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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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The comment that Corpus uses a tech to keep their robots in line is one of my favourites.

It shows us that even now control is such a big deal. And that might be a security meassure against Sentient hacks.

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Just wondering, why does everyone think that the Rhino Prime codex was talking about an infested suit?

No evidence I see shows that.

The alternatives are that it is:

A) Infested monster

B) Infested Tenno

C) Warframe being grown and developed

It uses Rhinos powers. Yet it has eyes and a mouth. It roars.

What do you think it is?

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The alternatives are that it is:

A) Infested monster

B) Infested Tenno

C) Warframe being grown and developed

It uses Rhinos powers. Yet it has eyes and a mouth. It roars.

What do you think it is?

I figured it was just an insane Tenno outside it's suit. I mean it was tortured for... an unknown amount of time.

I'll go reread the codex now.

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I figured it was just an insane Tenno outside it's suit. I mean it was tortured for... an unknown amount of time.

I'll go reread the codex now.


Yeah, I'm along the lines of it being one of the very first controllable Tenno prototypes (i.e. the Warframe was removed 'I have cut its shell...') cloned from Zariman survivors ('I have crafted then rejected countless like it'). But that's just my take, but it so open to interpretation it isn't funny, especially when added to the mono/multi-tenno argument.


Think the biggest problem is DE themselves. I doubt they've even finalized the lore in-house, they retcon lore, and they add almost conflicting lore. I even think Oro is a new 'thing' added to explain something that should of remained simply a game mechanic. People know you're going to kill bosses over and over in a computer game, no reason to try and force a lore-based explanation. Vor's Janus key was fine for Vor, but it's cheapened or pointless if ever boss can resurrect because of Oro.

Edited by KracsNZ
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Just wondering, why does everyone think that the Rhino Prime codex was talking about an infested suit?

No evidence I see shows that.


To me its the fact it demonstrates a clear set of Warframe abilities that are most certainly what we see in-game and can't really be explained away logically with another source - like the burns on Kaleen coming from radiation rather than fire.


Because of this, and because of what I believe to be understood about the Warframes based on interpretations of character statements (Vor: "... each Warframe is just a glass shaping your divine light") and my own observations ("non a Tenno... a hollow Warframe" Mesa using its abilities in Patient Zero) I and others have come to the conclusion that the abilities of a Warframe come FROM the Warframe rather than from the Tenno, and because of this the creature in Codex seems most logically to be a Warframe. Carry on the train of thought how the Warframes don't exist yet, how the Orokin had been creating creatures like Lephantis, and one comes to the conclusion that it was an Infested creature.


And, from that, the Warframes themselves have their origins from the Infestation/Technocyte.


Not to mention Excalibur Prime's Codex says "Excalibur was the first", and it's talking about the events leading up to the Old War and the Sentients so DON'T even TRY to bring Dark Sector into the interpretation, and the Rhino Prime Codex very plainly is talking about a time before the "the ones from the Zariman" (the Tenno as we know them) seem to have been kept up under lock and key without any connection to anything (hence Davis statement about what just happened to them will lead to "big, fat promotions") and it's clear this couldn't have been a proper Warframe. Hence the previous Infested creature conclusion.

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I even think Oro is a new 'thing' added to explain something that should of remained simply a game mechanic. People know you're going to kill bosses over and over in a computer game, no reason to try and force a lore-based explanation. Vor's Janus key was fine for Vor, but it's cheapened or pointless if ever boss can resurrect because of Oro.


I continue to NOT see Oro as something that ALL of the bosses have - after all, the likes Ruk has yet to return, and we have Alad showing up in two places in two VERY different forms. To me, fighting them over and over again - with the exception of them managing to escape or possibly Alad's "not quite dead" syndrome (though I say that's still more a one-time excuse for the story to move him towards Mutalist) - IS still just game mechanic. Vor-to-Corrupted Vor (though not Corrupted Vor-to-Vor or Vor-to-Vor-to-Vor-ect.) is the exception.


Speaking of Vor, Oro itself isn't without precedent, though - check out Corrupted Vor's belly sometimes and his talk about he's "become energy" and how he "cannot die". So it's not like they just pulled it out of their !, they built on an element that was already there, which is something I always admire because it reminds me of actually piecing information together and fleshing out a world, rather than just following a singular story path.


To me, Teshin is ONLY talking about the Sentients when he refers to "an enemy that can survive death", and of course the Tenno as well. I know SilentMobius will disagree with me on this, but if Teshin comes along and tell us "These enemies can survive death because of Oro, but the Oro can be snuffed out to prevent their return", then why the hell wouldn't we start doing that to all the bosses? Unless Oro is now the Warframe equivalent of a lich's phylactery, which makes no sense to me.

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Okay, so it was my thought that Tenno was a title, not a species. Like how Grineer are just cloned humans who pledge loyalty to the Queens. For the many reasons listed above, I believe that Tenno are human. They breathe, bleed, become fatigued, etc. It's also worth noting that a an energy being or robotic/AI Tenno would not be restricted to, and indeed may be at a disadvantage with a humanoid form. Our form makes us good at using tools, but the Zanuka is a good example of how a quadrepedal form with a weapon mount is superior killing machine.

The argument that Tenno can switch into male/female/small/large frames is probably just a gameplay mechanic. Likely the lore would have each liset with a single Tenno, his weapons, and one frame. That woukd be pretty limiting for the player though.

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The argument that Tenno can switch into male/female/small/large frames is probably just a gameplay mechanic. Likely the lore would have each liset with a single Tenno, his weapons, and one frame. That woukd be pretty limiting for the player though.


Just to touch on this, but lore confirmed this isn't the case. You seem like a new player, judging by your post count, so I'll spare heavy spoilers just say that reference is made in one of the quests by an in-game character to the Tenno being able to switch frames.


Tenno as a title is interesting, though, and while I doubt we're just regular humans I do think we certainly are human. It does seem to have more to do with class differences than anything else, but overall the Tenno certainly are the most unique of the current human "races" in the Warframe universe.

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To me its the fact it demonstrates a clear set of Warframe abilities that are most certainly what we see in-game and can't really be explained away logically with another source - like the burns on Kaleen coming from radiation rather than fire.

Because of this, and because of what I believe to be understood about the Warframes based on interpretations of character statements (Vor: "... each Warframe is just a glass shaping your divine light") and my own observations ("non a Tenno... a hollow Warframe" Mesa using its abilities in Patient Zero) I and others have come to the conclusion that the abilities of a Warframe come FROM the Warframe rather than from the Tenno, and because of this the creature in Codex seems most logically to be a Warframe. Carry on the train of thought how the Warframes don't exist yet, how the Orokin had been creating creatures like Lephantis, and one comes to the conclusion that it was an Infested creature.

And, from that, the Warframes themselves have their origins from the Infestation/Technocyte.

Not to mention Excalibur Prime's Codex says "Excalibur was the first", and it's talking about the events leading up to the Old War and the Sentients so DON'T even TRY to bring Dark Sector into the interpretation, and the Rhino Prime Codex very plainly is talking about a time before the "the ones from the Zariman" (the Tenno as we know them) seem to have been kept up under lock and key without any connection to anything (hence Davis statement about what just happened to them will lead to "big, fat promotions") and it's clear this couldn't have been a proper Warframe. Hence the previous Infested creature conclusion.

That makes no sense. Durp
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That makes no sense. Durp


I will be the first to admit that it IS just A LOT of fan theorizing, most certainly is NOT abject fact, and I've most certainly been wrong before, but I do see this as the most solid theory I've ever had in regards to this game.


It also explains Lephantis' "We are your flesh" line without having to start headscratching as to why the Tenno see unaffected by the hivemind.

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Not to mention Excalibur Prime's Codex says "Excalibur was the first", and it's talking about the events leading up to the Old War and the Sentients so DON'T even TRY to bring Dark Sector into the interpretation, and the Rhino Prime Codex very plainly is talking about a time before the "the ones from the Zariman" (the Tenno as we know them) seem to have been kept up under lock and key without any connection to anything (hence Davis statement about what just happened to them will lead to "big, fat promotions") and it's clear this couldn't have been a proper Warframe. Hence the previous Infested creature conclusion.

It says "the ones from Zariman" are in a morgue... Which means they're dead.


I made thread about that a while ago, but that one died. Fast.

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It says "the ones from Zariman" are in a morgue... Which means they're dead.


I made thread about that a while ago, but that one died. Fast.


The narrator questions if he's in a morgue. He's not entirely sure, he's never been there before, and all he has to go on in his understandably-frazzeled state is that it's 1) cold 2) has shelves. He even has to try and ask Davis, but sadly his A****** co-worker doesn't give him a straight answer.

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The narrator questions if he's in a morgue. He's not entirely sure, he's never been there before, and all he has to go on in his understandably-frazzeled state is that it's 1) cold 2) has shelves. He even has to try and ask Davis, but sadly his A****** co-worker doesn't give him a straight answer.

What else could it have been? A meat locker?

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What else could it have been? A meat locker?


HA! I can't believe it never hit me earlier! It doesn't MATTER if it was a morgue! The Tenno:


"Can survive death"!


Morgue or not, it's extremely possible the ones from the Zariman in there were still alive! 

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Either way, it was where the proto-tenno were stored after the apparently 'against procedure' experiment of the Zariman. Those kids are the first Tenno or whatever will later become the Tenno. The infested creature using Rhino powers seems to an infested subject being tested upon like many others, The two researchers realize that the children of Zariman can be used to control the out of control monsters and, I think, from there we have the start of the warframe/Tenno branch of infested and Void weapon research in applied bioweapons.

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I will be the first to admit that it IS just A LOT of fan theorizing, most certainly is NOT abject fact, and I've most certainly been wrong before, but I do see this as the most solid theory I've ever had in regards to this game.

It also explains Lephantis' "We are your flesh" line without having to start headscratching as to why the Tenno see unaffected by the hivemind.

No I was mostly just kidding.

After all, all we can do is make educated guesses that DE will shoot down in a few updates after that.

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We're all arguing about what a Tenno is, but the more I read, the less I see anything biologically special about Tenno. If a Warframe can operate without a Tenno (controlled by the infested or Sentient), and use it's powers (as evidenced by the controlled Mesa and Chroma), what role -beyond wearing it, does a Tenno play in Warframe function?  Do Tenno actually have any special powers that are drawn out and given form by the frame, or is the frame capable of doing this on it's own? If their powers do indeed fuel frame abilities, why must they rely on external energy sources (orbs)? If (as the Rhino Codex suggests) their powers are specific, how can a Tenno operate multiple frames?


The Stalker comes to mind; wielding a frame capable of replicating and negating many abilities, despite being a mere "low guardian".  If not a Tenno, how does he operate his Warframe? 


So, I'm leaning toward the idea that everything important is in the Warframe itself, rather than the Tenno. 


Vor might have his own opinions on the matter, but he's a crazy corrupted zealot now and half the man he used to be.

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I feel the answer to what makes the Tenno unique is that we emanate Void energy that can apparently be used as something of a power source by the infested tissue warframes. I assume (with all that comes from that) that infested mutation abilities require metabolic energy from the host. The Tenno void emanations power the suit, its shield, life support, and mutation abilities. I think that examples like the Infested Mirage still had enough void radiation or contained an infested Tenno while I think that the Chroma suit still contained an operator of some sort since Simaris was so keen on getting a synthesis scan of it. I think the Tenno inside may have been under control of something and I think that ties back into the Ascaris earlier.

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HA! I can't believe it never hit me earlier! It doesn't MATTER if it was a morgue! The Tenno:


"Can survive death"!


Morgue or not, it's extremely possible the ones from the Zariman in there were still alive! 

Huh, true. I was thinking Proto-Tenno could have died during experiments. But if my theory on our immortality being Void magic (for lack of a better term) is right, then the Proto-Tenno would be alive. Also could be they're put into cryostasis when not needed, and if I am correct on this, you are technically dead while in cryostasis. Or it's a metaphor, like the experiments have turned them into semi-mindless husks of human beings.




We're all arguing about what a Tenno is, but the more I read, the less I see anything biologically special about Tenno. If a Warframe can operate without a Tenno (controlled by the infested or Sentient), and use it's powers (as evidenced by the controlled Mesa and Chroma), what role -beyond wearing it, does a Tenno play in Warframe function?  Do Tenno actually have any special powers that are drawn out and given form by the frame, or is the frame capable of doing this on it's own? If their powers do indeed fuel frame abilities, why must they rely on external energy sources (orbs)? If (as the Rhino Codex suggests) their powers are specific, how can a Tenno operate multiple frames?




So, I'm leaning toward the idea that everything important is in the Warframe itself, rather than the Tenno. 


Think of it more like this: If you're the Orokin Empire, and countless attempts at defeating the Sentients failed, the Infestation couldn't stop them, but the Frames, which headcanon-willing are made from Infested flesh have powers, powers that can stop them. Would rather A.) Have warriors who can harness that power, along with blades and guns fight for you, or B.) Let the primal-flesh suits fight for you, and fail just like the Infestation.


That's why the Tenno are important, we have the fighting skills. "Sure it matters who's got the biggest stick. But it matters a hell of a lot more who's swinging it."

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Huh, true. I was thinking Proto-Tenno could have died during experiments. But if my theory on our immortality being Void magic (for lack of a better term) is right, then the Proto-Tenno would be alive. Also could be they're put into cryostasis when not needed, and if I am correct on this, you are technically dead while in cryostasis. Or it's a metaphor, like the experiments have turned them into semi-mindless husks of human beings.




Think of it more like this: If you're the Orokin Empire, and countless attempts at defeating the Sentients failed, the Infestation couldn't stop them, but the Frames, which headcanon-willing are made from Infested flesh have powers, powers that can stop them. Would rather A.) Have warriors who can harness that power, along with blades and guns fight for you, or B.) Let the primal-flesh suits fight for you, and fail just like the Infestation.


That's why the Tenno are important, we have the fighting skills. "Sure it matters who's got the biggest stick. But it matters a hell of a lot more who's swinging it."


But that seems to imply that Tenno are less void-powered super mutant and more Batman.


For sure sending a coordinated, intelligent strike team in is better than a mass of infested, but the question I had is how the Tenno were biologically superior to any other humanoid. What makes them special?


The first Tenno, those on the ship sent into the void, were kids who possessed powers derived from their exposure. However, part of me feels like there were far too few to fill the numbers the existing Tenno represent. I believe that those initial kids were like the Spartan II's of the Warframe verse. The most powerful. the Primes. They became archetypes for future Tenno whose frames were modeled after and emulated the Prime's and their powers. However, these modern Tenno have no Void corruption of their own and all of their power comes from the suit itself. Perhaps these production model frames are keyed to a particular genetic code or whatnot and that is all that makes a Tenno unique.

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But that seems to imply that Tenno are less void-powered super mutant and more Batman.


For sure sending a coordinated, intelligent strike team in is better than a mass of infested, but the question I had is how the Tenno were biologically superior to any other humanoid. What makes them special?


The first Tenno, those on the ship sent into the void, were kids who possessed powers derived from their exposure. However, part of me feels like there were far too few to fill the numbers the existing Tenno represent. I believe that those initial kids were like the Spartan II's of the Warframe verse. The most powerful. the Primes. They became archetypes for future Tenno whose frames were modeled after and emulated the Prime's and their powers. However, these modern Tenno have no Void corruption of their own and all of their power comes from the suit itself. Perhaps these production model frames are keyed to a particular genetic code or whatnot and that is all that makes a Tenno unique.

It is still unknown the exact nature of the Primes, weather they are Prototypes, or reserved for the best Tenno.


It's also possible that un-framed Tenno can harness raw Void energy, not using specific powers, but some kind of general use (think how most Sith can use force lightning and choke, if you don't understand that ideology: un-framed Tenno could have basically the same powers all around). If you think "that's not possible, Kaleen was burned, that had to be fire!" the Void is radioactive, well it probably is, argon crystals are found only there, and IIRC, argon crystals are radioactive. Now onto the science I definitely know: radiation is heat. If a Tenno blasted her with raw Void energy, yeah, I could see that melting half her face.

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To be honest, I'm having difficulty considering all the lore involved. Despite there being such little lore to consider, it's spread out through quotes, codex entries, and offhand comments during devstreams. I don't feel like every bit of lore is accurate either. Just because a dev said it, doesn't mean it's legit, and NPC's like Vor can be wrong or just full of S#&$.

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