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Crashes & Freezes In Endless Mission Types [Megathread]


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Thanks for relaying these issues you've been experiencing. I've passed this along to our Performance team for further investigation. 


With 16.5.9 out the door, the team is still continuing to address and improve Performance issues.

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I have experienced more horrible frame rate drops in this update than any previous update after playing 15-20 mins in any node. I have two consoles and both have the same issues with Warframe. A few times the frame rate drops caused the game to malfunction and crash. I am getting tired of playing hard and losing loot.

Edited by (XB1)BLK THORN
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Same here, I attempted five or six Orokin derelect  survival missions last night, and every one of them severely lost frames and eventually crashed before the 10 minute mark. The last two crashes actually restarted my xbox 1 (without me pressing the power button).


Also experienced issues with the game not creating a session when in navigation.  

Edited by (XB1)Sacrfishal Lamb
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Good luck getting a response anytime soon or anything of the like. I post bug reports all the time on things of this nature and its funny how my reports almost never get a single Dev response. They seem more interested in the mishaps of the game code unrelated to the topic of "game breaker". Not trying to discourage you, just don't get your hopes up.


Apologies for the lack of updates. I can assure you that we are actively investigating performance improvements for the Orokin Derelict tile set as well as many others. Unfortunately I do not have any information on a fix at this time, however I hope that Update 16.5 has made these issues slightly more bearable. With that said these crashes are absolutely unacceptable and we are working to end them once and for all. 

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Same here, after the update i can honestly say there has been zero improvement in the performance of the game, if anything it's worse due to the increased frame drops/lag etc..

Even the death orb crash has returned, the one where you shoot it just as the lasers turn on, you get the loud buzz and then it quits.

The UI is terrible, when i bring up the chat box (left trigger) and i move up and down the game doesn't seem to know what to do so it scrolls up and down any menu you have open behind the overlay as well as in the window...why the hell hasn't this been fixed??

I cannot play Derelict Survival or Defense as i KNOW it will crash after 10/15 mins or so resulting in a wasted key (exactly the same as after the last major "update")

I'm constantly losing connection due to the clearly broken 'host migration' system (if i see that message; i know it's game over)

Now i fully understand the game is 'free to play' but i've invested a fair amount of money in the game, often unnecessarily to support the development etc..

so i expect the quality of the game to improve a little or at the very least be stable enough for continuous play for more than 15 minutes.

And as for the new 'Trial' i have been eager to play for quite some time...forget it, there's no way on earth i'm wasting the time and resources for me and my friends to crash/lose connection half way through!

I don't expect any response from the dev's regarding this post (as they rarely do) but surely they must see by now that people LOVE this game...but it's broken on consoles...and they need to fix it to ensure it's longevity.

Here's an example:

My clan has 24 members (i think)

Active members recently...4

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To add another case : yesterday afternoon, 3 of my friends tried 2 survival T 4.

It was hard to get past 20 minutes due to perf issues!


2 Hydroids & 1 Loki : when the tentacles were out, the frame rate dropped really hard, with a lot of freezes.


So, for us, it would be better to get back to what it was until better improvements, because now, it is far worse...

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Hi everyone, as mentioned in Megan's post (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/476349-xb1-update-1672-passed/page-4#entry5386912) our most recent update has just passed cert. This update could potentially result in a number of these crashes to no longer occur. Unfortunately I do not have an exact date when this build will be released to the public, however I suggest trying these mission types again after the update has gone live.


If you do happen to crash during endless mission types after update 16.7.2, we would greatly appreciate some additional info so that we can try to reproduce the exact scenario on our end.


Particularly interested in the following:


Which node were you in?

How many players in your party?

Which Warframe / weapons were you using? 

Can you remember which Warframes / weapons were used by other players at the time of the crash?



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Gawd, why is this game so broken? I love it, but just about had it. I swear almost half the games I played today had some issue. (can't pick up life supports, freezing, host migration issues) why does it have so many issues, I just don't understand. I can put in almost any other game and just play it without all these problems. I don't particulary like Destiny, but I've never had "host left, you will be returned to the multiplayer menu" especially when the "host" is my son, just in the other room. And it's especially frustrating when you are trying to get one particular item, and you have done the same mission (ie: t4 interception today, and after around 8 tries 6 rounds each, you get it finally, just to shortly afterward get "host left you will be returned to the multiplayer menu" and loose what you were trying to get. Why can't it just let u keep what you've earned already or at least ask you "host left, would you like to use your key to continue?" And as I mentioned earlier the person hosting was my son in the next room. I hate to say it, but I just said today, I can't wait untill something else comes out that I want to play as much as this so I can move on. It is so frustrating, and it should be fun right? I love all the new stuff that keeps coming, but I'm sure I would be a lot happier if what I had would just work.

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From what I can tell, Vauban has not crashed out my game yet. Haven't attempted to play any Infested areas. That's where the real issue was for me. That...and the random "for no apparent reason" crash to dash. Surprisingly haven't had a crash since the update. Will have to test more to see if I can break the game like usual lol. 

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We had 2 different crashes last night while attempting ODS, both times after making it to Wave 15. We had a Mesa, Vauban (using a dark grey/black color to prevent his bastille being a visual obstruction) a Mag and a Trinity. I was playing Vauban and I had Karak Wraith, Magnus and Jat Kittang, I don't know what weapons the others uses, I'm afraid.

Both times they crashed it was in the same exact room. We call it the 'elevator room' because in the normal Orokin tileset, that room has an elevator that you can ride up to a second level. The second level has a staircase to reach a third level. There is a small sewer under a raised platform, the platform of which has a higher elevator than the floor of the elevator.


We noticed that this room in particular seemed to cause several cases of frame rate issues. The odd thing is, I've never had this issue while running Derelict missions, personally. I have two friends that I play with frequently, and they are the ones that crash more often than any one else. One friend has had his app crash nearly 100% of the time he attempts to play a Derelict missions, and does so with a regular basis in survivals and defenses in the Void, but he seems fine elsewhere. Another friend crashes frequently in the Derelict (but not as often as the other guy) and crashes occasionally in the Void.


My app crashes every once in awhile, usually about once a week or so, and most often after having my Xbox running for a long time. The other friend I play with most frequently is similar to myself.


That's all the information I can give at this time. I'll try and post as much information as I can if it happens in the future.

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Hi everyone, 


We are still working to address this issue. In the meantime is there any chance I could get someone to try to reproduce this crash after they have forced their console to power cycle? Power cycling your Xbox is very easy and should have no impact on your system.


To power cycle all you need to do is make sure that your system is powered on and then hold the power button for 10 seconds. This will shut it down and when you boot back up you should see a green screen with the Xbox logo on it. Once this green screen disappears you will be able to launch Warframe again.


This is definitely not the ideal solution however the results could potentially help us track down the culprit.


Thanks a lot.

More info on power cycling can be found here: http://support.xbox.com/en-CA/xbox-one/system/power-cycle-console
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We had 2 different crashes last night while attempting ODS, both times after making it to Wave 15. We had a Mesa, Vauban (using a dark grey/black color to prevent his bastille being a visual obstruction) a Mag and a Trinity. I was playing Vauban and I had Karak Wraith, Magnus and Jat Kittang, I don't know what weapons the others uses, I'm afraid.

Both times they crashed it was in the same exact room. We call it the 'elevator room' because in the normal Orokin tileset, that room has an elevator that you can ride up to a second level. The second level has a staircase to reach a third level. There is a small sewer under a raised platform, the platform of which has a higher elevator than the floor of the elevator.


We noticed that this room in particular seemed to cause several cases of frame rate issues. The odd thing is, I've never had this issue while running Derelict missions, personally. I have two friends that I play with frequently, and they are the ones that crash more often than any one else. One friend has had his app crash nearly 100% of the time he attempts to play a Derelict missions, and does so with a regular basis in survivals and defenses in the Void, but he seems fine elsewhere. Another friend crashes frequently in the Derelict (but not as often as the other guy) and crashes occasionally in the Void.


My app crashes every once in awhile, usually about once a week or so, and most often after having my Xbox running for a long time. The other friend I play with most frequently is similar to myself.


That's all the information I can give at this time. I'll try and post as much information as I can if it happens in the future.




I know the elevator you are talking about, I have had many games crash while the squad was camped in there.

Edited by (XB1)MARS Q3
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Hi everyone, 


We are still working to address this issue. In the meantime is there any chance I could get someone to try to reproduce this crash after they have forced their console to power cycle? Power cycling your Xbox is very easy and should have no impact on your system.


To power cycle all you need to do is make sure that your system is powered on and then hold the power button for 10 seconds. This will shut it down and when you boot back up you should see a green screen with the Xbox logo on it. Once this green screen disappears you will be able to launch Warframe again.


This is definitely not the ideal solution however the results could potentially help us track down the culprit.


Thanks a lot.


More info on power cycling can be found here: http://support.xbox.com/en-CA/xbox-one/system/power-cycle-console



I swear that something in your code is causing the same effects that occour on a PC when there is an "out of memory range" fault.

Edited by (XB1)MARS Q3
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Hi everyone,

We are still working to address this issue. In the meantime is there any chance I could get someone to try to reproduce this crash after they have forced their console to power cycle? Power cycling your Xbox is very easy and should have no impact on your system.

To power cycle all you need to do is make sure that your system is powered on and then hold the power button for 10 seconds. This will shut it down and when you boot back up you should see a green screen with the Xbox logo on it. Once this green screen disappears you will be able to launch Warframe again.

This is definitely not the ideal solution however the results could potentially help us track down the culprit.

Thanks a lot.

More info on power cycling can be found here: http://support.xbox.com/en-CA/xbox-one/system/power-cycle-console

Reproducing the crash AFTER power cycling? I can tell you that unless the hot fix today did anything towards crashing, then it does nothing. I've crashed many a times in the past month after hard resetting. It only mitigates 1-1000 crashes. Edited by (XB1)Spartan Cook
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Just had this happen to me as well.

Coba (Earth)

Nekros-Penta-Dex Furis-Anku (me)

Team: Limbo, Rhino Prime, Ash Prime.


I hope this issue gets resolved quickly. I enjoy playing this game with my clan mates who are mainly from the U.K. but i cant even get in to a bargain barrel defense or survival without the game disconnecting me or one of them. I understand that there is a region difference, but I cant even connect to a few of my friends who live here in the States. Please don't make me go back to Destiny!

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Just had this happen to me as well.

Coba (Earth)

Nekros-Penta-Dex Furis-Anku (me)

Team: Limbo, Rhino Prime, Ash Prime.


I hope this issue gets resolved quickly. I enjoy playing this game with my clan mates who are mainly from the U.K. but i cant even get in to a bargain barrel defense or survival without the game disconnecting me or one of them. I understand that there is a region difference, but I cant even connect to a few of my friends who live here in the States. Please don't make me go back to Destiny!

I can't even connect to myself half the time, I play solo and still lag out if I loiter too long.

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Just had this happen to me as well.

Coba (Earth)

Nekros-Penta-Dex Furis-Anku (me)

Team: Limbo, Rhino Prime, Ash Prime.


I hope this issue gets resolved quickly. I enjoy playing this game with my clan mates who are mainly from the U.K. but i cant even get in to a bargain barrel defense or survival without the game disconnecting me or one of them. I understand that there is a region difference, but I cant even connect to a few of my friends who live here in the States. Please don't make me go back to Destiny!

Destiny has major issues as well, their servers are garbage.

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