too much damage,but TBH I dont care. Its bouncing "Ability" is worth a few laughs but annoying.

Edited by HandsomeSorcerer
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This post is too funny, thanks OP for joke.

failed to detect sarcasm, either way it would be great if u could enjoy the joke or the origin purpose of this thread.


Though there were too many ppl got caught up with this one lol 

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Youre right, I guess broken isnt the proper term here since there are viable counters to the tonkor. It doesnt simply replace the others. Thats my bad on terminology. It is however unnecessarily overpowered. My previous statement is my reasoning, with its stats, buffed or not, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever why it should be hitting upwards of 17 million damage. I'd cut it some slack if it was a random 1 million here and there, but the consistency in these numbers learn towards bad coding on the programmers part. A nerf is without a doubt needed, and should be expected by those with some form of common sense.

      People have explained why it appears to do that kind of damage. I own one with 4 formas. I DON'T USE VIRAL, AND I'VE NEVER EVEN GOTTEN CLOSE TO 17 MILLION. STOP REPEATING YOURSELF AND PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY FOR ONCE.


There are similar screen shots around with Dread, Paris P, Vectis, Penta, Quanta, Ogris, Angstrum and even Vulkar as the culprits should we nerf all of them too?


Even melee can have stupid numbers. The occasional 600k+, 1kk, 2kk hit number floating around is quite a common occurrence. 

Damage calculation breaks sometimes especially when heavy stacking of crits and multipliers is involved.

      I get numbers like that all the time with my ichor. Random 600k crits here and there. This guy is right.


Those arnt consistent as with the Tonkors. and idk what the hell you guys are feeding your paris to make it hit 172 million. 

CONSISTENT?! You, need to delete this post, and walk away, because you obviously are both blind AND you know nothing about the tonkor. there's LITERALLY a crit right next to the bugged ones that only does like 4k. 


Its about balance. You use an ogris, you die in close range, You use a penta, you can die in close range.

The tonkor does little to no close range damage, insane damage per shot because its crit based.

This is power creep! It needs to be looked at in terms of balance.


I invested alot more about my penta and now a new weapon comes along that blows it out of water? Pure powercreep!

      Stop. Please just stop. The penta is impossible to miss with. this on the other hand, is difficult to hit with. The problem here is that you're comparing the tonkor, which is a high tier grenade launcher (difficult to use, but rewarding when used right) with low-tier grenade launchers (easy to use, but doesn't do as much damage). The penta and ogris need a buff, not to do as much damage as the tonkor, but to do lower damage, but much more.


      DON'T NERF SOMETHING JUST CAUSE IT'S BETTER THAN WHAT YOU HAVE. Nerf something because it's better than everything else for no reason, like the synoid, which was god tier in the middle of a bunch of mid-high tier weapons. Tonkor is FAR from god tier, so leave it alone. If you got this thing nerfed, you would F*** up the balance. Here, I'll make it simple:



Low accuracy + huge drop + uncommon ammo type + small clip + long reload = high damage

Balanced: yes



Low accuracy + huge drop + uncommon ammo type =/= medium damage

balanced: no


      I don't care if you're trolling or not, just stop. and if this thread keeps going like it is now, I'm just gonna have to make some threads to counteract this one. This game is unbalanced because of people like you. The people who HOLD UP THE PROGRESS by asking for nerfs because of some personal crap. We have 5 high tier primaries now, and over 100 weapons in need of a buff. Even IF this weapon were OP, fine, lets just suppose it is, for the sake of this point: THERE ARE ABOUT 500 OTHER THINGS IN THIS GAME THAT NEED DE'S ATTENTION BEFORE THIS. Yet you'll probably keep insisting that it should be nerfed. 


      I was right to throw that quote back at you. You really do think you understand balance when you don't. Why don't you start a nerf thread about the soma, huh? Puts the mk-1 braton to shame, maybe we should nerf that too. Hell, why not nerf everything? give it 1 dmg with a rof of 0.1, then everything will be perfectly balanced, and nothing will be stronger. Would you like that? Then it would be balanced, just like you wanted. The key detail you're missing when you compare the penta to the tonkor, is that its not about which one of those is better. IT'S ABOUT HOW WELL THEY STAND UP TO ENEMIES. Maybe if you do that you might understand balance a bit better.

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I know, I hate it when weapons I put lots of time into get nerfed as well, but it will probably happen, much as I hate it. I mean, you can't really expect topics of this nature to reach 9+ pages without DE doing something to it. Maybe they'll cut it's power in half, give it 2 extra rounds per clip, and increase the reload time to 3 seconds, that doesn't sound too bad to me.

Edited by Flowen231
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I know, I hate it when weapons I put lots of time into get nerfed as well, but it will probably happen, much as I hate it. I mean, you can't really expect topics of this nature to reach 9+ pages without DE doing something to it. Maybe they'll cut it's power in half, give it 2 extra rounds per clip, and increase the reload time to 3 seconds, that doesn't sound too bad to me.

It would be quite sad if DE would cave in to a 9 page half satirical thread. 

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I know, I hate it when weapons I put lots of time into get nerfed as well, but it will probably happen, much as I hate it. I mean, you can't really expect topics of this nature to reach 9+ pages without DE doing something to it. Maybe they'll cut it's power in half, give it 2 extra rounds per clip, and increase the reload time to 3 seconds, that doesn't sound too bad to me.

If DE nerfs a weapon based of a topic like this solely based on page numbers.... Getting sick of this mindset. Page count is mainly because most of these topic lack any form of reason and just filled with random vagueness such as "it is overpowered." They are not even saying how it is overpowered or what game function it breaks, but demanding nerfs. As is, most of these topics have just a few people flaming some other random person and the page count is mostly just a small group arguing around each other. 

This game is not balanced like Borderlands 2 on the overpowered setting, where NPC have ludicrous health. Being able to kill NPC quickly is not OP when the NPC only need seconds to drop a player dead. Neither NPC or Players have high TTK in Warframe and I am getting sick of people saying anything higher than a Braton is overpowered. They are ignoring the fact they are disabling the NPC via CC and they would be obliterated if they were fighting NPC that could fight back.
Edited by LazyKnight
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If DE nerfs a weapon based of a topic like this solely based on page numbers.... Getting sick of this mindset. Page count is mainly because most of these topic lack any form of reason and just filled with random vagueness such as "it is overpowered." They are not even saying how it is overpowered or what game function it breaks, but demanding nerfs. As is, most of these topics have just a few people flaming some other random person and the page count is mostly just a small group arguing around each other. 

This game is not balanced like Borderlands 2 on the overpowered setting, where NPC have ludicrous health. Being able to kill NPC quickly is not OP when the NPC only need seconds to drop a player dead. Neither NPC or Players have high TTK in Warframe and I am getting sick of people saying anything higher than a Braton is overpowered. They are ignoring the fact they are disabling the NPC via CC and they would be obliterated if they were fighting NPC that could fight back.


I agree with you man, I do. But I still see a nerf coming just because of all the *@##$!ng, and I hope it's not a large nerf when it comes.

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I think if there's anything about the Tonkor that's in dire need of a nerf, it's the grenades exploding on contact with the Defense pods. It completely mitigates the whole "difficult to wield" aspect of the Tonkor that makes it balanced, making Infested Defense missions practically a cake-walk.

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