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Severe Pc Crashes


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Since the "Memory Leakage" first appeared, I've suffered from atleast fifteen bluescreens and three crashes which a bluescreen didn't even have time to pop up because of my pc dying too hard. I can understand that the memory leakage causes bluescreens, so I waited for a hotfix and tried a little bit per day since they first started. Yesterday I saw a hotfix had finally come, and I decided that I'd try several times before considering giving up yet again, and since then I've had four pc crashes, and two "regular" game crashes. (When the game just exits and brings up a report screen for you to describe the issue)


I have no clue what it is, but I've been able to run Warframe on this PC since I've gotten it smoother than on any other PC I've had the privilige of playing Warframe on, and it shouldn't be an issue on my side. And no other game or anything has caused it to crash for four and a half months.


If it's of any help, logging in has also been really slow and problematic those times my game has seemed even close to playable, where I have to sit for five to fifteen minutes just continously clicking the login button, and continously click away the "Login failed, please check your info" screen.


Most times it's crashed has been sometime around extraction time and when exiting the arsenal or bringing up the starmap.


Anyone who has any idea what I can try to make this work, it would be greatly appreciated.



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We can't help you here, send in an crash report, or contact support. Also are you sure your PC is strong enough to run warframe?, nomraly when people complain about such like this, they boost their ego saying their PC is "master".



But likewise, can't help you here, send an crash report or do screenshots of whats happing, and information of your computer and then hand it over to support. they should be able to fix it.   

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1. What are your system specs?

2. What are your settings in Warframe like? Maxed out? Minimized? Default?




We can't help you here, send in an crash report, or contact support. Also are you sure your PC is strong enough to run warframe?, nomraly when people complain about such like this, they boost their ego saying their PC is "master".



But likewise, can't help you here, send an crash report or do screenshots of whats happing, and information of your computer and then hand it over to support. they should be able to fix it. 


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Dunno about that "regular crash". Did by "I have no clue what it is, but I've been able to run Warframe on this PC since I've gotten it smoother than on any other PC I've had the privilige of playing Warframe on, and it shouldn't be an issue on my side. " privilege you mean is you run the game as admin?



1.Maybe your internet connection went bad?

2.Try verify, and optimize your download cache


4.Pray it fixed by itself

5.Post your.. pc spec?

6.Send ticket to support

Thats all i can think

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I do have bad internet at the moment, yes, but it wouldn't cause bluescreens, and no my pc isn't "master". I'm posting here because I wanted to check if anyone else has these issues before I send in a support ticket. I've tried to verify and optimize, with my bad internet atm I haven't dared try to redownload/install yet. I've been praying for it to be fixed with a hotfix for several days, and my PC specs are:

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.40GHz - Kentsfield 65nm Technology

6GB RAM Dual-Channel DDR2 @400MHz

ASUSTeK Computer INC. P5KC (LGA775)

1024MB ATI AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series (XFX Pine Group) X2 (Dual GPUs, and I know what several does and doesn't do)


(Yes, my parts are old, but I've been able to run warframe smoothly for a long time now, as I said in OP)

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Oh, sorry, I also missed you saying the "Privilige" part, I mean playing it on really good and newer PCs, and other ones. By privilige I simply mean that I've had the chance of trying it on other people's pcs, some being way newer than mine.

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I do have bad internet at the moment, yes, but it wouldn't cause bluescreens, and no my pc isn't "master". I'm posting here because I wanted to check if anyone else has these issues before I send in a support ticket. I've tried to verify and optimize, with my bad internet atm I haven't dared try to redownload/install yet. I've been praying for it to be fixed with a hotfix for several days, and my PC specs are:

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.40GHz - Kentsfield 65nm Technology

6GB RAM Dual-Channel DDR2 @400MHz

ASUSTeK Computer INC. P5KC (LGA775)

1024MB ATI AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series (XFX Pine Group) X2 (Dual GPUs, and I know what several does and doesn't do)


(Yes, my parts are old, but I've been able to run warframe smoothly for a long time now, as I said in OP)


Those should be fine for running Warframe. The only thing I can think of is either A) Your processor can't handle the truth Warframe B) Other tasks are taking up your system C) Warframe is just bugging again.


One thing you might try is killing any unnecessary tasks/processes in the background and any programs you aren't using. Also putting your Warframe settings on low should help by removing the amount of ram/processor usage.



My pc parts is even worst than yours.. but i dont get error like you... did you have enough empty hd space? did your computer infected by virus?



maybe your download cache corrupted?

Space for files may also be a problem, but it shouldn't be as for the most part WF data is stored on the server not locally.

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I don't think the cache is corrupted, I've tried verifying cache earlier. And I don't have any viruses, nor do I have space issues. I have over 800GB of space left, in the harddrive that I installed Warframe I have 655GB free as of now.


I will try to re-verify cache just because I have no other clues atm, and if that doesn't work I'll try with reinstalling aswell.

This amount of bluescreens isn't good for any computer though, new or old, my windows files have gotten corrupted three times by now, and I fear I'll kill my computer with continously trying to make it work :/

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I have tried lowering my pc usage to the point where only Steam and Warframe is on, and my CPU is flickering between 0-1% CPU and use about 2% RAM when only Steam is on, when Warframe is on (with only Steam and Warframe up, ofcourse), my CPU usage is about 40-60% and RAM is on approximitely 30-60%.




(Edit: When opening the launcher, it sometimes freezes already to the point where it pops up with "Microsoft Windows has stopped responding. Would you like to end this process?" And I have tried with rebooting the process "Explorer.exe" when needed aswell, but it hasn't done much.)

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I don't think the cache is corrupted, I've tried verifying cache earlier. And I don't have any viruses, nor do I have space issues. I have over 800GB of space left, in the harddrive that I installed Warframe I have 655GB free as of now.


I will try to re-verify cache just because I have no other clues atm, and if that doesn't work I'll try with reinstalling aswell.

This amount of bluescreens isn't good for any computer though, new or old, my windows files have gotten corrupted three times by now, and I fear I'll kill my computer with continously trying to make it work :/


Well if these sorts of problems continue, more than likely its not a Warframe problem. Maybe DirectX drivers are messed up? If your system overall stops working on most things you could re-install Windows and retry then. If it is a Warframe problem reinstalling Warframe typically fixes that.

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I have tried lowering my pc usage to the point where only Steam and Warframe is on, and my CPU is flickering between 0-1% CPU and use about 2% RAM when only Steam is on, when Warframe is on (with only Steam and Warframe up, ofcourse), my CPU usage is about 40-60% and RAM is on approximitely 30-60%.

So its not associated with system specs then.

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My system only stops responding in two cases, and this is since the start of my relationship with my PC:


1) Warframe is being launched

2) I'm rebooting my pc after a total crash that happened while playing/launching Warframe.





(Edit: Just after I sent this post, Warframe was done with my second Cache Verification, and only moments later my computer flashed another "Memory Dump" BlueScreen. The only programs up was Firefox, Steam and Warframe's Launcher, where the only loaded page on Firefox was this forum's post page.)

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One thing I'm not clear on, does your entire machine become responsive every time, or is it sometimes just Warframe that becomes unresponsive?


If it's just Warframe, have you been able to fill out the crash reporter when Warframe crashes? Additionally, could you tell me if you still crash in DX9 mode (or are you already in DX9 and this is happening).


I'm also interested in seeing your EE.log of the Starmap instance of the crash if you're able to attach it to a support ticket.

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It's never my entire PC that becomes unresponsive, sometimes it's explorer.exe and Warframe, but Steam works etc. And I never go with DX10/11 because they always add problems (I don't know why, but it has always been running smoother for me without them on).


And sure, I'll send the EE.log straight away.




Edit (Forgot to mention the thing about error reports, my bad): Ofcourse I couldn't those times my whole computer crashed, like when bluescreens happened etc, but those times that just the game crashed I did, yes. And since I'm used to, I always ended the reports with a signature so that it'd be noticed that it's the same person having those specific crashes, in case that it was the same thing crashing my game or similar.

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Thanks for the tip, but it seems like Warframe is running smoothly as of now. After the second cache verification (and the crash that happened just after that updating), I decided to put it down for a while. About two hours later I tried it again, and somehow it seemed to run okay. A few bugs here and there forcing me to restart the game, but no bluescreens. I have no idea if the cache verification fixed it or if the latest hotfix did anything, but I wouldn't understand why the first cache verification didn't work when that one didn't even crash my pc.


If the game is still playable when I try tomorrow, I will make sure to mark this thread as fixed/closed, if I figure out how.


Edit (alot of these today): I was, with all of my heart, hoping that the game was playable after about three hours of being able to play. (Which was all 100% appolodorus and two defense runs on earth, all to try to lure G3 out)

Creeping up on the fourth hour and my pc bluescreened. I had been talking on skype with two others (with one of them being the host) and listening to music on youtube during a big part without any issue. I quit skype about an hour before the crash, but still listening to youtube when the crash happened. Even so, I had the Task Manager up the entire time and not a single time did my RAM usage go above 80%. My CPU was at 90% as highest, but that was only during mission launch, it calmed down after the loading screens and mission deployment. Just as we were in the middle of our what would be our 40th appo run (approximitely), I got another bluescreen. I had only managed to run 1-3 appolodorus before, so I have definitely gotten somewhere from the second cache validation (if that actually did whatever made it work for so long), if the problem still persists by tomorrow morning, I'll both try the RAM stick replacing thing that seems to fix most of the memory leakage one could have, and reinstalling. If neither works, the only thing I can think of is reinstalling W7, which I'd rather not.

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Do you have the text of your bluescreen? I have had to deal with systems that had a similar issue on other games and in that case the video cards had small issues themselves. One card had a capacitor going out and the other had VRAM going bad. If the bluescreen message gives a reference to video memory I would check the card before going any further.

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I have a slight feeling that it might be my GPU messing with me, yeah. Though the reason I want to doubt it is because I'm playing games that require up to three times as much VRAM as Warframe without the slightest issue. Though ofcourse memory issues can be caused from the GPU telling the pc it requires more RAM than it has, eventually leading to using up all of it. Also if that was the case, why would it use up all that RAM so fast the other times, and yesterday night go so slow? Ten minutes versus four hours doesn't really match up :s

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Our shader optimizations we released this morning may help your particular situation, although it sounds like the crash is less common now? I'm very interested to know if you see any improvement after playing with today's fix.

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Appearantly my previous post wasn't sent, that's an issue. But here's my report as of yet:

First try after trying the new hotfix crashed me after a minute in game. Nothing was overheating, no memory issues. Suddenly crash.

I have steady 120fps in the Liset, and I was browsing the Market while it happened, was checking the deals that came out earlier today.


Also I didn't have time today to check that the memory is securely in the sockets, I'll definitely do that tomorrow since I will have a few hours of free time, but I just might have to do a fresh install of Windows 7 since these constant bluescreens keep corrupting core files. The bluescreen that pops up -most- of the time is the "Hardware/software malfunction", while before the bluescreens even popped up in Warframe my computer ran like a dream in every game I played.


After 20+ bluescreens I'm pretty much forced to do a fresh reinstall of my OS, I can't even open Speccy without it telling me that there's a DLL in System32 that's malfunctioning. (And yes, I'm 100% sure that this is because of bluescreens, I've had enough of them to know a bit after 11.5yrs with the same computer that I had before this one, so please refrain from telling me off about it.)


Thank you all for trying to help, I'll post another report on how it's going tomorrow.

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