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Best Sniper Pistol Or Pistol To Complement Sniper Rifles



While this may seem like a somewhat controversial opinionated question, answering is simple. Reply with your favorite pistol to use when using long range rifles or snipers and if possible a build to go with it. I have played Warframe for a while so while advice is appreciated, I am no noob.


My current options(Forma is no object, so feel free to post that crazy 8 forma Kraken build):


-Rakta Ballistica

-Vaykor Marelok

-Lex Prime

-Vasto Prime







Other pistols are allowed too! This is just the preferred list.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by SwiftPotato12
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16 answers to this question

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I'd say Lex Prime is a bit more of a "legitimate" Sniper pistol than the Vaykor Marelok, given that it has near perfect accuracy at almost any range. On the other hand, the Marelok hits like a truck even on body shots, so it does have the advantage when you aren't sniping from too far off. Although Rakta Ballistica has innate silence, so I'd say all three of them have their strengths and weaknesses.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Vaykor can be almost as powerful as one Mesa's regulator with high hip-fire accuracy and a moderate fire rate so I would go for the Vaykor Marelok.

Considering Mesa only hits body shots (unless their "head" is center-mass), if you hit headshots with the Vaykor Marelok, it actually does a good deal more damage. It probably has worse DPS as Peacemaker is full-auto auto-aim, but it should kill single targets with high health faster.

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I agree with consensus.


Lex Prime is your best answer technically, but Vaykor is still better for the slot even on a sniper build. It's not as accurate as people give it credit for, but it's so powerful and consistent that it really doesn't matter. It will still snipe better than anything else AFAIK and it's much better than Lex Prime if you have to get close up, due to reload speed, mag size and of course the procs and heals.


The only reason I'd use Lex Prime would be for stealth where I did not want to cause procs and TBH I'd probably still be tempted to try regular Marelok first.

Edited by VKhaun
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Err... You might want to clarify in the thread title that you're after a pistol to COMPLEMENT a Sniper Rifle or DMR, rather than pretend to BE one. Most people don't really read more than the title, as is evidenced by the answers you've gotten so far.


To complement a sniper/marksman type weapon, you really want something with a decent fire rate so you can easily kill things that are in your face and to break through Nullifier bubbles.


I would advise something like the Brakk, Pyrana, Mara Detron, AkJagara, AkMagnus, Telos AkBolto, Vasto Prime, Secura Dual Cestra...

Edited by OniGanon
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Err... You might want to clarify in the thread title that you're after a pistol to COMPLEMENT a Sniper Rifle or DMR, rather than pretend to BE one. Most people don't really read more than the title, as is evidenced by the answers you've gotten so far.


To complement a sniper/marksman type weapon, you really want something with a decent fire rate so you can easily kill things that are in your face and to break through Nullifier bubbles.


I would advise something like the Brakk, Pyrana, Mara Detron, AkJagara, AkMagnus, Telos AkBolto, Vasto Prime...

The reason I left the title like that is I am fine with both. Usually when sniping running out of ammo is terrible, so a pistol that has a similar range is preferred rather than Brakk or something of the like to shred close range guys. Firerate is important though for the case of nulifiers or other pests so that is why I mainly picked single pistols focused on damage per shot.

Edited by SwiftPotato12
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Vasto prime, looks badass, feels powerful, well-round and awesome stats. plus it's a revolver....so my kind of pistol 

and just wondering...why is the pyrana in your list? I mean I love it but it's no sniper, more like a shotgun 

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Vasto prime, looks badass, feels powerful, well-round and awesome stats. plus it's a revolver....so my kind of pistol 

and just wondering...why is the pyrana in your list? I mean I love it but it's no sniper, more like a shotgun 

I gave a few examples. If you have reason behind using a gun with a certain build, I'd love to hear why. I can't pick so I threw together a few examples for people to choose from if they didn't have their own answer.

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Lex Prime is really the only 'Sniper like' pistol. Everything else either has a much lower damage per shot, lower crit chance (important for 4x crit headshot multiplier) or far too much inaccuracy and spread between the multishots (like the Marelok). 


Sometimes it's nice to complement a Sniper style weapon with a short range pistol, tho, for if enemies get in close. I would suggest the Akmagnus as a good compromise between the two - not really a sniper but fairly effective at longish range, and still good up close.

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