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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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Actually no we can't, the majority of warframes are built using galium, rubedo, alloy plate, circuits, neural sensors, and orokin cells. SOME use Neurodes and Nanospores but 90% use the previously mentioned materials. Also nowhere does it say warframes are made out of Technocyte though the Rhino lore hints at it being a possibility.

Those other parts are just extra plating, ever thought of that? I'd also like to bring up that both warframes and proto armor look very similar in their texture patterns (not the suit patterns themselves).

Edited by sappinmahsentry
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Those other parts are just extra plating, ever thought of that? I'd also like to bring up that both warframes and proto armor look very similar in their texture patterns (not the suit patterns themselves).

The only texture patterns I would go off of are the ones that have already been PBRed. Again, you are speculating without any real proof.

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Actually no we can't, the majority of warframes are built using galium, rubedo, alloy plate, circuits, neural sensors, and orokin cells. SOME use Neurodes and Nanospores but 90% use the previously mentioned materials. Also nowhere does it say warframes are made out of Technocyte though the Rhino lore hints at it being a possibility.


Look at [Halo] Spartan armor, that weighs half a ton, and its users have the flexibility they would in fatigues.

Now nanospores, well the frames use nano tech. *cough* Nanosuits *cough* 

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Look at [Halo] Spartan armor, that weighs half a ton, and its users have the flexibility they would in fatigues.

Now nanospores, well the frames use nano tech. *cough* Nanosuits *cough* 

All I was saying is we can't say with any certainty that the Warframes are made with the technocyte. We can theorize that it is but that's it.

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It's probably a technocyte + steel man Orokin-made element/alloy.



On a completely separate note I read an interesting theory on how we can fit into all these warframes. I don't remember if it was this thread or another one but somebody theorized that maybe Tenno are still the size they were when they returned from the void. Essentially unaging/growing children.

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On a completely separate note I read an interesting theory on how we can fit into all these warframes. I don't remember if it was this thread or another one but somebody theorized that maybe Tenno are still the size they were when they returned from the void. Essentially unaging/growing children.

That would be..



Edited by sappinmahsentry
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Edit: Also someone earlier mentioned this and I think it should be rementioned since the energy being theory people are conveniently ignoring it. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, emphasis on that last part, so it cannot die. Tenno can and have died so I feel like that alone disproves the energy being theory.

In all fairness, the law is that "neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed."  And, unless I missed something, physical beings die all the time.  Rather difficult though to explain how "normal" deaths apply to an energy creature, tough, as what's been described as possible here would have no organs to fail or such.  Being rent apart could do it, being put into a state where it could never re-constitute. 


Back on the side that I actually think is correct.  The explanation sounds far too much like the Tenno are identical to the Sentients for it to make any sense from a storytelling angle.  Besides that we know the Tenno were originally human, and there was something to build the warframes around



It's probably a technocyte + steel man Orokin-made element/alloy.

Well, supposing the gist of some of the cut debriefs is still canon, and the Corpus know their stuff, we actually have a reference to that.  Vor waxing thoughtful about the Tenno mentioned that that was how the Corpus scientists explained Tenno abilities. 

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On a completely separate note I read an interesting theory on how we can fit into all these warframes. I don't remember if it was this thread or another one but somebody theorized that maybe Tenno are still the size they were when they returned from the void. Essentially unaging/growing children.

That was definitely a different thread. I've read all 35 pages of this, and nobody mentions that. But that theory is killed by the theory (is it a theory?) that the frames were modeled after their original user, so, yeah, either that's busted, or Void magic gives kids instant puberty.

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I offer this taken from my thread to the discussion. It seems relevant here after all.

Are Tenno energy, can they talk, and can they die?

I just realised Lotus allready told us all of this in the Mirage Quest.

1) Tenno are emotional, not robots or aliens or energystreams.


"I see the Sentients crashing down on her, dying in overwhelming numbers. Now she's out of energy, I'm telling her to go but she's laughing, tearing their heads off as they swarm."

Note: A clearly emotional pilot is fighting till the death.

2) The Warframe is what require energy and is what an ally Revives, not the Pilot inside.


"I'm sensing another void imprint. It's dark. I see the glow of restraints around the Warframe. I'm trying to surge the revive system but I can't, I'm too far away. A great, faceted eye watches her."

Note: The pilot is awake, but the suit is off. Lotus tries to jump-start it but fails.

3) Tenno can speak and talk. And Tenno can as individuals actually die.


"I see the eyes open and the heat blinds me. I hear her comforting me, telling me not to despair as the Warframe disintegrates and I lose her, forever."

Note: The pilot audiably tells Lotus it's ok, and not to feel sad. Like a daughter.


Conclusion: Tenno talk, feel joy and sadness, can die.

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2) The Warframe is what require energy and is what an ally Revives, not the Pilot inside.


"I'm sensing another void imprint. It's dark. I see the glow of restraints around the Warframe. I'm trying to surge the revive system but I can't, I'm too far away. A great, faceted eye watches her."

Note: The pilot is awake, but the suit is off. Lotus tries to jump-start it but fails.

Wait, does that mean, when we die, and we're looking at the revive screen, we're 'playing' as Lotus?!?!?!?!

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This is not actually in any sense a 'bust' to that theory. There are other better things. Energy can't smile, great, its a suit with energy in it, the suit smiled. However other codex entries give better reasons as to why energy doesnt work. However whats not been figured out yet is, are the Teno unique to the suit and we swap game wise only between them or are we Teno and able to shapeshift to fit each suit we wear. For that there is contradictory evidence mainly that Limbos story suggests we swap suits, Ordis does as well, (I think even Chroma but Im not sure) and then of course the whole tennocyte virus being a part of the tenno there could allow for the rapid shape shifting if able to be controlled by the infected as it would seem we do. 

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what about what Vor says??


Is he just a liar then? Or wrong.


Could there still be a human body in the warframes, but the tenno are energy controlling that flesh. like souls that just move from body to body.

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The energy-theory was born from the missunderstood comment from Vor that Tenno are energy and the Warframes are like glass, or a lence.

Tenno have a link to the Void. The warframe is able to focus on a fixed frequency to determine the powers that the warframes have.

The Tenno creates the Void-bridge, the warframe give focus.

A warframe can work without a Tenno, so a Tenno cannot be the only powersource, but is probably 10 times as strong.

The REAL question is what the Tenno are without their armor?

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The REAL question is what the Tenno are without their armor?

Until we get an answer, this is what I'm going with:


A friend of mine (same one I mention in OP) believes we look similar to Sirens from Borderlands, something like we have 'tattoos' or scars where our energy is visible, but we are for the majority still human. This is something like what I believe, though, I'm more on the less-scarred side of the fence.

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A warframe can work without a Tenno, so a Tenno cannot be the only powersource, but is probably 10 times as strong.


Any appropriate source of void energy seems to be able to power a warframe. Tenno just happen to be a source of void energy with godlike combat instincts. 

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No one here read the lore on the excal prime?


It tells you exactly where Tenno came from


The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed.
We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Excalibur was the first.
- Orokin 'Warframe' Archives
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