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You Know, Events And Stuff....


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It looks like the Event False Profit  and Eyes of Blind weren't very popular. The most causes for this I read were both times waiting in two different forms. You know wich Event was pretty popular? The Gradivus Dilemma (If you don'T look at bugs). The players who wanted stuff done a few Missions (100 can be considered as a bit much but the event was pretty long) and got stuff. But Players who wanted to change something done more Missions and done their part. That's also a good way, letting the community change something (people love changing things).

So how abotu a Gradivus 2.0 (Gradivus not included) ? Some things could be reworked. It looks like there are more Grineer lovers than people with a heart for Corpus, so we'd know who wins. But how about Tyl Regor against Vay Hek (You know Tyl maybe wants into Earths sea and Vay Hek is the Earth boss) or Frohd Bek (The friendly Corpus next door) against Nef Anyo. Some Mechanics could be improved and maybe even used for Syndicate Invasion-like fights.

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Gradivus Dilemma was one of the worst events,according to most of the community. [CITATION NEEDED]

Fixed that for you. Gravidus was one of the last genuinely fun events. You're the only person I've ever met who didn't like it. Everyone who actually participated thought it was awesome.


Don't project your opinions onto everyone else.

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Let's not have Gradivus Dilemma again. That event made the community positively grating for a looong time.


And that was back then the community was small, and generally considered very friendly by everyone! Imagine the effect that event would have had NOW.

Edited by Mcl_BlueMadness
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Fixed that for you. Gravidus was one of the last genuinely fun events. You're the only person I've ever met who didn't like it. Everyone who actually participated thought it was awesome.


Don't project your opinions onto everyone else.

There was a poll in community hot topics just after Cryotic Front on which event was the most popular, and Cryotic Front was #1.


He's fine




New invasion system sounds nice.

Edited by OptimumBow0
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Fixed that for you. Gravidus was one of the last genuinely fun events. You're the only person I've ever met who didn't like it. Everyone who actually participated thought it was awesome.


Don't project your opinions onto everyone else.

Not sure if you were present in the Forums when Gradivus was going on....There was lots of threads complaining about the grind in that event. Same thing happened with the Cicero Crysis.


"Everyone who actually participated thought it was awesome."

Are you sure "EVERYONE" who participated thought it was awesome? Because I too participated and thought it was mindless grind and boring.


So,right back at you...."Don't project your opinions onto everyone else."


Edit- So,yeah,you are the only one who needs a citation for what I said. =P

Edited by NN13
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They're not popular because of 20  threads on the forums? I found both enjoyable, I just didn't come to the forums and write "DE I love this event yum yum.". Most people when satisfied with something don't go out of their way to say so.


I'm not saying this event was perfect, there are some problems and the lvl 100 Bursa is OP as hell. People have pointed out suggestions on how to make them a bit more manageable. Keep in mind that once they are introduced into the game as enemies, we don't have to spend 10 minutes standing next to them. We can spend 5 seconds gunning them down. Even a lv. 100 Bursa drops like feather in vacuum when we're hosing it down. The event like every other event is a way for DE to get feedback on new enemies. Remember Tar mutalist moa when it was first intorduced...



edit: About people complaining that events are boring grinds. Well yes that is the point. DE needs us to test the new content they just released. They need us the players to do it over and over so they can get instant feedback. They incentivize us to do it though with goodies. I'm okay with their approach, and anyone who has played this game knows that is how every event is. It will be grindy because they want a thorough test. You will be rewarded for the pain you suffer with often times a free weapon slot, and  catalyzed weapon (plus the mastery that goes with it). You don't have to do the event, it's optional. But if you choose the event, it's not just for you to have fun. It's for you to test the new material. This game is IN BETA, a lot of people will claim otherwise. But they are just blind to the scope of the game, and how much material is still in the works. They haven't even released a full blown starchart mission set yet. Do you think DE wants to cut down # of star chart nodes from 300 to say 20 just so we can all play together? Yes that is definitely a factor, and so is the fact that making 300 quest missions is an insane amount of work. They can kill many birds with one stone by reducing # of nodes, including making a campaign that is manageable in size for the devs.

Edited by TaylorsContraction
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Eyes of Blight was actually a good event, if only people had previously spent atleast 4 hours in archwing missions, which is enough to get all the mods to easily do the event, maybe the reception would be better.

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Fixed that for you. Gravidus was one of the last genuinely fun events. You're the only person I've ever met who didn't like it. Everyone who actually participated thought it was awesome.


Don't project your opinions onto everyone else.

You obviously haven't met very many people if this is your first who didn't like Gradivus.

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Eyes of Blight was actually a good event, if only people had previously spent atleast 4 hours in archwing missions, which is enough to get all the mods to easily do the event, maybe the reception would be better.

That's your experience of it.


For some it's 100 hours of Hell to get half the mods for their AW and AW weapons. Not even exaggerating here. RNG does that. You can get the "rarest" mod on your first try, and after 50 hours still not have the "basic/essential" mods unfortunately.


The experience varies wildly depending on the player you ask, that's a fact too many forget or ignore.

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