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[Suggestion] Enemies Interact With The Elevator!


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Don't you ever wonder why enemies (mainly Corpus) never use the elevator? Ever wonder why they don't stop the elevators when they see you (Tenno) use it while the place is on alert? Well, this is a thread that is meant for this thread. This applies mainly for the Corpus





So when things or idle and no one suspects you're around, the elevator is never in use. Why? Don't the enemies need to get around the large building which they patrol? For that matter, I've had many situations where the Elevator room was never even being patrolled. It's one of the main part of (mainly Corpus) missions that gets you from point A to point B. 


Now, let's say you triggered the alarms. Enemies know you're on sensors now. Ususally, and this can't just be me, but when I take an elevator up or down a level, the enemies are either not alerted (what) or waiting for me (usually behind cover) for the elevator to open. 


What should happen is when an area goes on alert, the enemies that are on the different levels will take the elevator to the alerted sector to cut off the Tenno from reaching the elevator, or to ambush them. The result os this could lead to a higher difficulty in fending off the enemies, having to choose to fight your way to the elevator, retreat and wait for an opening, or just run around them, only to have them take the elevator behind you and ambush you again.




So, let's say you alerted the enemies, and you decide to take the elevator. For 2-5 seconds, you are free from damage, free to reload your weapons and prepare for what waits on the other side of the elevator door. As I stated above, sometimes the enemies are completely unalerted spite the alert on the floor above or below them. How do we fix this? "You're on the sensors now!" The enemies should be ready for the second they see you on that elevator. 


Another idea, is this. Enemies can not only put the sectors on alerts, but they can also lock the doors. What's stopping them from stopping the elevator? You have a panel on the elevator that looks like any other panel you hack to turn off alarms or open doors. When the elevator stops, you will have to hack the panel to get the elevator moving again.


But why stop there? In the corpus case (as they have the elevators for this) after stopping the elevator, a squad of Moas or Prodmen will drop on to the elevator, giving you a choice to quickly hack the panel first, or fend them off.  After succeeding in fighting off the squad and hacking the panel, there's still the matter of the squad of enemies waiting for you outside the elevator. The elevator is nice, but it shouldn't be your resting point between destinations when you got the place on alert.


That is all I have for now. Hope you liked this post and will support it.



Edit: The BOLD was messed up in a lot of places, and the Full Editor wouldn't let me fix it, so it's all bold. Hope this doesn't discourage readers.

Edited by Huntchez
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The corpus much prefer to use the escalators. There isnt any elevator music so it doesnt concern them

However i must agree that it would be coole to see enemies come up elevators to attempt to ambush us (Assuming alarms are going off)

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Elevator action... dont think we need that kind of action :P


They already lock up the rooms that lead in and out of the elevators, so more annoying lock ups seem unnecessary, not to mention boring.


Although I do understand the point of it, to try to increase the immersion, and to give the enemy a sense of owning intelligence, but still, it just ends up being another iteration of "action" connected to elevators.

Edited by 7grims
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I'm always sort of hoping there will be an Ambush with the elevator door opens and there never is.

Im right there with ya. If video games have taught me anything, its to fear elevators...

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