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Update 7.11.0: Vauban!


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I have a question about Store:
They make theses changes thinking about old players or new players?

If it was thinking about old players could be better introduce better things with these prices.

About rhino i think 90% or 95% and invulnerability of all enemy abilities (poison, yellow moa's and ancient abilities, etc) but 80% its a great change


And i don't know if im the only one, but when i try to open the chat while i jump or do a fourth skill, i can't and this is very annoying

But the other changes were good D:


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I love how everyone's complaining about the Rhino and Banshee nerfs. Did you not read the part where it says they removed most of the weapons in the game from the credit pool? The nerfs are just there to distract us!


Yeah I don't know what DE is smoking.


I mean, I tried to get my roommate to start playing a while back, and he quit shortly after getting the Strun because "it's taking to long to get anything". Now why does DE thing slowing things down even more is gonna draw in new blood? It's certainly not gonna increase plat sales since no one in their right mind is gonna spend $10+ on a digital gun in a game they're not engaged in.


I guess all thisrecent sucess has made them greedy.

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Yeah I don't know what DE is smoking.


I mean, I tried to get my roommate to start playing a while back, and he quit shortly after getting the Strun because "it's taking to long to get anything". Now why does DE thing slowing things down even more is gonna draw in new blood? It's certainly not gonna increase plat sales since no one in their right mind is gonna spend $10+ on a digital gun in a game they're not engaged in.


I guess all thisrecent sucess has made them greedy.

I think that last part might have more truth to it than most want to think or even admit.
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Nice reverse psychology there. Why do you want this nerfed?

i dont want this nerfed, im informing the devs , cause there are already a number of youtube videos on this and maybe it may seem like cheating , but its not in another way hahahas

and if people dont point that out , maybe the devs are going to nerf it

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This update is very nice, good job guys. You know what might be nice though? It would be great if it would be possible to preview some items in the store before purchasing. Like the avatar images, and eventually warframes and weapons. Some of the stuff you can find decent pictures of, but other things (i.e. the avatar images right now) really just say there are 4 variations of the avatars and that is it... So yeah, a preview mode of sorts (even just a given image or screenshot) would be great.

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 Like the avatar images, and eventually warframes and weapons. Some of the stuff you can find decent pictures of, but other things (i.e. the avatar images right now) really just say there are 4 variations of the avatars and that is it... So yeah, a preview mode of sorts (even just a given image or screenshot) would be great.



No need to buy the avatars.  once you get a warframe (3 and a half days of foundry after finding all the parts)and it's helmet you should unlock the avatar pack for it at no plat cost.  THough I'm not positive if they are still holding alerts for the alternate helmets.    

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i love this update just i cant do anything to get around mission 3 since its glithced on mercury i rally like t tho just that mercury glitch is  porblem for all newbies

If you need a hand, send me a request in game and I can just take you to the mission after it.  

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No need to buy the avatars.  once you get a warframe (3 and a half days of foundry after finding all the parts)and it's helmet you should unlock the avatar pack for it at no plat cost.  THough I'm not positive if they are still holding alerts for the alternate helmets.    

I have the two you said. How exactly does it unlock?

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Sometime ago, while i was still pretty young to the game, killing bosses or ancients is always a daunting task.

Then i met a Rhino.

He said 1 thing that have inspired me very much to be a team carry. A tank that will take on and absorb damage while the rest lets loose their arsenal on the enemies.

This is what he said that inspired me to main Rhino:

"don't worry, stay behind me, i'll keep the danger away, i'll carry you on my back & you can shoot him safely."

I asked him how is he gonna do that, he said "watch me".

IS tank Hek, Jackal, Hyena, Krill e.t.c.

I immediately fell in love with Rhino.

Yes like many of you have said, rhino's skills set is pretty much very cool but aint worth a dime.

The only thing that kept him popular & loveable in those crucial do or die situations is his remarkable IS.

Again nerfing IS is fine, but please at the least make IS ignores poison, disruptor free, n recharges shields faster or even health regen.

So rhino players will no longer have to worry too much about their life beinv chipped away toooooo dn fast.

I experienced first hand of max out rhino with max IS, on a bunch of ancients without knowing the nerf hammer has been swung.

It hurts me sooo bad. Sooo much that the rhino is now no longer the big brother i see but a sick n dying elderly.

Again, the market inflation n bps hurt new players n casual players s well.

My sister loves warframe as it is n enjoys playing it casually. Now with the market change, it frightens her, she doesnt like over grindings, n lovrd WF bdcause it is not heavily grind base (last time). Now shd begins to dislike it. :(

it also hurts senior players very much as well. Even for me, making weapon loadouts now is a serious pain.

Lastly, my sister n i are always a team in wf. Im the tank the rhino big brother who rushes in n take care of the mess, while she becomes my eyes n guns that guard my back n slams the enemy in the face. With this new update, she is utterly dissapointed. She even mentioned to me: ur rhino is no longer viable no longer the big brother of wf that can save her n draws fire n cc the enemy.

Truly it is not just the rhino fans, that r disappointed, there are many as well who can feel the sudden uselessness of that frame.

We truly wish for rhino to be the tanky godly big brother of wf it used to b.

Return that glory, the only glory of a Rhino.

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So after checking out all the new blueprints for virtually all of the weapons that got switched


I feel severely bad for any player unlucky enough to be starting after this patch


Basically every gun in the game requires 300-500 Alloy Plates to build, and I wouldn't be surprised if a player straight up quit after wasting 300 Alloy on a Burston, or 300 Alloy and 2 Neurodes on a Furis.

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So after checking out all the new blueprints for virtually all of the weapons that got switched


I feel severely bad for any player unlucky enough to be starting after this patch


Basically every gun in the game requires 300-500 Alloy Plates to build, and I wouldn't be surprised if a player straight up quit after wasting 300 Alloy on a Burston, or 300 Alloy and 2 Neurodes on a Furis.


Yeah, bad move DE. Get your sh*t together!

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Good one DEvs This game is becoming less free to play and way more pay to win -.- you are screwing the game up so STOP.

And the Rhino nerf was s**t -.-

other than that its a average update

yeah, i'm not seeing where everyone's excitement is coming from. this just pushes the game more into the boring grindfest/pay to win mmo territory and is extremely hostile toward newbies and mildly aggressive toward casual players. honestly, i would be giving them money if the plat-to-what-you-get-out-of-it ratio wasn't so extremely lopsided.

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It's a bug ! Can't anyone read ?

The damage reduction lowered is intentionnal. Losing immunity to crowd control is not. Is. Not. A bug. That will be squashed.

Rhino will still be that awesome tank, but we'll have to think while using it, because even if I love him, I can't say that Iron skin asked for some brains to use.

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Well done! Now Rhino is trash 

Where I can get my money back?

I believe there's account resets now . You can get all your plat back and buy a different frame if you honestly think Rhino is completely unusable now. You could also just get used to killing a few less enemies than you used to, rely more on your team, or change your tactics up.

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