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Which Warframe Do You Think Is The Least Useful?


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Zephyr is my main frame and I believe the people I play with regularly would say I am far from useless. I used Zephyr in the Phoenix Intercept escalation and believe I played my part.


I know people dislike tornado and understand why but it is useful to clear enemies away when needed.


In Phoenix escalation if someone went down I put on turbulence and when I got there I either divebombed the area to knockdown the enemies or fired off a tornado and then healed.


I used divebomb or tornado to stop enemies taking any of the objectives.


If you use the right mix of turbulence and then the crowd control of tornado or knockdown of divebomb I think its far from useless.


Sure there are battles I would use other frames for but I would have htought Phoenix was one but eventually I settled on Zephyr and we got it done.

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The thing that I think many people did not understood here is usefulness is not equal to decent survivability and viability.


To me, usefulness of a warframe is something that puts the warframe high priority pick for whatever purpose.


A lot of objectives in the game are efficiency in farming, or even farming potential in general, or huge crowd control that lets you secure objectives. The reason why Ember is one of the most "useless" warframes despite being one of my most played warframes is that she does not fit for any of the priority for a purpose. She's just ... there. I'll probably pick her in lower level defense or survivals, but it surely wouldn't be my go-to pick for high level missions.


She can do some knockdowns with the new augment, stun enemies with accelerant, but they are far too inferior to mirage's and excalibur's blinds, Nyx's chaos and Loki's disarm. What Ember needs is an overhaul of her skills. Relying on only accelerant before using any other abilities make it very predictable and boring, and not to mention, not strong & fast enough.


I hope people distinguish the words between usefulness and viability.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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Saryn is my main frame, and I've tested almost 20 builds on her, and I can say that is one of the most useful Warframes on the game, works great on any mission type (Ext, Surv, Def, Int, Cap, etc). But that always depend on your playstyle like people always said.




But we're exposing our personal opinions, so I'll say that Zephyr is one of the less useful frames, IN MY OPINION.

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The thing that I think many people did not understood here is usefulness is not equal to decent survivability and viability.


To me, usefulness of a warframe is something that puts the warframe high priority pick for whatever purpose.


A lot of objectives in the game are efficiency in farming, or even farming potential in general, or huge crowd control that lets you secure objectives. The reason why Ember is one of the most "useless" warframes despite being one of my most played warframes is that she does not fit for any of the priority for a purpose. She's just ... there. I'll probably pick her in lower level defense or survivals, but it surely wouldn't be my go-to pick for high level missions.


She can do some knockdowns with the new augment, stun enemies with accelerant, but they are far too inferior to mirage's and excalibur's blinds, Nyx's chaos and Loki's disarm. What Ember needs is an overhaul of her skills. Relying on only accelerant before using any other abilities make it very predictable and boring, and not to mention, not strong & fast enough.


I hope people distinguish the words between usefulness and viability.


Usefulness is in the eye of the beholder.


I would go for Ember in any level infested defence.


Against other factions maybe not but for infested my first choice.


Not every frame will be useful across the board.

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Usefulness is in the eye of the beholder.


I would go for Ember in any level infested defence.


Against other factions maybe not but for infested my first choice.


Not every frame will be useful across the board.


Usefulness is an objective word. It's not something that changes from people to people.


For a certain and exact purpose, if it serves its purpose, the warframe is useful.


I think your purpose and objectives in game are different then. She may kill things and get the job done in a way, but it's not at all about the objective. Ember is not useful in contributing the mission objectives. I think there is no way you can argue that, if you understand what I mean.


Again, usefulness is not equal to viability.

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Nyx. Her fourth ability is decent, but takes too much time. Her other abilities are very meh and I don't see the mind-control ever really noticeably making a difference when I used her or when I'm teamed up with people using her...


But she's useful in securing objectives and defending. Not like her abilities take 3 seconds to cast or something.


And in higher levels, when you mind control an eximus, they will help a lot. Their damage aren't negligible.


Honestly, I really don't see how you could think Nyx being useless. Chaos and absorb are always useful.


There are others that are far more useless.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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And in higher levels, when you mind control an eximus, they will help a lot.


Mind control never worked for me. It rarely had any impact when I used it. I tried targeting "bigger" enemies, like the eximus, and if it hit them it either didn't last long or they would just stand there and not attack or even do anything. Perhaps that's changed since I last played her?

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Mind control never worked for me. It rarely had any impact when I used it. I tried targeting "bigger" enemies, like the eximus, and if it hit them it either didn't last long or they would just stand there and not attack or even do anything. Perhaps that's changed since I last played her?

They worked fine for me. They work just like other mobs AIs.


And even if this ability is useless to you, how can chaos and absorb be useless? With psychic bolts augment, even psychic bolts are alright. I'm arguing that she isn't useless, and not only talking about her 1st ability.

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As much as I enjoy playing her.... yeah, Ember is pretty much on my S#&$ list too. Firequake makes her tolerable, but her CC and survival are still ultimately lacking. Accelerant is great, but requires her to be within range to make the most use out of it and her crappy stats and survivability aren't going to allow that anytime soon.


For some of the other frames raised:

Ash: Sure, he lacks good CC, but he basically has a low energy instant armor removal with Shuriken Augment and a slightly crappier Invis to improve survival. Besides, he is every ninja fan's wet dream.


Limbo: I'll agree. 9/10 times, I run into a Limbo that gets in my way. It is also not all that fun to play as. But those 1/10 times when I run on a specialized Limbo in a team, its the guy doing all the real work. Its the guy keeping us alive in its little bubble while we spam our powers. Its the guy running around reviving our sorry asses. Limbo might suck individually and in the hands of most casuals, but in the hands of a professional in a well-formed team, its a godsend.


Rhino: Well, sure hes not a specialist. Rhino is a jack-of-all trades, which means he doesn't excel in any one thing... but also mean he doesn't suck at any one thing. Rhino is a bullet-sponge with decent CC and buff powers all rolled into one. He may not be special and he may not play any special roles on teams. But that also means he can generally fill in any non-team role and still perform decently.

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I'm arguing that she isn't useless, and not only talking about her 1st ability.


I can see where she could be useful. Really, I do. It's from my personal experience both in playing her (which was admittedly a while back) and from when I've seen people using her, and her Prime version recently, that has me believing she's useful in very specific instances. Not as versatile as other Warframes out there.






Edited by SilentWalrus91
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I have to say the Worst Warframe is the Operator himself. In other Words YOU! 

If you say Ash is trAsh Clearly You need to take a swim in la BASURA!

My Ash is great.

Yours on the other hand i admit is TRASH! xD

(Generally Speaking)

Edited by ShadowsofKoga
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Banshee and Nyx beeing useless? You sir, should start investing some time in those awesome Frames!

For me Ember and Zephyr got the price for the less usefull Frames. Zephyr can be great fun on wide, open maps, and i could never enjoy playing Ember, despite i realy tried to. And never saw any of those two do something realy impressive or special.

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Usefulness is an objective word. It's not something that changes from people to people.


For a certain and exact purpose, if it serves its purpose, the warframe is useful.


I think your purpose and objectives in game are different then. She may kill things and get the job done in a way, but it's not at all about the objective. Ember is not useful in contributing the mission objectives. I think there is no way you can argue that, if you understand what I mean.


Again, usefulness is not equal to viability.


Against infested in high level missions I am the most useful to my team ie help get the mission objectives achieved with Ember.


I have gone into infested missions with Ember and my squad mates literally said "Your Ember was very useful".


Personally I think usefulness is more based on the users knowledge of the frame and how to use it properly. Sometimes for some frames that is combined with squad composition.


If its an infested survival mission for example I do my killing with whatever my preferred weapon is - usually melee but guns will be used in certain circumstances.


If I am activiating life support I will put down a Fire Blast and then activate. If someone else is activating and getting hammered I put down fire blast around them. It pushes enemies away and does damage to them or kills them.


If healing I use fire blast.


No fire blast is not all I use but it is very useful in Survival in those situations.


It is incredibly useful in defence. After the recent updat it needs to be combined with Djinn otherwise the enemies just stay away and on some maps that means you have to go looking for them. Even if that is the case the fire blast protects the objective while you go running.


If a squad mate has rejuv or loses their shields or needs to drop any refills they can do so inside fire blast.


It has many uses and that alone makes Ember useful.


Sorry but I will say again I believe every frame is useful if the user/squad knows how to use it.

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I generally use WoF and optionally hit Fireblast when reviving or hitting Lifepods depending on how thick the fighting is. In alot of those infested survival or defense I can get 30-40 more kills then the next guy up.

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