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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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0)  We're not assuming anything.  DE told us exactly what they want and we don't want it.


1)  We complained to DE that we're sick and tired of having only ~20 good nodes to play chosen by them and ~422 non-rewarding nodes.  We complained to DE about keyed missions and Grind and RNGessus.


In response to our complaints DE's idea is:

New Starchart
• Hoping to appear in U17
• 300 nodes are being condensed to 20 nodes
• There may be time-based instances, such as Vor appearing temporarily, dropping different things each time
• Similar to Alerts, but hopefully not something that punishes players for sleeping
• There will be some removal of player choice - you will no longer be able to select whichever mission type you want, whenever you want; hopefully this will be better for the game overall
• Re-viewing player made quests again and designing the starchart so that these will be able to fit into it; hopefully this will be the answer to players that resent the removal of choice

(Notes thanks to AM-Bunny: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/454266-devstream-52-overview/)


In other words, 20 nodes chosen by DE, random missions, and keyed missions, exactly what we already have and told them we don't want.


Even timed Vor is nothing new.  It's called a Tactical Alert, or an Event, or a multi-day Alert.


DE is trying to sell us the problem as the solution.

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The number is based on the number of missions that can be played in each tile set that we can play along with those that could be played in the future underwater tile set. Each mission in a different tile set is considered separate. An example of this is that there are 10 different tile sets that the exterminate mission type can take place within (Derelict and Void excluded).

The count also doesn't include possible crossfire nodes, invasions, syndicate missions, alerts (tactical or otherwise) and events.

Please reread this topic. This has been explaned before.

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Why do all my favorite games seem to think that over time a steep learning curve is bad, or that difficulty is bad, or that player choice is bad? look at what happened to every other $%*^)(* game that has ever thought this. every game I know that started hard, with huge learning curve, and lots of player choices always loses all there player base or a large amount of player base because the game has no friction to the game play after they remove those elements. Guess what failing a mission multiple times is good, trial and error is good, making bad decisions is good!!!! do you see people complain about the difficulty or the learning curb when they play there first Dark souls game? No absolutely not, they get frustrated as hell but when they finally get past a problem or learn a new trick its just completely awesome and rewarding! where as every game you ever play where its a series of quick action cinematic you feel completely devoid of all accomplishments. So some new player says oh "boo'hew I don't understand" to bad you made a mistake I made plenty of mistakes, hell the only reason I play this game is cause of the learning curb, and the amazing amount of freedom of choice especially when I first started. oh god man I screwed up so bad when I first started I didn't use my plat to get inventory slots or potato's for that matter. i spent a good $350 USD on control modules, orokin cells, Forma, regular frost, duel Kamas, and paris. when I finally realized I had totally screwed my self I just completely burst into laughter, and said well at least I know now. Now I only am missing Founder exclusives, 7 weapons, Misa Prime Syandana, and primed chamber. I had to put a lot of sweat and tears to get all that stuff. that is why I like the game, not cause some RNG spoon feeds me what I need to do. all your player base up to now has and is dealing with the Massive Star chart if you want to play a mission then get a group together don't sit there complaining that no one is cuing it. if you simply cant beat a level go to region chat and ask if anyone can just help you out. unless the community has changed monumentally since i started I can promise you some one in region will instantly (give or take 30 secs) message you and say hello what do you need help with.


Now that my nonsensical Rant is over here is my quick bullet points on this star chart change.


Reasons why they are doing the new star chart

1.remove clutter of current system

2.reduce ghost missions

3.reduce the overwhelming feeling of a new player

4.diversify missions being played




my response to 1-agreed, they should reduce clutter, this can be done by removing around 14-28 nodes not 280.


my response to 2-maybe if you made missions give more then just simple credits people would play the none endless mission types. I don't play on 90% of the star chart cause that 90% gives me worthless credits and nothing else, it has nothing to do with there being to many nodes.


my response to 3-this is a laughable excuse. if you have a Large game people will feel overwhelmed when they first start that's not necessarily negative at all. I would compare this to some one who says he hates Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind cause there's to many quests, dungeons.ect and they feel overwhelmed. clearly this isn't the right game for that person to begin with, so why does that persons opinion matter. everyone is overwhelmed by how much you can do in those games that's largely a part of why people like them(that and modding).


my response to 4-if you want people to play more mission types then simply reward them for playing things equally and fairly, if people play a defense/survival/intercept only to 10 waves/10mins/2 rounds they shouldn't get better wave rewards than a person who completes a full spy mission, or some one who does an exterminate. unfortunately  I don't get F all for completing EXT/SAB/DEC/HIVE/CROSS/CAP/RES so don't blame people for a lack of rewards on a mission. maybe give people rewards for killing special enemy's in a certain time from mission start on ext equal to that of the spy mission rewards or the rewards received for early wave endless mission types, give people special rewards when they destroy the sabotage target without setting off alarms, give a reward when you finish killing each Hive.ect if people could just as easily get neural sensor from Jupiter EXT people wouldn't spam Alad V

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Honestly, If done carefully this can be a wonderful thing, not bad.


Some of Warframes current problems from both DE and PLAYER perspective are:

1).Very particular nodes being played at quantities that makes the others appear barren.(DE)

2). Very low Resource Reward Ration For players, very specific missions for rewards ands efficiency(Players)

3).Overspam of certain warframe teams and powerspams to accomplish resource gathering, creating problem 1 but caused by problem 2 (DE)

4). No real Efficient way to accomplish anything in a day without the use of probelm 3 (Players)


In my opinion, one way to solve this would be to have some core maps with set gametypes. this give players a choice to play a specific mission for fun, and they can have their own set reward tables. They shouldnt exist for just spamming materials or mods, they should exist because you find them FUN and want to PLAY them.


There should be some maps that are RESOURCE instensive. This will appease farmers, and if created right, will present a rewarding challenge to players, and an alternative to sitting in one place and farming loot spamming powers, which is becomeing a huge problem. Seriously do this right and you wont have people spamming a common set of warframes to power spam anymore.They will be able to EARN a very similar fat amount of resources. you could have a daily limit to this to prevent it from having a negative effect on progress time and such. Fine tuning.


There should be some special boss's/ gametypes that are time based. A good example will be to have  a boss appear twice or 3 times a day randomly. but at least 1 in the AM, 1 in the pm.


Other Special Randomly appearing maps would be wonderful, especially if they contained rare or special loot. These should also appear to players at least once in the AM and once in the PM.



(I had more i want to add that i though through, but its late and i feel that ive been sloppy enough already, ill see if any interest has was taken  in this concept, and an very open to additions and tweaks from other players and DE)


(Lets Build something together instead of closing our selves off to the old or a jumping blindly toward a specific new shall we? =] )

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Honestly, If done carefully this can be a wonderful thing, not bad.


Some of Warframes current problems from both DE and PLAYER perspective are:

1).Very particular nodes being played at quantities that makes the others appear barren.(DE)

2). Very low Resource Reward Ration For players, very specific missions for rewards ands efficiency(Players)

3).Overspam of certain warframe teams and powerspams to accomplish resource gathering, creating problem 1 but caused by problem 2 (DE)

4). No real Efficient way to accomplish anything in a day without the use of probelm 3 (Players)


In my opinion, one way to solve this would be to have some core maps with set gametypes. this give players a choice to play a specific mission for fun, and they can have their own set reward tables. They shouldnt exist for just spamming materials or mods, they should exist because you find them FUN and want to PLAY them.


There should be some maps that are RESOURCE instensive. This will appease farmers, and if created right, will present a rewarding challenge to players, and an alternative to sitting in one place and farming loot spamming powers, which is becomeing a huge problem. Seriously do this right and you wont have people spamming a common set of warframes to power spam anymore.They will be able to EARN a very similar fat amount of resources. you could have a daily limit to this to prevent it from having a negative effect on progress time and such. Fine tuning.


There should be some special boss's/ gametypes that are time based. A good example will be to have  a boss appear twice or 3 times a day randomly. but at least 1 in the AM, 1 in the pm.


Other Special Randomly appearing maps would be wonderful, especially if they contained rare or special loot. These should also appear to players at least once in the AM and once in the PM.



(I had more i want to add that i though through, but its late and i feel that ive been sloppy enough already, ill see if any interest has was taken  in this concept, and an very open to additions and tweaks from other players and DE)


(Lets Build something together instead of closing our selves off to the old or a jumping blindly toward a specific new shall we? =] )

Lol really your supporting the idea of bosses appearing randomly? Have you thought about the newer players wanting to farm a specific frame only to realize oh dear I missed it 3 times in a day cause of work or I had to go out and then us vets telling them you know it wasn't like this before back then we had access to these bosses and we could TAXI or HELP players anytime complete them and not be AT THE MERCY OF RNG. Of course it won't be bad for us vets we have all the frames already and all the weps and everything this game has to offer think about the newbies starting it and how much FRUSTRATION they are gonna go through with all the RNG. If you were asked to restart your account back to zero have nothing and start farming everything again would you want to farm and rely on RNG based timed missions to farm for what you want to farm given that we all have LIVES outside warframe? Think about that.


EDIT: Even if they do appear once in AM or PM what if the player isn't able to go online during the TIMED instance they appear what then waste of the day for the player farming what they want? Did you like farming VAUBAN for months that's what you want for all frames now timed boss alerts that appear TWICE a day imagine all the FRUSTRATION and RAGE people will say like "WTF I missed saryn boss in sedna again why is my life like this!?!"

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Besides the reason why these nodes look barren is not only because they have crap rewards it's also because some players like to play solo or with friends only or with clan runs there are several reasons why nodes are not played but here's the bottom line they have such bad rewards that's why or players don't really have incentive for helping out players that want help in clearing nodes that's THE MAIN PROBLEM. Not the number of NODES if all the 100+ nodes had at least some kind of good reward or PLAYERS were incentivized for helping squads clear out or do these random nodes THEN THERE WOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. As for the star chart being clustered someone suggested that they could have a tab and be hidden and only show the nodes you WANT to see WHY NOT THAT?


I even suggested " Why can't DE just please both sides of the player base some players want immersive story based RNG mission types good for them while others just want to FARM EFFICIENTLY cause this is a FARMING GAME. DE should just create a CAMPAIGN MODE where these so called immersive lore based missions that are RNG DAILY MISSION ROTATION BASIS so that these players that want more immersive random missions could be happy. But also leave a classic UNIVERSE mode for those who want a vast universe to explore and go to WHENEVER WE WANT TO PLAY OR FARM WHATEVER IT IS WE WANT FOR THAT DAY. By doing so you could make both the immersive mission type players and the efficient farmers happy and no one would say my mission selection system is better or it sucks.


Cause the way I see it is the community is divided into two people that want the so called immersive lore based RNG missions and the Efficient farmers why LIMIT PEOPLES CHOICES WHEN YOU CAN CONSIDER PLEASING BOTH AND ADD EVEN MORE CHOICE.

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You know, there's something in human brain called pattern recognition, and it works. Over the course of the past year DE has been making one bad decision after another, completely refusing to change their overall course, and only making band-aid fixes if any. Archwing, kubrows, Excal nerf-buff-stealthnerf, nullifiers, manics, vivergate, dracogate, overshields that killed tankmag, buggy raids with lackluster rewards, baro uselesteer, horrible augment mods made in spite of design council's vote, huge requirements for grind that reduced the game to dracofarm and sewercamp, and on top of it complete blindness except for when they choose to change Chroma's hat.

I have no doubt that this camel's back will be broken, because straws are being thrown onto it faster than anyone can count. It was fun while it lasted, but a game can't thrive on skill of its art team alone, and right now art is the only thing that's good in this game, with game design and programming being nothing short of laughable.

PS: DE, please fix Hind's burst-fire rate. Not that I even play these days anymore, but I still want to up the counter on how many times I mentioned this simple bug that could have been avoided with playtesting, or fixed in a matter of seconds, but instead remains unfixed for many months.

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Besides the reason why these nodes look barren is not only because they have crap rewards it's also because some players like to play solo or with friends only or with clan runs there are several reasons why nodes are not played but here's the bottom line they have such bad rewards that's why or players don't really have incentive for helping out players that want help in clearing nodes that's THE MAIN PROBLEM. Not the number of NODES if all the 100+ nodes had at least some kind of good reward or PLAYERS were incentivized for helping squads clear out or do these random nodes THEN THERE WOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. As for the star chart being clustered someone suggested that they could have a tab and be hidden and only show the nodes you WANT to see WHY NOT THAT?


I even suggested " Why can't DE just please both sides of the player base some players want immersive story based RNG mission types good for them while others just want to FARM EFFICIENTLY cause this is a FARMING GAME. DE should just create a CAMPAIGN MODE where these so called immersive lore based missions that are RNG DAILY MISSION ROTATION BASIS so that these players that want more immersive random missions could be happy. But also leave a classic UNIVERSE mode for those who want a vast universe to explore and go to WHENEVER WE WANT TO PLAY OR FARM WHATEVER IT IS WE WANT FOR THAT DAY. By doing so you could make both the immersive mission type players and the efficient farmers happy and no one would say my mission selection system is better or it sucks.


Cause the way I see it is the community is divided into two people that want the so called immersive lore based RNG missions and the Efficient farmers why LIMIT PEOPLES CHOICES WHEN YOU CAN CONSIDER PLEASING BOTH AND ADD EVEN MORE CHOICE.

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From what I understand (or at least hope I understand) one of the points of reducing the number of nodes to a few with rolling nodes could be amazing and look awesome if done right is to further help facilitate 4P gameplay.

I think the issue I might have with this new system would be how long these rolling missions will be available. I believe I would be totally against it if its roll over is the daily reset. A much shorter time span (like 2-3 hours) for each mission window would be amazing. If its presented as this mission dossier and additional archwing integration, it could evolve the game.

I am very interested in the direction this is going since it is trying to further facilitate 4P gameplay, and I can't wait for the Lotus' next orders.

Edited by spacerocks
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Sooner or later the urge to quit warframe is greater,mainly because this game is destroying itself in a number of ways and going to S#&$.




or they could just fix it by pleasing the community that's split right now by..


As I earlier said in my thread that got merged in the Mega thread..


"Why can't DE just please both sides of the community cause the way I see it is that the community is divided players that just want immersive game play tied to lore and players that want efficient farming. The solution can be to create a CAMPAIGN MODE for them to implement this so called immersive RNG daily mission rotation system while still having the classic star chart 2.0 in a separate UNIVERSE mode where its a free exploration mode where we still have access to over 100+ nodes they can trim down all the duplicate nodes that they want to remove but let players that like the choice to visit different nodes in planets continue doing so. LET THEM FARM WHAT THEY WANT WHENEVER THEY WANT.


That way you can make both sides of the community happy and no one can say my mission selection systems is better or sucks. Cause the way I see it is currently the players are divided into two kinds on this issue the players that want immersive lore based players and the efficient farming type of player why not just make both of the happy? DE you made a great game with LOTS OF CHOICES why LIMIT THOSE WHEN YOU CAN OFFER MORE?




Besides the reason why these nodes look barren is not only because they have crap rewards it's also because some players like to play solo or with friends only or with clan runs there are several reasons why nodes are not played but here's the bottom line they have such bad rewards that's why or players don't really have incentive for helping out players that want help in clearing nodes that's THE MAIN PROBLEM. Not the number of NODES if all the 100+ nodes had at least some kind of good reward or PLAYERS were incentivized for helping squads clear out or do these random nodes THEN THERE WOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. As for the star chart being clustered someone suggested that they could have a tab and be hidden and only show the nodes you WANT to see WHY NOT THAT?


I even suggested " Why can't DE just please both sides of the player base some players want immersive story based RNG mission types good for them while others just want to FARM EFFICIENTLY cause this is a FARMING GAME. DE should just create a CAMPAIGN MODE where these so called immersive lore based missions that are RNG DAILY MISSION ROTATION BASIS so that these players that want more immersive random missions could be happy. But also leave a classic UNIVERSE mode for those who want a vast universe to explore and go to WHENEVER WE WANT TO PLAY OR FARM WHATEVER IT IS WE WANT FOR THAT DAY. By doing so you could make both the immersive mission type players and the efficient farmers happy and no one would say my mission selection system is better or it sucks.


Cause the way I see it is the community is divided into two people that want the so called immersive lore based RNG missions and the Efficient farmers why LIMIT PEOPLES CHOICES WHEN YOU CAN CONSIDER PLEASING BOTH AND ADD EVEN MORE CHOICE.

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As someone who mostly plays with a full group of 4 (friends) anyways, I rarely see empty missions, which are not that bad to start with.


The reality of the situation is, you get the play the same tileset under a different node-name with the same gametype multiple times, and that's it. It's only an illusion of variety.

The only thing this allows is to fragment the playerbase completely.


Nodes are dead. Desolated. Nobody touches them. Zero. Nada. Players trying to advance can't do crap, because their frame is not good enough to solo, and there is nobody to team with, unless we are talking about 30minute wait times at BEST.


Shrinking the starchart is needed. No other way around it.

It is absolutely incredible how many people here have this combination of not knowing, and an extremely firm believe that what they think is right, others would call it trolling.


- New players have no problem leveling up, if they are halfway smart.

- There is no problem getting to Helene on Saturn, though you'd need to know that this mission is so highly frequentet.

(I for myself had help unlocking all planets, but really anyone can get to/through the initial Vor quest and through mars.)

- Solo is a bit hard in this game sometimes, but this is not a solo game, you should have a clan/alliance and use those chats, and there will be people to help you out if you need something, if not, go get another clan.

- Yes, there are just a few mission (helene, draco, seimeni, ...) that are highly frequented, plus at least one defense/survival per planet and the boss ofc, which is ok, if you want to do all nodes on a planet, go get some friends or a stealth frame, it's that simple.

- On another note regarding "progress", yes, this games trade "system" is a joke at best, as DE apparently likes trolling, but that's another story.


It is true that roughly 80% of all nodes are rarely played, but that is not a serious problem, there are much more important things to fix.

Like the ultra stupid way orokin reactors/catalysts work (making any weapon and most frames outright useless without them) and the fact how intentionally rare they are, is a much more crippling factor, well, some people are just that greedy, I wonder why no one complains on that...


Limiting access to bosses, frame drops, and efficient resource/key farming to once in a blue moon, would kill this game, full stop.

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Only the farmers will complain about this.

u do realize this game is all about farm right?? if ure not a "farmer", then ure just a guy who will play this game like once a month, not interested in anything, and yet the real players have to put up with guys like you (cz DE has no idea what to do and will do random S#&$)

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For real, no instigation on my part: I'm looking forward to the rage. I want to see this idea crash, mainly because it scares me, but if it is going to happen, I want the community to put on the pressure to make it happen right.

Prepare for all the dev bashing to the maximum :)

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or they could just fix it by pleasing the community that's split right now by..


As I earlier said in my thread that got merged in the Mega thread..



Oh great did they just merge our thread it? Yeah, how nice is that, writing tons of interesting stuff and then all of a sudden, boom, thread gone. THX

Edited by InglriousB
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Oh great did they merge it? Yeah, how nice is that, writing tons of interesting stuff and then all of a sudden, boom, thread gone. THX

Yes sadly they merged it that thread had great points and now its buried here lol. DE Rebecca was nice to inform me that it was merged though, cause I really thought it got deleted. But that doesn't mean we will give up this fight we will carry on regardless.

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Yes sadly they merged it that thread had great points and now its buried here lol. DE Rebecca was nice to inform me that it was merged thought cause I really thought it got deleted. But that doesn't mean we will give up this fight we will carry on regardless.

Well, then Im gonna unbury my opinion :)


I do agree with the HARDCORE_DAVE and for that I will express my opinion with spacing an paragraphing you guys like so much.


The problem with the game right now is that DE has not had a specific plan for the future which results in the game now going through some drastic changes which can be seen as highly controversial. This is first of all to be seen in the way the game is "expanding and second of all this can be seen in the way storyline is added at the moment while it is contradicting the older storylines. The result of this is seen in the players losing direction in the game as newer players find themselves with tons of stuff to do and veterans are getting bored with RNG.


To start off we see that the "expansion" of the game has not been completely thought through when the game was created and there have also not been any real guidelines which have been followed. This can be seen as at first the game was set to expand and expand. With new planets and missions being added and the Void as an extra addition the game grew and expanded. It was in the early solarmap the way things moved along was also very easy to see, however I will return to that topic later on. 


Then after a while a new plan was created where the game did not really added more maps, but improved them with operations and events like the Prosecutors to obtain beacons. Like this the solar map became more popular as it has lost people to the Void. However, as seen with the prosecutors of today, these events and operations were only good for a short amount of time and the aftereffect was even less activity on the higher levels solar maps. This due to all the veterans completing Hydroid after a while, giving them no further reason to play, and all the newer players only doing selected operations or events. Alongside with the Void RNG systems, which got more annoying as DE released content, but did not increase the Void, taking up so much time for veteran player which made most of them play as efficient as possible this resulted in some missions being completely abandoned. 


Now we see that DE is heading to yet another direction, making everything smaller. As we have seen with the removal of Frost, Latron and Reaper prime, DE has shown us that they do not want to expand the void, or make a better use of the Derelict, but remove some prime parts to make up space for a new item. This is all nice and well, but again it is not a sustainable solution as either fewer and fewer prime content has to be release, or more and more prime content will be completely unavailable to new players, or players will literally starve behind their computer as they face an even more screwed up RNG. 


The second indicator of DE not having a real direction in mind is the storyline. As we have seen ealier on the Warframes were meant to be characters on their own, but after squad with 4 excaliburs were formed, this idea was abandoned and the real idea of what a warframe really was was left in the dark (or in the Void , hehehe). This can also be seen in the original warframes released after the first wave of them as the were all released without a certain story on them and the codex just indicating their abilities. There was no story needed as the frames were just added as assasination rewards and people were left to speculate for themselves.


However with the change of plans and the halt of expanding the Solar map, there were no new assasinations to added new frames to, while the community demanded new frames to be released. This resulted in Quests where warframes were acquired by completing the quest. However, as a quest was not as simple as just slaying a boss and needed a story to be based on, DE had to create stories around warframes and to do so they had to define the warframes. This first resulted in some random quests, like limbo and mirage which created a big division in the lore of Warframe with certain parts contradicting both the suit and the energy theorie. 


So now, DE found themselves in quite a mess with more and more random storylines coming up and they created an idea for themselves. This can be seen in the introduction of Spy2.0 where they first set up a quest which would have a continuation in the next quest. Also with the introduction of Warframe China and new lines said by Ordis DE had most likely decided to choose the Warframe suit theorie and create content according to that. However, now they are left with loose ends and contradictions which some energy-lore supportes will most likely explain to you.


Both of these factors result in the players losing direction in the game and having no real idea what to do. As straightforward as the old Solarmap was, pointing out which way to go after unlocking a mission, so confusing the situation is right now. No longer have new players any clue of where to progress and with the Region and Recruiting chat only discussion Void, they tend to think that the Void the goal of the game. This results in them leaving the original solarmap as soon as they can and leaving many content locked, resulting in abandoned missions. To improve this, I'd recommend a system like the old solarmap, though I like the neatness of this one, but this will at least give new players an idea of where they have to go, instead of them having little clue on how to unlock planets and having people who done many assasinations getting stuck with tons of navigation segments


Furthermore with the current RNG which is overloaded as there is no extra void released, veteran players have to spend all their time on the Void. When starting with the void this is not a real big deal, but when you have to play two weekends straight T3 Surv 40/60 mins to obtain the final Volt Chassis part and you only end up with orokin cells or forma blueprints, you ain't gonna spend any time doing the original solarmap missions. This causes less veterans to be on the solarmap, making it even less attractive to play.


To conclude, the problem of the current situation lies inDE not really having a plan to start with and them taking all sorts of moves which ended up in this situation. As can clearly be seen with the expanding-not growing-declining politics they use on the solarmap as well as the storyline which ahs to deal with many loose ends and contradicting parts. As to the empty solarmap levels, which is mainly caused by new players having lost direction by the current solar map and the veteran players being caught up in the RNG of the Void, the solutions thought up to solve this (operations, beacons, hives, etc) have only resulted in a temporarily increase of the activity on the solarmap and have now resulted in an even worse lack of players on certain missions. 


To solve this issue I'd recommend that the solarmap will be changed, with a mixture of the current layout and the straightforwardness of the old one. Also I'd like to recommend that the storyline is being revisioned and every bit of the story told in the game is considered and made towards a point with no unintended loose ends and little to no contradiction. As to making the solarmap more popular, I'd recommend against removing missions, but instead giving meaning to missions. As we have seen that missions with meaning, like operations now attract most of the attention on a planet, I'd say, create the following missions on a planet in the idea of a couple which go though the main path on a planet (as seen with the old map, these would be the missions straight on the path towards the next planet), for these missions create a campain which guides the players through the story of warframe ( this will consist of all different kinds of missions). Then you've got your main path, you still have some nodes left. For those use some as to either alerts or operations and the others with some good rewards, as those are really missing. As to those rewards think of a good void key farm, or a place where weapon parts can be farmed which can be used for the next planet, or a good XP farm for the average level on the planet, like we see draco being so popular, or even a credit farm. 


This will give meaning to the missions on the solar map, making them interesting again and increasing the activity on there without getting rid of  a stupidly huge amount of missions and limiting the players' options. Also combining the story within this will solve the lore problem now and will make warframe more than a grind, grind, RNG, rage, grind, grind game, and really make the player feel the sensation of the game.


This is what I think of the current situation and I hope you liked reading it, I would most certainly like it if someone from DE read this and did something with it, but with the chance of that being about the same as me winning a Lamborghini today I don't expect them to do so, instead, let's just discuss you points of view on this. Cheers

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wellsaid and very nice sharing, InglriousB and all the others here, THANK YOU ! =)




ok, i read a lot here and wanna share my planned activity in warframe based on how it is now and without the idea of getting 20 nodes only

i play since a year and i loved the old star-chart and to make my way through, midst into before i finished the new starchart-design appeared with the promise that players will not loose anything as well as it is only new design


i liked it and made my way through and finished all nodes


then i created a dojo and started inviting mostly new players (mostly f2p-players) beacuse of their need for grinding and getting stuff from the dojo


at this point i thought building a good team is a positive side-effect, it didnt work


one f2p-player reached by his intelligence nearly without using plat level 18 and he know more about warframe then tons of people i met


i play mostly intuitive, and im a prime-pack-buyer, before i reached MR 19 i bought also plat inbetween and levelled everything inbetween a year


then comes the moment where i have seen that new players have to balance their greed, means levelling, playing and farming with higher ranks and taking care for their skills and overview about warframe

doesnt function really too but then we come to more people which play the game, depends also on personality and view about warframe, lifeexpirience in general, age, needs and what they want from internetgaming and a game in general (no, im not going into marketing-science, just sharing what i expirienced)

i think also i have given a lill insight how warframe functions and how people use it


after getting frustrated for offering my dojo and a clan i come to the point i need to create a clan where people become friends, i have to find players which are at least on level 12 and over 20 years old, and i have to have a healthy mix of f2p-players and platinum-players that the whole thing can grow into "harmony for saving the universe" as the lore suggest and offer it


now, with the new plan of dumping the warframe-universe down to 20 nodes this plan has become useless because i have to wait and research and re-expirience and replay warframe new before i start to realise my plan from written above here


this is really not what i want, DE

im pleased that you start immediately going into creating a concept of warframe, DE


long typing, short meaning, dont cut off nodes, expand the game and change missiontypes but not the entire warframe-universe, and start giving a new race every 6 month into warframe with missions and stuff


im not shure how hard it will be to realise this but if you wanna be successful on the gaming-market with warframe for 5 years more, just simply do it


or even instead of new races new things like archwing, underwater-tileset, reworking warframe to quality etc.


finally you are allready on the best way to it, AS WELL AS dont chop warframe with making it smaller now, because i wanna create my clan and wanna use the possibillity of being in a great nice alliance with other clans


hey, i wanna play warframe with the feeling of there is enough space for having joy playing it =)

thx for understanding ...

thank you ,-)

Edited by varais
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So they wanted more rally the troops action yeah?


Why not just time bonus the star chart?


Earth starts pulsing yellow in Navigation... BAM! double resources for the next 2 hours.

Jupiter starts pulsing green... BAM! double cash y'all.

Uranus starts pulsing brow.... b-blue... yeah blue... BAM! double XP.

See where i'm going with this?

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