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What I Am Hoping For Most From Parkour 2.0


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Jumping fixes. Yeah, jumping isn't exactly parkour, but this seems like an appropriate time to address other movement-related issues. Jumping's lack of responsiveness has irked me for a while now. In a game that heavily emphasizes freedom of movement and fast-paced action, something is wrong when it has become almost a habit just to start spamming spacebar when I want to jump. I thought it was just my keyboard not registering my keypresses, but that isn't the case. Jumping seems to be a really low-priority action for some reason.

I don't really know if many others have this issue, or if it is just a small minority that this bothers, but something is definitely wrong here. When I press my jump button, I should jump, and I should jump right that moment. Because of this, any sort of vertical movement feels sluggish and unresponsive. Fixing this should be a priority to complement all the rest of the upcoming parkour changes.

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I want jumping to feel more intuitive. It's barely better than a blind leap right now which how likely it is for you to get caught on something you should really be reflexively moving around. There are far too many small raises and effective steps that you should be able to just walk over but instead need to do a full jump over.

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yhea, this happen to me too, is really anoying when you are doing spy2.0 mission an you active the alarms because you warframe doesnt jump in time when you press the jump button this happen sometimes but is really anoying.

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It took me a while to figure out that at least triple pressing jump was necessary to guarantee you actually jump when you want to. It'd be nice to be confident that when you press jump, you jump.

My pet hate is the auto roll, sometimes (all the damn time) you'll do an unwanted roll, fly off the platform you were on, land, do another roll and before you know it you've traversed a large area without wanting to in the slightest. Just make it so if you want to roll you press something but if you don't want to then press nothing and you'll land and stay on your feet.

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