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Update 7.11.0: Vauban!


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Yey, now Rhino useless against Toxic Ancients on infested defence missions. Where could he find his place now, when his charge much weaker than Excalibur have; 3th and 4th abilities bad in all aspects; and now nerfed the only one his decent ability.

Same with shotguns and gorgon. They first turned them into useless weapons, then improved them a bit.

This is same with Rhino. He was only good for Iron Skin (for me), and now he is trash. 


On a side note: How about Loki and his Invisibility. Way better than Iron Skin. You turn invisible and no one harms. That is overpowered please nerf it (sarcasm).

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yea im going to stop playing this game. I'm so done with those balanching updates -_-. I might concider to play it if they patch the powers back.

Exactly. Same feelings. Happened second time with this game (after gorgon and shotguns nerfs). I am so not going to touch this game.


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just sold my [...] saryn(blueprint). they became worthless after this nerfdate.

I've played two missions with Saryn (level 30, all four abilities leveled to max) this morning and she was as fine as before to me. Yes, enemies don't die instantly any more when using Miasma, but take about a second or two. But even a level 50 (or so) railgun-MOA with full health and shields was dead afterwards.

Edited by 0cZc0bibliothekar
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You wanna know why they nerfed Rhino? Cause of the upcoming dojo PvP crap. Think about it. 


Pop Iron Skin - you win the match. 


Just wait.. Frost and Trinity's abils will be nerfed soon once people stop playing Rhino and switch to them.


It's only a matter of time.


Kinda sucks, really. I loved this game cause it wasn't going to have PvP.


I'm a bit disappointed, but oh well.

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I've played two missions with Saryn (level 30, all four abilities leveled to max) this morning and she was as fine as before to me. Yes, enemies don't die instantly any more when using Miasma, but take about a second. But even a level 50 (or so) railgun-MOA with full health and shields was dead afterwards.

yes and you can get staggerd if you do your ult and you can also get dmg if you do your ult.

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iron skin current effects 


(-)can be affected by toxic of toxic ancients 

(-)can be stunned by vomit crawler

(-)will drain health and shields and energy when attacked by ancient disrupter,

(-)can be pushed back by shockwave MOA ,and jackle and hyena.

(+)however no knockdown on push back then again recovery from push back = to recovery from knockdown  (since rhino is slow)===>(-)

(+) 80% damage reduction  however no change in damage over time once touched by toxic ancients===>(-)


Therefore 6 (-) points and  2 (+)

hence rhino no longer a fun for users who prefer complete close range melee combat, need to work more for a kill now.


i always felt that that iron skin nerf was a necessary update. Or rhino would be a god among the warframs. But this nerf completly makes rhino's iron skin  use less against shockwaves , disrupters and toxic ancients.


But im sure that the game designers will come up something or the other to fix this up .


Great job with Glavie btw 

Keep up the good work.

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Rhino got nerfed ?? bye bye warframe, since i love rhino the most ( even if my rhino already 30, i always use it, cause i'm not that ambitious with mastery rank, just seeking some fun, and i find it in rhino )


like any other said

he's only useful when he's invulnerable especially in defense mission, cause iron skin can help us revive other teammates without any interruption such as from shockwave moa, railgun moa, ancient, seeker, shield greener, machine gun greener ( forgot his name ). greener bombard, and toxic ancient


now he's just useles, slow, no killer moves, can't be an efficient tank anymore


if someone said rhino is overpowered, please think it again, actually rhino is balance already, now when they said to make it "balance" actually made him underpowered


iron skin doesn't make him invincible so he can't be dead though, he still can be dead

nerfing iron skin = increasing the early dead of rhino, since he can't run fast so just lay dead and become a burden, lol


but yeah that's just my opinion though, other people might think differently

but for me, i think "retired" is my decision unless they bring back the previous iron skin or tweak one of his disadvantages


sorry for my bad english, i hope it still understandable, and no offense, byee ~~

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You wanna know why they nerfed Rhino? Cause of the upcoming dojo PvP crap. Think about it. 


Pop Iron Skin - you win the match. 


Just wait.. Frost and Trinity's abils will be nerfed soon once people stop playing Rhino and switch to them.


It's only a matter of time.


Kinda sucks, really. I loved this game cause it wasn't going to have PvP.


I'm a bit disappointed, but oh well.

This is why PvP ruins PvE games. Hope your happy PvP fanboys. Because this just might get even worse.

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now..i really dont know usable of iron skin anymore..iron skin make rhino real tanker and unique from other frames , but taking full damage from Toxics and being energy drain by Distruptors and taking damage from normal gunshot? seriously..nothing special about rhino anymore since his the slowest frames

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There really isn't a need to blame PVP at all.


They could have every skill work differently in both PVP and PVE and everyone would be happy.


So Rhino users in the meantime should just move to other frames

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Nice bug fixes DE but I see BPing most basic weapons quite unappealing for new players, more so when swapping weapons there is only plat price on most weapons and few cred ones seem very high.


I'd suggest some kind of icon or something to arsenal weapon swap that weapons are obtainable by foundry system. OR

Reverting back to having most no rank needing weapons be buyable with credits with tweaked prices 75k for starting shotgun, even if powerful is quite unreasonable for new player clearing thru mercury for first time.


Melee weapons need something with credits, personally I think they are most diverse category of weapons and should have atleast: one dagger(s), one Dual swords(D. Skana), One staff(Bo), one fists (Furax) and mayby one heavy weapon (that is slightly weaker than existing ones) buyable with credits so players could easily test different play styles that these weapons bring and specialise deeper into category (ie. D. skana to D. Ether) more easily and not seemingly daunting wait of 12h and farm that is needed before that.


I also think that this could be applied to primaries making slightly weaker but un-potoable versions of weapons avaivable to credits in order to test different weapon types more easy and making people more likely to spend money to get that perfect fitting weapon.


PS. Overall I like the game and relatively fast patches, even if small, but don't think this switch on BPing nearly all starter gear and making arsenal screen SCREAM for pay to use anything very attractive for myself or new players, keep up on doing what you love and hopefully everything turns out all right


TL:DR BPing lower tier weapons was not good move IMO, otherwise nice fixes


Edit: Not commenting on plat prices as haven't yet decided to buy it due to potential changes that I may not like happening such as this one seems to be on this side of play.

Edited by Patemaani
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wow really? they nerfed the one thing that could make rhino usable? While trinity has infinite energy and not only full invul, but reflects damage? Well.... to throw rhino to the garbage then :/

Agree, to bad.. i liked this game. The new warframe with just his 3 ability (Bastille) takes does exactly what Rhino's ultiamte 4th abilty does, only better. So basically rhino is not needed it this game anymore. So cya, hope you guys enjoy the game Im out.


Oh and Rhino's other ability's are uselles, rhino charge does nothing usefull only minor damage and stops when hits 1 target.

Rhino's 2nd abilty Radial Blast, small range and even less damage, 3d ability (the usefull 1 till now) Rhino skin got nerved and Rhino stomp was usefull but only when surrounded. (which happens almost never). Nice job DE nerving a warframe that needed a boost.... well done

Edited by Amulame
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Does this mean you fixed the bug where Banshee deals double damage when she isn't host? Or does this mean you reduced the spell's damage in general? Or both?


She is no longer invulnerable when using it, which I reallllllly hope is a bug, it takes so long to use...

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