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Please Hurry Up On Console


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Wow as a ps4 warframe vet it sickens me to know end the self entitled people who roam our amazing console.

Your absolutely 100% crazy to want DE to just rush the patch littered with bugs just so you can have new stuff to play with well boo hoo

I'm a mastery 19 vet I've been around since January 2014 & I can honestly say I'm getting 100% tired of rushed updates filled with game breaking bugs & unesscaery bugs

With each bug I encounter the more I lose interest.

And that's unfair to vets like me.

I rather DE take there sweet time fixing this game & all the bugs before rushing a patch to please the self entitled people.

New content is nice but a lot of people I know we're driven away from this game because of the bugs

So DE please don't listen to the Self Entitled OP who wants a broken game listen to the vets who have been around longer & are getting fed up with the bugs

Bug fixing should come 1st followed by the new content I can wait & so can all the other impatience self entitled people

Please take your time & get it right no matter how long it takes don't rush a patch because some self entitled impatience OP can't wait like rest of us

Hope you make right choice DE take as long as u need good day


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Why would I be angry about late update for the plebstation 4? With this post I clearly see that you don't even want to understand why it's taking such a long time for you to get a update.

When I think about it.. i'm not even sure you can understand why..

Sounds like some one is projecting... Go ahead and Google go ahead I'll wait....
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PC gets updates quicker yes, but we get all the content at once. Also you know everything before it happens. (E.g: Chroma parts needing other Warframe parts to build. When I saw this I went ahead and farmed them ages before U16 dropped on consoles.) I've learned to live with it. Although I do admit that I'm kinda impatient for the underwater tileset. It just looks too good. xD

Edited by (PS4)nysudyrgh
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I dont give a damn about bugs i just want to be one of the first to see the update like people on PC. Since you're on PC you don't know what it's like to wait and wait and wait. I always know everything about an update a month or longer before it arrives on consoles.


Right, so you want DE to submit a buggy update to Sony's cert team. Good job, you just made DE waste a bunch of time submitting something that will get rejected because it causes things like hard crashes on the console, file corruption, and so on. You're such a freedom fighter, standing against the evil PC tyranny!


I was thinking the exact same thing I don't care what pc player say I rather have the Content filled with bugs as long as I'm not stuck waiting all the time.


See what I told the last guy.


lol you don't really think consoles don't get the updates with out glitches and bugs lol come on now you can't really be that ignorant. But my point is with bugs or not you ENJOYING the Content at a steady pace. For you guys it's more get something new one week fix bugs then wait one week get next update our cycle are more like get new items get different bugs wait 3 weeks get half an update get different bugs and so on and so forth.


We get much, much worse bugs than you ever have to deal with on consoles. Just...get over it, for your own good.


yeah that's why I try not to complain too much because I know it's really Sony being to strict ugh but by that logic pc shouldn't get the update either until they really test out the product other wise it's just "wrong" to give them the broken product.... Oh wait that doesn't fit your argument ... Oops


Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that Warframe was out for PS4 first, and the PC gets content ported over. Oh, wait. You're entirely wrong. DE makes sure that the content works, and THEN ports it over to the PS4 version. If anything, you should be thanking PC players for basically testing any new content you get for you.


look all were asking for is for a steady pace with smaller dry spells. We don't mind being behind pc it's the fact that it takes us much longer to get it. We don't even have raids for the love of God's we got HALF an update last updated lol.


Yes, and all we're saying is to remember that you're getting a lot less bugs than you could be getting. Try to remember that Sony isn't going to let DE send out content that cause a bunch of crashes, or affects the console itself in a negative manner.


lol you make it it's rare to have more than 4 players in a lobby on ps4 lol look at gta for crying out loud lol I know pc is better system in every way but consoles arnt that bad either lol.


Er...actually consoles are that bad.


all kidding aside we did understand most of us were just happy with the new weapons for a while but dude... It's been almost a month..... Come on man even you have to understand our frustration...


I can understand some of it, but that doesn't warrant threads like this, with people like OP not using common sense to figure out why updates are slower on consoles than PC.


your the one that's too close minded to even bother to see why were bringing this up from time to time. Stop making it sound like ps4 can't do more than 4 players when clearly it can. It's not my fault your talking points are easily derailed lol since your so angry now to start name calling you should sit back and relax and wipe the spit of your keyboard and try to have an open mind and try to see why were frustrated. We don't complain about you guys complaining when your having issues. Well at least it's rare lol.


You don't complain because you don't get to complain about that sort of thing. If you have problems with the PS4 version of the game, there's a PS4 feedback subforum. You don't see PC players picking fights with the PS4 or Xbone players, so it'd be really, really nice if you didn't start picking fights with us over content that you're still going to get, in the end. The only things that you aren't getting, as far as I'm aware, are the Founder-exclusive items, and the beta tester items, because those only belong on PC. Meanwhile, you guys get some really nice skins that we will NEVER get on PC. Christ, DE is doing everything they can to make Warframe fun for you guys, and you STILL come over to the forums and complain.

Edited by Metal_Izanagi
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Write Sony! Tell them to hurry it up! DE does not do direct-release to console, they have to do this thing called a certification process wherein Sony decides the latest release is good or not and THEY decide to get it into your hands or not - got it?

So, console users, if you're impatient for the updates, write Sony or Microsoft, whichever you use, and tell them to HURRY IT UP.

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Right, so you want DE to submit a buggy update to Sony's cert team. Good job, you just made DE waste a bunch of time submitting something that will get rejected because it causes things like hard crashes on the console, file corruption, and so on. You're such a freedom fighter, standing against the evil PC tyranny!

See what I told the last guy.

We get much, much worse bugs than you ever have to deal with on consoles. Just...get over it, for your own good.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that Warframe was out for PS4 first, and the PC gets content ported over. Oh, wait. You're entirely wrong. DE makes sure that the content works, and THEN ports it over to the PS4 version. If anything, you should be thanking PC players for basically testing any new content you get for you.

Yes, and all we're saying is to remember that you're getting a lot less bugs than you could be getting. Try to remember that Sony isn't going to let DE send out content that cause a bunch of crashes, or affects the console itself in a negative manner.

Er...actually consoles are that bad.

I can understand some of it, but that doesn't warrant threads like this, with people like OP not using common sense to figure out why updates are slower on consoles than PC.

You don't complain because you don't get to complain about that sort of thing. If you have problems with the PS4 version of the game, there's a PS4 feedback subforum. You don't see PC players picking fights with the PS4 or Xbone players, so it'd be really, really nice if you didn't start picking fights with us over content that you're still going to get, in the end. The only things that you aren't getting, as far as I'm aware, are the Founder-exclusive items, and the beta tester items, because those only belong on PC. Meanwhile, you guys get some really nice skins that we will NEVER get on PC. Christ, DE is doing everything they can to make Warframe fun for you guys, and you STILL come over to the forums and complain.

don't you guys have the red skin I forget the name. I thought steam had its own thing lol. Oh the founders thing I agree with that should ONLY be for the founders they PAID for the exclusivity. They showed faith in the game when no-one else would. Don't get me wrong I love the game so far I bought 2 shirts a statue and 2 prime access and accesories I'm not hating on it. We bring this up cause we care and wanna enjoy then game with out dry spells. By the way pc players attacking consol players is very common why do u think the term "peasant" runs rampant -_- Edited by (PS4)Mazda_07_
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don't you guys have the red skin I forget the name. I thought steam had its own thing lol. Oh the founders thing I agree with that should ONLY be for the founders they PAID for the exclusivity. They showed faith in the game when no-one else would. Don't get me wrong I love the game so far I bought 2 shirts a statue and 2 prime access and accesories I'm not hating on it. We bring this up cause we care and wanna enjoy then game with out dry spells. By the way pc players attacking consol players is very common why do u think the term "peasant" runs rampant -_-

Rubedo skin. Steam only though. I dont want to use steam less i never leave the house ever again.

And yeah, we can understand the dry spells you're getting but bugs are still bugs. Imagine if DE submitted a buggy version on console, it would take at least a week to fix. Actually, didnt you guys have something like that some time ago? A game breaking bug i mean?

Imagine if you had to face that every time you got an update and had to wait at least a week before a “possible” fixed was patched in.

In recent example, the raids/trial. It was covered in one of the dev streams that raids/trial testing on console was running only 12fps. Imagine the rage people would have if that was released as it is...

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Rubedo skin. Steam only though. I dont want to use steam less i never leave the house ever again.

And yeah, we can understand the dry spells you're getting but bugs are still bugs. Imagine if DE submitted a buggy version on console, it would take at least a week to fix. Actually, didnt you guys have something like that some time ago? A game breaking bug i mean?

Imagine if you had to face that every time you got an update and had to wait at least a week before a “possible” fixed was patched in.

In recent example, the raids/trial. It was covered in one of the dev streams that raids/trial testing on console was running only 12fps. Imagine the rage people would have if that was released as it is...

Yesh. But most of us just said they will fix it. If I remember correctly it was barely mentioned in the forums :/ which I find weird. But that's just it we can handle bit right now we're having connection issues where people will drop out of the game randomly. I havnt seen anything in the forums so I assume we just taking it as it goes. But yes we do understand that we get less bugs wee just asking to get the updates in an orderly fashion like you guys do nice and steady. I will admit one thing is good about being being is getting a sleek peek at the market lol. Knowing what is pricey and what's not XD not to mention we know what void trader will bring so we know to farm or not.
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I dont give a damn about bugs i just want to be one of the first to see the update like people on PC. Since you're on PC you don't know what it's like to wait and wait and wait. I always know everything about an update a month or longer before it arrives on consoles.

Oh we know what its like. Thats why we got ourselves a PC.

Edited by Lordmotav
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This topic seems to:

-Not contain a constructive OP and replies.

-Have several off topic replies.

-Contain borderline rude replies.

It is not contributing to any sort of positive discussion.

Yes, the wait times are frustrating, but that is an issue with hoe the core game is developed. The PS4 and XB1 versions of the game are ports of the PC version, with minor tweaks specific to each console here and there. This means the game is developed for PC, released to PC, and then being worked on porting over to console.

Without the certification process, we'd likely be receiving, delayed, but, weekly updates like PC is, but the certification process, its time, and cost, sort of forces large bundled packages sent sparingly.

This means we generally are waiting a month for content released to PC.

Happily, it appears these console updates have become faster and better managed as of late. I would imagine this trend continues as time moves forward.

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