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Nef Has Had 3 Potato Bps As Rewards In A Row Now.


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I expect that DE wants players to determine the outcome of the event.


But giving one side vastly better rewards than the other goes against the integrity of the entire thing.


Couldn't care less about the lore. Which if we're talking about lore we just bankrupted Nef a few weeks ago anyways. And that is part of the lore. So yeah..




I'm not saying the rewards have to be totally equal but at least they shouldn't be so unbalanced :/


So both sides get Karak? Or Dera?

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Is that why when Nef was losing 5-0 that the rewards were even but then mysteriously there was some hotfixes and then he started giving away better rewards?



The system has realized that one side is losing so it's amping up the rewards on the losing side.

EXACTLY like when a home planet is threatened in an invasion and when Nef and Alad were 5/6 they both offered 20 uncommon cores because they were more or less even.


This is automated.


Always expect automation whenever anything electronic is involved it is more convenient and far better than micromanaging by hand.

Edited by Ziegrif
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Not for me to say. But the community was siding with Alad V when the rewards were more or less the same, except for the weapons.

And the majority of those people said they are doing this only for the Karak...


Personally, I like how the event is progressing. I'd like to see more of Evil(High Reward) vs Good(Low Reward) sort of... Dilemmas (see what I did there?)

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Well if we're going by the end of event rewards honestly I think that you should just get the weapon of the side you supported. But I'm talking about the event conflict rewards. New players need the boost of a potato to be able to keep up with some of the vets which makes it an unfair reward when the other side is only offering 25 U5 cores or 50k credits. At the very least to keep it within reason it should be R5 cores.


As for me I was siding for Alad V for the lore reasons (Finding a cure could change stuff in the game big time, or it could turn out to be a trap for Alad and only worsen his condition and make the infested stronger).

Maybe instead of putting so much importance on rewards DE should just let the community decide like they "said" they want it to be.

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And the majority of those people said they are doing this only for the Karak...


Personally, I like how the event is progressing. I'd like to see more of Evil(High Reward) vs Good(Low Reward) sort of... Dilemmas (see what I did there?)

As mister. . . ah. . . forgot his name.  I'm going to call him mister o3o then.  Pointed out, in mass settings people rarely see in any terms except rewards in video games.  Especially if you have zero emotional investment in the universe. 


Short term versus long term rewards might be interesting though.  You might need some kind of mechanic to prevent the long term interest people from getting shafted, though. 

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Unless DE actually decide to CHANGE the progress of either side (like adding 10 points to Nef, for example) - that's NOT rigging. It's up to players to decide if they want a better loot or a more 'beloved' character to win.


And as we can see, profit numbs the feeling.


edit: sorry for double post, thought this forum supports post merging -_-

Giving other side vastly superior rewards is rigging in its own way, defend it as much as you want. But this yet again some major BS from DE. Cant say im suprised, everytime when there is player choice given in these events and that choice being something else what DE wanted, they start modifying things to favor what they wanted. If you do that, let me ask one thing Why the F you give players choice to begin with? If you are going to give middle finger all those ppl who decided to side with person you didnt want people to side with, why even bother give choice?

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Starting things off who did you pick to fight for this event was it for Nef Anyo's purpose in stopping Alad V to become a bigger potential threat? Or did you fall for Alad V's please to help a sick man find a cure to save himself? Or where you just one of the many Tennos that want that Shiny Dera Vandal or Edgy Karak Wraith. Chances are you are most likely the latter and have just played your part in this war with a mercenary mindset to get everything good and the gun that appeals to you the most. Keywords: REWARDS.


Now you ask me how do we cure or even change this mercenary mindset that we all have that is causing conflict between us Tenno? Things people back lashing at the developers stating that they have rigged the event. Or dissuading others to fight for their cause by creating lore speculations or flaming/demeaning the opposing side's reward.


I think I have found the root of the problem that is causing this mercenary phonemonen and creating the scenario where people just play the EVENTS and rushing it for the sole purpose of getting the REWARD without a care about what potential implications it might bring to the warframe universe. Why do people not care? because they see no CONCRETE effect of the actions whether it resulted through victory or loss. There is no real IMMERSIVE/TANGIBLE short term effects that they see so they think that they are just doing the EVENT for the sake of the rewards which has obviously worked with the GRAVIDUS dilemma and with the current event but at a great cost of the community thinking that DE is just continually rigging there events and have already a clear cut idea of the side that will win. So how do we resolve this?


A solution I am proposing is what if in the future conflict events between factions/lore character they will not announce the end event reward (which obviously what we are always aiming for that created that mercenary mindset in the first place) for supporting either faction but rather just state that each success or failure in each battle/conflict will have ACTUAL short term CONSEQUENCES to the ongoing war. Think of it as REACTIONARY type of conflicts based on the previous outcomes of the ongoing conflict.


Hard to explain in theory but it would be something like this.


EDIT 1: Before DE implements this they must already have a clear and concrete idea of 2 possible outcomes of each conflict mission and must create 2 scenario reactionary consequence missions that will either play or happen in the event of victory or loss of either side in the conflict.


(EDIT 2: conflict rewards should equate to each other examples; orokin catalyst vs orokin reactor, 4 rare resources vs 4 rare resources, 3 argons vs 3 telluriums, 25 r5 cores vs 50 uncommon cores, forma vs forma, credits vs credits, detron part vs brakk part, stalker weapon part  vs stalker weapon part, prime part vs prime part rare mod vs rare mod, rare stance vs rare stance etc)


EDIT 3: Regional conflict (7 stages if the event lasts for a week 1 stage per day- there will be only 1 global conflict per

             day which is the scenario for the day) Final END of event rewards will be given to all players based on the

             victors reward take not end of event rewards will NOT BE DISCLOSED till end of event so that people will

             FIGHT for the actual CAUSE not for EVENT REWARDS. There will be consequences or reactionary measures

             each side will take throughout the course of the 7 stage regional conflict which simply means that based on the

             results of the 1st day of the regional conflict the whichever side achieves victory or loses 2 possible outcomes

             for the next day's regional conflict type of missions will be implemented


             Small scale operations- there will be multiple small scale operations that contribute to the progress bar of the

             global conflict which will have the equal reward system but will also not be disclosed till the player successfully 

             finishes 3/3 missions in the small scale operations that contribute to the global conflict




1.) DE announces the event and some initial lore/cause on why the conflict between the characters or factions are occuring and what reasons they are fighting for


2.) DE announces the first conflict which can be a form of an all out normal exterminate/sabotage/defense/ intercept mission customized to the event where the community participates in the ONLY difference is that the reward screen for both sides will be covered with a box or something like a surpise that way players will not say the event is being rigged since they HAVE NO IDEA what the reward for the faction they are fighting for is offering. Rather they are playing for the sake of that factions CAUSE or the CONSEQUENCES/IMPACT that it might create in the warframe universe.


(EDIT conflict rewards should equate to each other examples; orokin catalyst vs orokin reactor, 4 rare resources vs 4 rare resources, 3 argons vs 3 telluriums, 25 r5 cores vs 50 uncommon cores, forma vs forma, credits vs credits, detron part vs brakk part, stalker weapon part  vs stalker weapon part, prime part vs prime part etc)


3.) After the initial conflict reactionary events will occur here is an example if this was APPLIED in the current conflict.


    1st conflict (condition of victory if any side reaches 100%) rewards will be equal and unannounced


      A sabotage mission for Nef supporters vs. a deception or spy mission for Alad V


      Scenario A.) Nef has more supporter he sabotages the labs more before Alad V supporters get their data. Nef

      sides win first battle and they think victory is at hand but Alad V has other plans and releases his infested horde to

      attack the corpus base of Nef Anyo and his supporters. People that support Nef will then play a defense mission to

      protect Nef Anyo's base against hordes of infested and possibly new mutalist enemy types. While players that  

      support Alad V will conduct a new type of siege mission where they have to locate where Nef anyo's hidden base

      by laying waste to multiple corpus outposts while interrogating VIP targets to give out the location of Nef's



      (From this reactionary conflict 2 other resulting out comes can occur and etc which could have been planned bythe

      people in charge of creating events at Digital Extremes. The reactionary outcomes will continue to occur till the end

      of the 1 week event each day only 1 regional conflict will occur and the mission types players that support either

      sides will play will also change daily based on the results of the operations the previous day which should have

      already been planned by DE for the 7 day event)


     Scenario B.) Alad V supporters were numerous and they were able to successfully steal the research of Tyl regor

     and will be en route to transporting their finds to Alad V's hidden location while en route Nef anyo sends his bursa

     moas and his corpus army to intercept the transport Nef supporters will try to intercept the delivery of a cure by

     playing a new variation of a hi-jack mission. While players supporting Alad V will be playing a escort variation of the

     hi-jack mission defending the research for Alad V's cure inside a armored vehicle transport.


4.) Finally whichever side will achieve victory will have long term lasting effects on the warframe universe for example if Alad V wins and he gets the cure he could cure himself of the infection and return back to the corpus board to assume his position and imprison Nef Anyo for his blasphemies and therefore he will resume his zanuka model production and actually use the cure he found to negotiate with the grineer for a temporary truce which will mean a joint offensive against the Tenno creating an even bigger threat. Or an alternate scenario will be if Nef Anyo succeeds Alad V will finally become fully corrupted by the technocyte virus changing him completely to a new mutated infested boss and he will wage war against the corpus and attempt to dominate the star chart again by spreading the mutalist virus in the form of a new bio-weapon that he will unleash.


Just some suggestions on how invasion type events can be improved upon for future purposes. Might actually make players care about the choices they take or who they will fight for and will generally improve the game.

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It's not rigged the scales are just being balanced greedy tenno will always fall to GREED deal with it just shows how merceneray minded Tenno are so what if Nef i getting an upper hand then you salad v fan boys go fight harder don't even think for one second that what your feeling right now was what the nef supporters felt initially honestly for me I don't really care they are just guns anyway and I'm not really drawn to either sides lol.

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People are honestly taking ng this entirely way too seriously. Like its gravitated from just something I was brushing off.. To full blown concern.

You all realize its just a game right?

No seriously, do you get that? That this doesn't determine the outcome of your life.. Its just a game. Relax and enjoy the rewards as you see fit. The fact that you can't control the event should be enough to make you stand down.

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Dosen't matter what DE did with nerf was unfair, If they went with even out with 50/50 of same item or maybe 150k and 75k or IF THEY DID potato vs god dam potato we woudlen't have these lovely arguemtn fourms and pertitons now have we?

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Its called balanced I don't see any Nef suporters complaining here when Nef was losing only Salad V supporters claiming it was rigged is it so hard to understand that NEF has more money and resources than ALAD V ever would he will ROT for all that he has done and he deserves no 2nd lease on life # LET SALAD V ROT HE DESERVES WHATS COMING FOR HIM AFTER WHAT HE DID TO OUR FELLOW TENNO


Besides I learned supporting him doesn't give SQUAT I supported him in the gravidus and he forsake his own kind and let himself get corrupted he dug his own grave now lets watch him ROT :)

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Let me say this in short words alad V wins nerf gets to go to space jail in the corpus fun police and everyone wins and live forever happy ever after the end!


now for seriously note, If de dos that it will take more time, time which they should be fixing and updateing for items that the COMMMUITy wanted years ago. Maybe you forget bow and shotgun update or the fix for daggers with a stnce equip no?


Chew on that with your fat crdits and greeed Praise teeh to HOJO to be clense from nerf greed and false truths of alad and belive in the lotus!

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People are honestly taking ng this entirely way too seriously. Like its gravitated from just something I was brushing off.. To full blown concern.

You all realize its just a game right?

No seriously, do you get that? That this doesn't determine the outcome of your life.. Its just a game. Relax and enjoy the rewards as you see fit. The fact that you can't control the event should be enough to make you stand down.

+1 Totally agree.

The arguments have gotten way out of hand.

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People are honestly taking ng this entirely way too seriously. Like its gravitated from just something I was brushing off.. To full blown concern.

You all realize its just a game right?

No seriously, do you get that? That this doesn't determine the outcome of your life.. Its just a game. Relax and enjoy the rewards as you see fit. The fact that you can't control the event should be enough to make you stand down.

Not enough with Baltimore some people always are seeking to any conflict.

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Unless I miscounted, which I don't think I did. Regardless, it's clear now that DE is rigging the recent battle in Nef's favour. Around the time of Alad's 5th win Nef's rewards essentially skyrocketed in quality. It became common for him to offer 20 Rare 5 fusion cores whereas Alad was either offering 20 Standard 5s or 50k credits. The rewards of the current battle are a Reactor BP from Nef, and 50k credits from Alad, so you don't even have to think about who'll win. With this battle going to tie it up 7-7, realistically Alad should've started upping his rewards around 2 battles ago, but he hasn't, he's still offering rewards that in no way compare to Nef's.


Precisely why is this acceptable?


This event was meant to pit one side against the other. One was going to lose and the other would win, that's how it was designed. I can understand why Nef supporters would be angry about getting thrashed in the beginning, I know that sucks, but if the majority of the playerbase is supporting Alad, clearly his side should win, but instead we're seeing that DE is clearly rigging the mission rewards in favour of Nef, and don't even try telling me that the rewards are pre-programmed into the event because if they were, Alad would've started offering 20 Rare 5's at least by now.


Tell me DE, why are you even giving us the choice of who to support if you're going to stack the odds so heavily against one side?

I'm not sure why you would have preferred to see Salad V win 10000-0 instead of making the event a little bit more interesting. Not to mention the fact that you can also pick up Nef's battle pays whenever they're good enough without actually harming your Salad V progress all that much.

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Buhuh DE supports the losing side with better rewards to make the event more interesting...

Not like they did the same thing with gradius or anything.
And if you rly want that potatoes and r5 just support nef on that conflict and go back to salad next time, you just need to end up with 4 at the end.
Sure i would have prefered the way gradius worked with a fixxed amount of conflicts you needed to participate in and whoever you supported more you sided with, that way you were more flexible.

But calling it rigged if they make it more interesting is just dumb.

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Not to dramatize or escalate the situation, but... I'm pretty f*cking p*ssed right now. Feels like I'm getting jipped just for supporting the side I want to. At first, I went to whichever side had the best rewards. Having settled on Alad V because of the Karak now, I just watch these stupid potatoes go by BECAUSE IF I @(*()$ DO THE POTATO MISSION, then I have to do the stupid mission  SIX GODDAMN TIMES just to get back up to 4 with Alad V...


F*** this event, making me more and more frustrated every day just for picking the side I chose.

Should of picked the side that leads unto the void. Where everything that is lost can be found.

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Unless I miscounted, which I don't think I did. Regardless, it's clear now that DE is rigging the recent battle in Nef's favour. Around the time of Alad's 5th win Nef's rewards essentially skyrocketed in quality. It became common for him to offer 20 Rare 5 fusion cores whereas Alad was either offering 20 Standard 5s or 50k credits. The rewards of the current battle are a Reactor BP from Nef, and 50k credits from Alad, so you don't even have to think about who'll win. With this battle going to tie it up 7-7, realistically Alad should've started upping his rewards around 2 battles ago, but he hasn't, he's still offering rewards that in no way compare to Nef's.


Precisely why is this acceptable?


This event was meant to pit one side against the other. One was going to lose and the other would win, that's how it was designed. I can understand why Nef supporters would be angry about getting thrashed in the beginning, I know that sucks, but if the majority of the playerbase is supporting Alad, clearly his side should win, but instead we're seeing that DE is clearly rigging the mission rewards in favour of Nef, and don't even try telling me that the rewards are pre-programmed into the event because if they were, Alad would've started offering 20 Rare 5's at least by now.


Tell me DE, why are you even giving us the choice of who to support if you're going to stack the odds so heavily against one side?

No DE is not rigging the event.  They are testing & yes they were right, 75% of the player base just want stuff & would sell out their friends, family, & cute baby animals to get them.  Thank you alll players for showing your true colors.

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