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Shotgun Spaz - Problematic Name?


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I don't think it's that bad an issue, spaz may be a would. Use in the uk to insult someone but it is short for spasms


No it isn't, it is a short form of "spastic", which is what people with cerebral palsy used to be called in the UK.


A little light music, that used to be banned from broadcast on the BBC:



(..somewhat amusingly, it was used in the recent rather sucessful Paralympics to great effect <3)


Edit: When there are flamethrowers and chainsaws, can we also look forward to "Flamethrower Flid" and "Chainsaw Crip" mods, too?

Edited by Kattefjaes
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My, aren't you just a charmer? The Grand Master crew must be proud of you :)


Despite going about it in an albeit crude manner, he has a point. OP posted a personal opinion and suddenly a group of people say, "hey, I don't like that either!!!!". Yet i doubt it will have crossed most peoples minds before reading the OP.

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Shotgun Slag perhaps?



What does slag have to do with fire speed?

Could be the name for the bonus damage.


Shotgun Frenzy would be a more proper name if you ask me.

Although I have no problem with the current name and people should take things with a little bit of humour as well. Not just look at things with too serious eyes.

Edited by Waagabondh
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Despite going about it in an albeit crude manner, he has a point. OP posted a personal opinion and suddenly a group of people say, "hey, I don't like that either!!!!". Yet i doubt it will have crossed most peoples minds before reading the OP.

I noticed it straight away.  I just didn't post anything about it :)  Also, I think most people seem to post without reading the whole thread.  No-one seems to be addressing the issue.  As I said before, It's nothing to do with words that mean different things in different cultures.  It's about using a word that has an origin in insulting disabled people.  It doesn't matter what culture you come from, that's just the fact.  Unless, as I said before, I'm wrong in that assumption. Kattefjaes explained it above.  I know a lot of people in the US use it as I hear it all the time on youtube.  I still don't think it's very nice.


Oh and for all those people saying there's more important things to worry about then yes you're correct.  It doesn't stop us discussing other things though does it?

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We should name ever mod "Warframe mod 02" and "pistol mod 12" etc etc

then make every frame the same, take out gender features and not have any words in the game otherwise.

We might offend people if we don't.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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This isn't really my personal opinion so much as its 'this could really cause a problem in the UK or other territories where people will find the term deeply offensive.'


For context, Hasbro changed the name of one of its figures after it was pointed out to them just how offensive the term was.


http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Over-Run_(PCC) - the figure in question, with the details of the controversy and name change in the Notes area


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zssYtuxAhHI -  a UK comedian talks about the controversy

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I noticed it straight away.  I just didn't post anything about it :)  Also, I think most people seem to post without reading the whole thread.  No-one seems to be addressing the issue.  As I said before, It's nothing to do with words that mean different things in different cultures.  It's about using a word that has an origin in insulting disabled people.  It doesn't matter what culture you come from, that's just the fact.  Unless, as I said before, I'm wrong in that assumption. Kattefjaes explained it above.  I know a lot of people in the US use it as I hear it all the time on youtube.  I still don't think it's very nice.


Oh and for all those people saying there's more important things to worry about then yes you're correct.  It doesn't stop us discussing other things though does it?


Agreed most people are just posting willy nilly. I have actually read the whole thread, and the pages that got removed ;)

It may have insulting connotations yes, but as previous people have commented, it is all down to context for example as someone previously mentioned : The word "%&amp;^" in America is slang for a &*$$sexual, whereas in UK it is usually used for a cigarette. Small sidenote, it is spelt in game as "Spazz" which is not how the slang for "spastic" is spelt, but no matter.

Perhaps a poll should be introduced and if a significant proportion of the community feel it should be changed, then let it be so, rather than just one thread?


Edit: I actually find it ridiculous that you cannot say homosexual in forums.... It's a word, not an insult, as is heterosexual.....

Edited by TunaMayo
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This isn't really my personal opinion so much as its 'this could really cause a problem in the UK or other territories where people will find the term deeply offensive.'


For context, Hasbro changed the name of one of its figures after it was pointed out to them just how offensive the term was.


http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Over-Run_(PCC) - the figure in question, with the details of the controversy and name change in the Notes area


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zssYtuxAhHI -  a UK comedian talks about the controversy


Sorry for the double post, but I'd just like to point out that this is a slightly different case to the one that is being argued here. That figurine would have been straight up called "spastic", with the toy being the object of the term "spastic" which could be insulting as it was a personified object with the actual offensive word that has no other meaning.

In this case, the mod is called "shotgun spazz", which means that the shotgun is the object of the phrase which cannot be personified. The Uk/Australian slang is also used, which in America (I am assuming from previous comments) does not mean what it does in the UK and means more along the lines of twitchy. 

Simply put I highly doubt that DE are using this term in the offensive manner in which certain people are interpreting it, towards a shotgun.

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It's fine, the abusive, sweary fratbros above are probably less of a potential problem to DE than disability rights groups, easily reachable over social media. It would be suprisingly easy to Bring The Drama, though I'm sure DE are too smart, classy and discrete to risk it.


Oh, and WindBlade, nice find, I couldn't remember enough of the specifics to google for that. I recall that potential PR disaster, though, much hilarity at the time at the potential for disaster :)

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I don't think offense was intended, as it certainly wasn't in the case of the transformer. Nonetheless, this could be problematic going forward. There are numerous cases where words or phrases used out of original context have caused problems in localisation (such as the deodorant that failed in Germany because the company didn't realise part of its name means 'excrement' in German).

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Give me a break.


In my country of humuhumunucunucuapua, the word Tenno is intensely offensive and represents death by fornicating with a thousand dogs.. Please remove it for I am a man of sensibilities.

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Cracker is very specific to certain areas and has once actually been used somewhat widely as a racist term. Spaz is also somewhat regional and not exactly common online. It's a fair comparison.

Yeah, I know it has been used as racist slang before, but the point is that the phrase "Target Cracker" isn't even formed to convey that meaning. The way it is phrased essentially means something that cracks targets. I just can't see how you get a racial slur out of it unless you completely drop the context and the first word.

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Yeah, I know it has been used as racist slang before, but the point is that the phrase "Target Cracker" isn't even formed to convey that meaning. The way it is phrased essentially means something that cracks targets. I just can't see how you get a racial slur out of it unless you completely drop the context and the first word.

THATS THE POINT, Shotgun Spazz Target Cracker NEITHER are offensive.

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This has likely been hammered to death by this point.


Words are used to describe something, the definition of spaz in its use for this game is appropriate and none inflammatory.  Simply because either the word can be used to diminish someone, or some use it as a slang term, does not mean that is the way the word is being used.


We have definitions to things and rules for language to create structure so that we know the intent of words.


The OP disregards these definitions and rules to misinterpret the use of this word into something offensive when it is not.

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I'm also from the UK, and though I did find the choice of word interesting, I don't find it offensive. However my reading of the OP was not that he/ she was complaining about the term, but just giving a "heads-up" to DE that it is considered a "taboo" word in most parts of the UK.


I'd be less concerned about the word itself than any potential fallout should an official complaint be made here in the UK. I don't know how the law works, but I'd hate to see some form of official restrictions placed on Warframe in the UK. Again, I don't know if this is likely or even possible, but "political correctness" is being taken to absurd lengths over here. ( Thanks to the PC brigade I now have the utterly ridiculous job title "Door Supervisor"...seriously WTF?)

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