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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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Nowhere does it say anything about losing Earth.

I agree you must use your imagination to fill in the blanks from Dark Sector AND accept it as canon.

Regardless, there was an outbreak on Earth before the Orokin, and during the Orokin Era.

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A thing occurd to me. The Orokin were apparantly DNA and cloning geniuses.

Maby energy do not even need to factor in at all, maby it was allways down to genetics and biotechnology.

I am thinking of the clue left in Rhino Prime Codex.

The beast recognises the narrator. He looks at him with anscestral memory.

What is this then? I looked it up.

"New research from Emory University School of Medicine, in Atlanta, has shown that it is possible for some information to be inherited biologically through chemical changes that occur in DNA.

During the tests they learned that that mice can pass on learned information about traumatic or stressful experiences – in this case a fear of the smell of cherry blossom – to subsequent generations."

“Such a phenomenon may contribute to the etiology and potential intergenerational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.”

This suggests that experiences are somehow transferred from the brain into the genome, allowing them to be passed on to later generations.

Professor Marcus Pembrey, a paediatric geneticist at University College London, said the work provided “compelling evidence” for the biological transmission of memory.

He added: “It addresses constitutional fearfulness that is highly relevant to phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorders, plus the controversial subject of transmission of the ‘memory’ of ancestral experience down the generations."

It is entirely possible that the Tenno were the product of the memories and skills passed from one gen to the next.

The cloning and manipulation created a host and pilot symbiotic relationship.

This allso explain the warframes personality, movement and powers, they are inherited.

It allso explains why a warframe can be used without a Tenno, even if a Tenno is a perfect match, the suit is alive enough to help another compatible pilot, as long as they can channel energy within the suit systems.

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Tenno are not energy they are liquid like cats, fit in every frames.

May be.... They are yoga practitioner.....

Explains both the Basset helm and the Orokitties.  We also love the taste of greedy milk, so I don't see how we could be anything else. 


nyan/10, would purr again. 

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Tenno are not energy they are liquid like cats, fit in every frames.

May be.... They are yoga practitioner.....


Explains both the Basset helm and the Orokitties.  We also love the taste of greedy milk, so I don't see how we could be anything else. 


nyan/10, would purr again. 

I'ts funny how coincidental that is.

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I await final word from Steve. So regard this as pure speculation at this point.


Yep, devstream 52 Steve confirmed that many ideas from the original Sci-Fi Dark Sector were reused for Warframe but that Dark Sector was not a Prequel and not Canon. 




So The mentions of Hayden Tenno, Nemesis, Glaive, etc may have historycal/background similarities to the DS versions or may not, it's all up in the air.


It's really nice that that has finally been put to bed.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Yep, devstream 52 Steve confirmed that many ideas from the original Sci-Fi Dark Sector were reused for Warframe but that Dark Sector was not a Prequel and not Canon. 




So The mentions of Hayden Tenno, Nemesis, Glaive, etc may have historycal/background similarities to the DS versions or may not, it's all up in the air.


It's really nice that that has finally been put to bed.

Since it isn't canon, that confirms my suspicions to those being pure easter eggs. Damn, I'm good.

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Since it isn't canon, that confirms my suspicions to those being pure easter eggs. Damn, I'm good.

Hmm. So we are now entirely free to Lorecraft theories about who Hayden Tenno was, when the Plague hit Earth, where the Glaive came from, who made the the technocyte!

I am officially excited now. We can FINALLY dump all claims that Hayden was not the first Tenno since, you know, Dark Sector is ONLY a source of inspiration and names.

And this means that the outbreak of tc on earth propably references the Plague following the Great War.

Hmm. Unless is was released by the orokin novement to rise to power, again reusing Dark sector storycontent.

This sort of schrinks the Timeline too and allow DE to do whatever with Hayden, free from claims the two games are directly linked.

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I am officially excited now. We can FINALLY dump all claims that Hayden was not the first Tenno since, you know, Dark Sector is ONLY a source of inspiration and names.


Same here. I haven't felt this way since the first time I curb stomped a downed enemy in Gears. A coup de grace.

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Hmm. So we are now entirely free to Lorecraft theories about who Hayden Tenno was, when the Plague hit Earth, where the Glaive came from, who made the the technocyte!

I am officially excited now. We can FINALLY dump all claims that Hayden was not the first Tenno since, you know, Dark Sector is ONLY a source of inspiration and names.

And this means that the outbreak of tc on earth propably references the Plague following the Great War.

Hmm. Unless is was released by the orokin novement to rise to power, again reusing Dark sector storycontent.

This sort of schrinks the Timeline too and allow DE to do whatever with Hayden, free from claims the two games are directly linked.


I'm kinda of the mind that they WANT to be able to say "oh yeah, take this into account" but legally they can't so it comes out as "mmmmhehahahammmmf". Basically the hope for them, I think, is the playerbase will say "okay, this is where it started" and they can just keep tell the story of how and what the modern Tenno are on their own.




Because, as I said; Hadyen Tenno =/= Modern Tenno


It's the same Warcraft Death Knight analogy I've been spouting since this discussion started.



But, regardless of canon or not, everything below the -- stands true.


EDIT: And it's not like this changes anything from the initial statement they made about Warframe being "So far in the future" that Hayden's status as "the first Tenno" doesn't exactly mean much. There's a very narrow precursor line there, it's not like "I'm Hayden! I had kids! They're these Tenno".

Edited by Morec0
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Lol! But that would be hilarious!

No. Seriously it would be nice if the future lore give hints and info that moves the stuff from DS into warframe.

Was this the SOLE purpose for having the Grineer releasing the infestation again? To move away from Dark Sector?

Because they never followed up on that did they?

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I always thought it was pretty evident and obvious that the Tenno are humans inside hyperadvanced hi-tech suits, the Warframes, that have become kinda part of them.

I also always thought that when you change Warframe, you're actually playing as another character (why do characters like Valkyr have an actual backstory otherwise?).

Edited by (PS4)Lun-Sei
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At least one thread, yes. I'm all over the 'it serves no purpose other than gameplay mechanics' train.


Well, we do have the Teshin statement from here: 


"Oro is the binding force for an enemy who, like the Tenno, can survive death."


So it's DEFINITELY a part of the lore, just doesn't speak to either one side or another. Though is DOES kinda reveal what the Void did to us, imo - took away a part of our mortality.


Now, how the Sentients got their hands on this ability is another question.

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I hadn't watched that video yet, after I did, this is what I said:



Also could be interpreted that only the Sentients have the 'Oro' and we survive death a different way. Teshin says "it's the binding force FOR AN ENEMY, whom like the Tenno, can survive death." Sounds to me like the Oro only exists in T/DM so we can learn how to effectively combat the Sentients.

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