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100 Plat For A Rare Resource Blueprint


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Keep the plat cost, its not that high if you consider how many orokin cells you can make in a small time as opposed to farming. I need about eleventy billion of these for various blueprints sitting in my foundry that I am unable to process. Since its permanent the plat cost is warranted. The grind wall for the uncommon and common resources (to me) are a bit high. Lower that instead. Yes someone said nekros, but it would take a leveled Nekros with good mods and have none of those. If I wanted a nekros id have to spend (upwards of 100 plat) to buy him outright or have someone help me farm him. Either way you farm in one way or another. Since the plat cost is 100, lower the grind wall and I will buy it. (as soon as I get some real life moneys that is :P).


P.S. - if what I say is silly, then show me a way to easily farm Orokin cells and ill retract what I said above.

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Keep the plat cost, its not that high if you consider how many orokin cells you can make in a small time as opposed to farming. I need about eleventy billion of these for various blueprints sitting in my foundry that I am unable to process. Since its permanent the plat cost is warranted. The grind wall for the uncommon and common resources (to me) are a bit high. Lower that instead. Yes someone said nekros, but it would take a leveled Nekros with good mods and have none of those. If I wanted a nekros id have to spend (upwards of 100 plat) to buy him outright or have someone help me farm him. Either way you farm in one way or another. Since the plat cost is 100, lower the grind wall and I will buy it. (as soon as I get some real life moneys that is :P).


P.S. - if what I say is silly, then show me a way to easily farm Orokin cells and ill retract what I said above.





Especially with the current double booster event on right now. Spend this weekend farming and you probably never ever will have to farm ever again. Just play the game however you want.

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People have problems getting any of those three things? I should charge for farming lessons...


Seriously, anyone paying plat for this stuff - that's just foolish. You can get at least 20 of each of these within an hour of farming for each of them, no problem.


Please do tell me how you do this, then? Without boosters?

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Methinks that the evil influences of Electronic Arts and Zynga are beginning to plague the studio of Digital Extremes... Now I know that development costs for games these days is just getting WAY too high that even a tiny mistake can bankrupt a studio, however I personally think that DEs inhability to properly plan a market where paying for content is an integral and enjoyable part of the game is the issue, because purposefully inflating the prices of things in the market so that only the most desperate of wallet warriors would be gullible enough to pay for anything in it (minus a few exceptions), making them available through sheer grind and labeling every purchase an optional one is certainly NOT a good way nor is it a preventative of your game being labeled P2W. 


If you think about it, Warframe has always had subtle things like timewalls that can only be bypassed by paying or massive grind walls that continue to be implemented more and more as the game ages, DE has been trying to implement money sinks since the beginning of the game's lifespan, but since the beginning they just haven't been making the RIGHT money sinks that continue to encourage people to keep buying Platinum with the ONLY exception to this being Trading for Mods and Prime parts...


Right now DEs biggest Plat sinks when it comes to the Market are Slots and Taters, but sadly those things have a point where purchasing it is no longer needed (at least when Warframe, Sentinel Slots and Reactors are concerned...) and eventually people will reach it so the purchase gets slowed down to the point where it may as well have stopped. I also noticed that they just DO NOT make enough platinum exclusive cosmetic items that people would be more than willing to sink their plat into if they wish to individualize themselves among the other Tenno using the same frames...


What Digital Extremes needs to do to fix their market and ENTICE people to purchase things from the market is:


-Sell boosters similarly the way other F2P games do it = Kinda like a subscription, but not P2W, Pay to bypass grind THE RIGHT WAY, without infringing on the grind of newer OR veteran players. Sell Double affinity, Double Resource, and double credit boosters individually OR sell them all together in a special bundle. Not only is it a permanent money sink for people to invest into, because it helps mitigate grind which is one of the biggest things people despise in this game, it would sell by the truckloads if you implement it correctly...


-Make more Syandanas, armor and attatchments for sentinels and maybe something for kubrows to wear too = for the OCD collectionist or people who just want variety in how they wanna make their warframes and stuff overall look, you really need to make the cosmetic choice significantly higher, we're talking about a JC Penny of cosmetics for Warframe. If the issue is you're running a little low on Creativity for cosmetics, then I suggest you make a type of Workshop for warframe and let the community design stuff for your game and then sell it as a cosmetic, open polls, do stuff to get more cosmetics in the market, the more moneysinks like this you make, the better...


-******DO NOT******* Increase the grind to encourage people to buy things in the market = If you wish to Nuke your playerbase then this should be a step you should completely avoid at all costs, there is NOTHING worse than knowing the game has purposefully become more annoying for the sake of short term profit from desperate people. This is the mentality that all mobile and nearly ALL browser and free to play games are taking (hell, even Retail AAA titles) are taking, and it's beyond destroying consumer confidence. Each day I wonder just when the balance will be tipped just enough for the entire gaming industry to collapse under it's own greed, so please DE for the love of warframe, DON'T ruin the game by implementing this even further... Oh yeah, don't add a limiting factor like every other Korean and F2P MMO out there has putting a cap on daily grind, for the day you do that, you would have Sealed the fate of Warframe for good...


-Get rid of the Utterly BS "Discounts being login rewards only" and make them Seasonal = This is by far one of the worst things about your market in my opinion because RNG even determines when most people even decide to buy platinum at all... Some people seriously wanna support the game but cannot afford it as much as others can. Some people get the high discounts but never use it or by low amounts because they cannot afford anymore than that, others who can afford to buy plat all the time don't do it as often because they never get a discount ever... Why this has been kept this way for this long is beyond me. You should offer 20%-25%, 50% and 75% discounts seasonally similarly to how you handle events, not only does this keep people on their toes and always coming back to Warframe so as not to miss a sale, but it will Dramatically up the sales of platinum, keeping the higher percentage sales less frequent while having much more frequent lower percentage sales will prevent platinum from severely inflating if you ever decide to use this method... Steam has been doing this for Years and they are far from dead, so please just give it some thought...


These are just my two cents, but I think that if you at least consider them and plan them out, they might just work for for everyone, encouraging proper monetization of the game while keeping the dreaded power creep and horrendous Clash of Clans like model (HUAA*gags*, sorry...) away...

Edited by R3DBelmont456
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  • 2 weeks later...

The restricting resource I have on this is nanospores(2,000,000) so I can build 40 rare resources with the amount of resources that I currently have available........ The problem is that while farming up the resources to craft 40 rare resources I have accrued 802 Neurodes,790 Orokin Cells and 345 Neural Sensors.


The crafting requirements are severely disproportionate to what you could get while just farming for them normally.

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Please do tell me how you do this, then? Without boosters?

Same way you do it with boosters.


2x Pilfering, Nekros & Gmag.


I was getting 200 - 300 NS with the booster event + boosters on top within 30 minutes.


A couple of weeks before that, I just had boosters and I was getting 40 - 60 within 30 minutes.


Without boosters when I was farming, was still netting 20 - 30 an hour, obviously not as good but that was good enough for me back then.

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These Rare Resource Blueprints are a one time buy permanent BP. Meaning you don't need to purchase multiple times, and it's forever in your Foundry for crafting. 


Feedback is welcome! 

I like it.


Putting the BP's in the market makes it easier on the older/richer players to focus more on things that isn't farming for this one resource to make this one piece to make this one thing, while the price prevents the game from becoming too easy.


Doubtful that I'll ever buy one, sitting on a lot of each of those just from farming, but I think it's a good thing to have them at that high price.

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Please do tell me how you do this, then? Without boosters?



I farm out Survivals and Defenses with my newbs, we generally go to W20 or 30 min and get 3-8 of Neural Sensors, 2-5 Nuerodes and 4-9 Cells.  This is without using boosters, Nekros or Greedy Pull though, we spend the time to open all breakables and I take my Kubrow with a fully ranked Scavange on it for the locked lockers.


It's time consuming but fun for us.

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