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Please Hurry Up On Console


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that bug you mentioned actually happened on ps4 before.... So that not a good example. But it doesn't matter well live with it like you guys lived with it. I'm not saying keep us up to date like pc is I'm saying is they need to speed it up a bit so as far we don't get dry spells like we do now. Your only seeing it from your side. The very few times not to long ago DE took a while to bring something out for you guys I think it was before raids pc players where crying and complaining that there was nothing to do. But on console it's like that 1 a month and when people like you say "well at least you have less glitches" &!$$es people off even more because we have bugs all the time. But we live with it because we know DE will eventually fix it.

We are just console peasants, we are not entitled to get bored and upset over long update delays.

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yeah that's why I try not to complain too much because I know it's really Sony being to strict ugh but by that logic pc shouldn't get the update either until they really test out the product other wise it's just "wrong" to give them the product.... Oh wait that doesn't fit your argument ... Oops

I'm not here for an argument, I'm merely stating, wanting a bugged out version is just wrong.

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that bug you mentioned actually happened on ps4 before.... So that not a good example. But it doesn't matter well live with it like you guys lived with it. I'm not saying keep us up to date like pc is I'm saying is they need to speed it up a bit so as far we don't get dry spells like we do now. Your only seeing it from your side. The very few times not to long ago DE took a while to bring something out for you guys I think it was before raids pc players where crying and complaining that there was nothing to do. But on console it's like that 1 a month and when people like you say "well at least you have less glitches" &!$$es people off even more because we have bugs all the time. But we live with it because we know DE will eventually fix it.

I didn't complain about the raids though. I'm trying to view it from your side as well but I don't have a PS4 so maybe I'm not able to see it exactly from your side. But less bugs = better update. And again, I'm not saying you're totally free of bugs. The odds of a game/update being completely free of bugs is so low that even the best game devs couldn't stop bugs. And you may have had a game breaking bug, but that was maybe once, whereas us PC players get them every major update. Your updates are more refined than ours.

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The problem is that if they sent ina half done update to cert either.

A) It wont pass cert


B) if it does pass cert, it'll be so buggy you'll jump on the forums to complain saying "OMG DE TAKE YOUR TIME WITH CKNSOLE UPDATES 2BUGGY4ME.




So basically it's the choice between waiting a decent amount of time to submit a stable update - or submitting an incomplete update quickly, wait for cert, have it fail, fix it again, then resubmit it to cert. Maybe I'm naive but one of those sounds like it would take a lot longer than the other.


Also, the PS4 team on the whole is pretty small compared to the rest of DE - and just a portion of that team are the people who actually port it. If you want DE to work faster on porting updates, go buy some plat so DE can hire more employees.

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I didn't complain about the raids though. I'm trying to view it from your side as well but I don't have a PS4 so maybe I'm not able to see it exactly from your side. But less bugs = better update. And again, I'm not saying you're totally free of bugs. The odds of a game/update being completely free of bugs is so low that even the best game devs couldn't stop bugs. And you may have had a game breaking bug, but that was maybe once, whereas us PC players get them every major update. Your updates are more refined than ours.

look all were asking for is for a steady pace with smaller dry spells. We don't mind being behind pc it's the fact that it takes us much longer to get it. We don't even have raids for the love of God's we got HALF an update last updated lol.
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Now, imagine this you PS4 and Xbone peasants. You get U16.5! And you get stuck with the Bug that made it so if you tried to start a research in the Dojo the game crashed or made the whole console crash! And you get stuck with it for the time it takes for Sony/Microsoft to cert everything! MWAHAHAHAHAHA*cough**cough*HAHAHAAAA!!!!


Be happy you are not getting some of the bugs you do. Your update may come later, but its way more stable.


Now, lets see who will take offence to my joke in the first paragraph.

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look all were asking for is for a steady pace with smaller dry spells. We don't mind being behind pc it's the fact that it takes us much longer to get it. We don't even have raids for the love of God's we got HALF an update last updated lol.

Everyone knows that it takes longe, nothing new here. You know why you guys don't have raids yet? Your console probably can't handle it and DE is making fixes for you guys to actually enjoy it. What would be the point of adding raids if you couldn't even play it because your console can't support it?


Stop being dense geez, and try to understand that a update isn't simply sent to sony and accepted on sight.

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Its down to the PC guys suffering/noting/reporting the bugs through feedback and such, that gets us a stable build on console.


Also the second half of you're statement is very selfish IMO.

The game is built to be played by more than just you, most people will be more than willing to wait for a stable version to get to us.

What fun is it disconnecting/lagging/freezing/not getting rewards?

Exactly, Same thing with volt prime acess there was bugs with it and DE fixed it before it released.

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Everyone knows that it takes longe, nothing new here. You know why you guys don't have raids yet? Your console probably can't handle it and DE is making fixes for you guys to actually enjoy it. What would be the point of adding raids if you couldn't even play it because your console can't support it?

Stop being dense geez, and try to understand that a update isn't simply sent to sony and accepted on sight.

Oh yeah the Console can't support more than 4 players in one lobby Oh wait.....lol come on man of you wanna argue at least come up with a good counter argument. Edited by (PS4)Mazda_07_
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Oh yeah the game can't support more than 4 players in one lobby Oh wait.....

It can support 4 yes, but 8 could be potentially catastrophic. You don't have to be a genius to understand that consoles are severely limited. 

Edited by Alphafox
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It can support 4 yes, but 8 could be potentially catastrophic.

lol you make it it's rare to have more than 4 players in a lobby on ps4 lol look at gta for crying out loud lol I know pc is better system in every way but consoles arnt that bad either lol. Edited by (PS4)Mazda_07_
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It can support 4 yes, but 8 could be potentially catastrophic. You don't have to be a genius to understand that consoles are severely limited.

all kidding aside we did understand most of us were just happy with the new weapons for a while but dude... It's been almost a month..... Come on man even you have to understand our frustration...
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I dont give a damn about bugs i just want to be one of the first to see the update like people on PC. Since you're on PC you don't know what it's like to wait and wait and wait. I always know everything about an update a month or longer before it arrives on consoles.


What if your PS4 explodes ?! D:

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lol you make it it's rare to have more than 4 players in a lobby on ps4 lol look at gta for crying out loud lol I know pc is better system in every way but consoles arnt that bad either lol.

For the love of god.. you are clueless or you don't even think before posting. We are talking about Warframe here.. different games = different problems. Having more than 4 players in a lobby in WARFRAME(underlined for your comprehension) could cause serious issues.

Edited by Alphafox
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lol you make it it's rare to have more than 4 players in a lobby on ps4 lol look at gta for crying out loud lol I know pc is better system in every way but consoles arnt that bad either lol.

8 players was running something pathetic like 12fps, that's why the pulled it. They are optimising now I believe.

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For the love of god.. you are clueless or you don't even think before posting. We are talking about Warframe here.. different games = different problems. Having more than 4 players in a lobby in WARFRAME(underlined for your comprehension) could cause serious issues.

your the one that's too close minded to even bother to see why were bringing this up from time to time. Stop making it sound like ps4 can't do more than 4 players when clearly it can. It's not my fault your talking points are easily derailed lol since your so angry now to start name calling you should sit back and relax and wipe the spit of your keyboard and try to have an open mind and try to see why were frustrated. We don't complain about you guys complaining when your having issues. Well at least it's rare lol.
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Wow as a ps4 warframe vet it sickens me to know end the self entitled people who roam our amazing console.

Your absolutely 100% crazy to want DE to just rush the patch littered with bugs just so you can have new stuff to play with well boo hoo

I'm a mastery 19 vet I've been around since January 2014 & I can honestly say I'm getting 100% tired of rushed updates filled with game breaking bugs & unesscaery bugs

With each bug I encounter the more I lose interest.

And that's unfair to vets like me.

I rather DE take there sweet time fixing this game & all the bugs before rushing a patch to please the self entitled people.

New content is nice but a lot of people I know we're driven away from this game because of the bugs

So DE please don't listen to the Self Entitled OP who wants a broken game listen to the vets who have been around longer & are getting fed up with the bugs

Bug fixing should come 1st followed by the new content I can wait & so can all the other impatience self entitled people

Please take your time & get it right no matter how long it takes don't rush a patch because some self entitled impatience OP can't wait like rest of us

Hope you make right choice DE take as long as u need good day

Edited by (PS4)ChiefsFury1984
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your the one that's too close minded to even bother to see why were bringing this up from time to time. Stop making it sound like ps4 can't do more than 4 players when clearly it can. It's not my fault your talking points are easily derailed lol since your so angry now to start name calling you should sit back and relax and wipe the spit of your keyboard and try to have an open mind and try to see why were frustrated. We don't complain about you guys complaining when your having issues. Well at least it's rare lol.

Why would I be angry about late update for the plebstation 4? With this post I clearly see that you don't even want to understand why it's taking such a long time for you to get a update.

When I think about it.. i'm not even sure you can understand why..

Edited by Alphafox
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