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Update 7.11.0: Vauban!


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ohh great rhino nerf ...no this is no sarcasm ...he was totaly op before

you can say what you want but a full skilled rhino was @(*()$ op ...


80%dmg reduce is still a lot so stop crying kids


It is good to nerf rhino ...he was all the time op even when he had no knockdown resistance.

80% is a lot... if you're playing on MERCURY.

3 decently high lvl Grineer across a room and you'll die before you get to melee range... WITH IRON SKIN.

Troll harder.

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ohh great rhino nerf ...no this is no sarcasm ...he was totaly op before

you can say what you want but a full skilled rhino was @(*()$ op ...


80%dmg reduce is still a lot so stop crying kids


It is good to nerf rhino ...he was all the time op even when he had no knockdown resistance.

trolololololol. Have you even bothered to read any of the arguements against the nerf? What about the rhino being invinc ruins the game for?

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Sometime ago, while i was still pretty young to the game, killing bosses or ancients is always a daunting task.

Then i met a Rhino.

He said 1 thing that have inspired me very much to be a team carry. A tank that will take on and absorb damage while the rest lets loose their arsenal on the enemies.

This is what he said that inspired me to main Rhino:

"don't worry, stay behind me, i'll keep the danger away, i'll carry you on my back & you can shoot him safely."

I asked him how is he gonna do that, he said "watch me".

IS tank Hek, Jackal, Hyena, Krill e.t.c.

I immediately fell in love with Rhino.

Yes like many of you have said, rhino's skills set is pretty much very cool but aint worth a dime.

The only thing that kept him popular & loveable in those crucial do or die situations is his remarkable IS.

Again nerfing IS is fine, but please at the least make IS ignores poison, disruptor free, n recharges shields faster or even health regen.

So rhino players will no longer have to worry too much about their life beinv chipped away toooooo dn fast.

I experienced first hand of max out rhino with max IS, on a bunch of ancients without knowing the nerf hammer has been swung.

It hurts me sooo bad. Sooo much that the rhino is now no longer the big brother i see but a sick n dying elderly.

Again, the market inflation n bps hurt new players n casual players s well.

My sister loves warframe as it is n enjoys playing it casually. Now with the market change, it frightens her, she doesnt like over grindings, n lovrd WF bdcause it is not heavily grind base (last time). Now shd begins to dislike it. :(

it also hurts senior players very much as well. Even for me, making weapon loadouts now is a serious pain.

Lastly, my sister n i are always a team in wf. Im the tank the rhino big brother who rushes in n take care of the mess, while she becomes my eyes n guns that guard my back n slams the enemy in the face. With this new update, she is utterly dissapointed. She even mentioned to me: ur rhino is no longer viable no longer the big brother of wf that can save her n draws fire n cc the enemy.

Truly it is not just the rhino fans, that r disappointed, there are many as well who can feel the sudden uselessness of that frame.

We truly wish for rhino to be the tanky godly big brother of wf it used to b.

Return that glory, the only glory of a Rhino.

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that wont make it have more sense the update is not even mad eit pay2win it fixed the broekn prices, they used to be way underprice because they up the rewards gained from missions. used to gain only 300 credits reward on first stage is now 1k. i guess your one of them sigh-.- (haters will be haters)

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this is a nice game, but with this update you made a BIG mistake for Rhino fans. Uninstall game.........so sad.


"Oh no, my 15 seconds of god mode, what will I do now?!" Play like the rest of us. Your crutch is gone, and it's staying gone. 80% is still a ridiculous amount. Anyone who says otherwise was too babied by the fact that it was overkill to run around unkillable for 15 seconds. "Oh S#&$, I'm almost out of shields! Let me pop this skill and get them back!" No. Just, no.

Edited by surrealavatar
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"Oh no, my 15 seconds of god mode, what will I do now?!" Play like the rest of us. Your crutch is gone, and it's staying gone. 80% is still a ridiculous amount. Anyone who says otherwise was too babied by the fact that it was overkill to run around unkillable for 15 seconds. "Oh S#&$, I'm almost out of shields! Let me pop this skill and get them back!" No. Just, no.

Despite the fact that as the tanky tank (which he cant do anymore) and the fact it was the one unique ability he had?

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"Oh no, my 15 seconds of god mode, what will I do now?!" Play like the rest of us. Your crutch is gone, and it's staying gone. 80% is still a ridiculous amount. Anyone who says otherwise was too babied by the fact that it was overkill to run around unkillable for 15 seconds. "Oh S#&$, I'm almost out of shields! Let me pop this skill and get them back!" No. Just, no.

It's not so much that Iron Skin was the only thing that let us play Rhino, it's that Iron Skin is the only thing that is remotely unique on Rhino. Everything on Rhino is done better by other 'Frames. Rhino is a fat Excalibur.
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"Oh no, my 15 seconds of god mode, what will I do now?!" Play like the rest of us. Your crutch is gone, and it's staying gone. 80% is still a ridiculous amount. Anyone who says otherwise was too babied by the fact that it was overkill to run around unkillable for 15 seconds. "Oh S#&$, I'm almost out of shields! Let me pop this skill and get them back!" No. Just, no.

Hahaha, I rarely popped Iron Skin to just rush through a mission (never happening with his sprint speed), but instead to revive teammates surrounded by a horde of ancients/shockwave moas/got caught in Jackal's OHKO grenade attack/Hyena's insta-death missile, etc. Try doing a Lech Kril run as a Rhino. People practically depend on you being able to revive them because of just how insane that guy can be. Not only does his hammer hit insanely hard and his ice moves are actually harmful, but it's like he's using the pre-nerf Gorgon with how accurate he seems to be.
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It's still a unique skill, no other Frame reduces up to 80% damage, unless you think about Ember and her thing, IF you max out the mod AND Focus. But who the hell wants that on her, and it still makes her take knockback and knockdown, Rhino doesn't take any of that. If he still does, it's the bug Steve hasn't fixed yet (Which he mentioned was a bug). Lets face facts, you're upset that you'll now take disruption and poison damage, when that was the ONLY thing between you and those ancients. I'd be mad too, but the fact of the matter is, now you have to think to play him, not press the ezmode button and win the internet. That boss won't kill you when you're peeling off 80% of his damage. And Iron Skin will still prevent knockback/knockdown, so you can easily revive them. Bosses need to be able to hurt you, at least a LITTLE, if they can't, you can just solo the game.

Edited by surrealavatar
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Rhino Skin no longer grants full invincibility, but can now reach up to 80% Damage Reduction at highest Mod level.

And Frost players everywhere rejoiced as they took their seat on the throne of tanking.

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It's still a unique skill, no other Frame reduces up to 80% damage, unless you think about Ember and her thing, IF you max out the mod AND Focus. But who the hell wants that on her, and it still makes her take knockback and knockdown, Rhino doesn't take any of that. If he still does, it's the bug Steve hasn't fixed yet (Which he mentioned was a bug). Lets face facts, you're upset that you'll now take disruption and poison damage, when that was the ONLY thing between you and those ancients. I'd be mad too, but the fact of the matter is, now you have to think to play him, not press the ezmode button and win the internet. That boss won't kill you when you're peeling off 80% of his damage. And Iron Skin will still prevent knockback/knockdown, so you can easily revive them. Bosses need to be able to hurt you, at least a LITTLE, if they can't, you can just solo the game.

Focus affects World on Fire's DoT. 91% reduction with Overheat stacks well with WoF's activation. You walk around as a 400~500 damage DoT nuke for a good 8 seconds.


Did you even do any sort of playtesting? I have.


Edit: I've been playing Rhino all day in Eris/Ceres/Pluto. I'm just a fat Excal. 80% of being peppered is still being peppered.

Edited by goozilla
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Says the one that obviously has the money to spend.

I pulled a restart in order to get him.  Giving up my mods, and my lvl 30's.  He was worth it and I am currently working on building my levels and opening up the solar system again so I can do more alerts to get back to where I was previously.  The only money I have put into this game was to become a founder, and it will stay that way.  

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