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So, Who Bought Mesa?

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Manipulated? Please...

It's all a matter of perspective. You know as well as I do how evil F2P games can be. DE has flirted with the line a few times, but has yet to cross over into dangerous territory. Mesa was one such example where they exponentially upped the aquisition difficulty without making the game objectively better.

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I bought her, and bought her for a clan mate (who surprised me by buying me Chroma and the Kohmak when U16 hit).


The second I realized what the grind for her would be like, I gave up and bought her. I was not doing that.

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I got the set in about 5/6 runs I think.


Had a friend who saved his key to scam since squad asks for key check so he uses to show he has one but then never uses it and he got his in about 3 runs, then he used his one key to help my other friend and scam more people to get it which was about another 5 runs.


I mean, the things people do just to avoid the grind seriously wows me.


This reminds me of someone I used to bump into online. That player's name: HonestScammer. 

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Well, got into my 2nd keyshare today. Got my Chassis after the 2nd try, which mean it took 8 tries to get all parts.


Funny thing is, we were 3 guys with 3 keys. We recruited 1 last guy but he bailed after the 2nd key was used. So yeah, make keyshares with people you trust because this community seems filled with scammers, swindlers and liars.

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I farmed her and I was probably very fortunate with doing so. I did nothing but keyshares and I got 2 helmets and 2 chassis within the first keyshare. Then later I got another key, went to do a keyshare and we got systems on the 2nd run, then everyone left so I never had to use my key.


Im still farming keys now and then just in case in the future we need to do Alad V again (or clan mates need to do him)

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Took me three keys. Was a pain but I didn't really know much about her beforehand so I wasnt dyeing to get her. Even when I had her built I didn't do much with her until a week or two ago. A couple formas later she's my go-to for a bunch of missions. Worth the grind imo

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Just dropping by this thread to point out that Mesa costs... $16.25

Why, with that kind of money you could have bought... A digital temperature fork! Or a Golf Umbrella! Or a Zippo brand lighter! My goodness, you could have even purchase... *gasp* FOUR WHOLE BIG MACS!? That's almost like eating food! 

It really shows what paragons of justice the people in this thread are that they are so frugal with their 16.25 that they would refuse to buy Mesa! I'm glad there's someone out there that is willing to stand up to the absurd pricing system beset upon us by our cruel overlords. What champions you all are. 



Well, it's a good thing that everyone lives in Murica, and not in some poor-! country like Hungary, with the average wage is around 250$, where 16 would be actually quite a @(*()$ lot of money.


But thankfully that's not the world we are living in, everyone is loaded and ready to rock their Enzo Ferrari.

More power to rich people!

Edited by Cynaris
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