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Alloy, Always Alloy


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I am not sure if it has been said, and really I am not going to read it all to find out.



DERebecca has acknowledged the issue, and has brought it to the attentioin of the Developers. If you do not want to "waste" the alloy, hold off on making unneccessary builds until it has been addressed. And they will address it.


Also, for those talking about not having a use for mats, there is the DOJO coming and that will require mats, I am sure. Just give it, lets say, 2 weeks and you will need more of everything not just alloy.

Edited by crow-k
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So because you'd rather not farm for alloy which quite frankly isn't that difficult a resource to farm, you'd rather they lower the requirement for that material on all recipes?  That sounds like laziness/annoyance at doing something that isn't difficult to do.


...and sometimes you have to put in a little more work into it.  


... the ones that put forth the effort/time to farm the necessary materials, and build it. ...  Because you can just play the game and work for your items!  

~various snips~


It's not difficult to do. It's annoying, tedious, and takes far too long. Even with someone's lucky 216 in one run, that's not enough to change your gear very much, and not at all if you want a dual weapon.

Work, work, work!

This is a GAME, not a job! I sit down and I want to PLAY. I want to EARN, but I do not want to spend all my time to get one hard fought-for item that I didn't really need, when my Braton is just as good or possibly better.

You have to work to play, but right now, the amount of work needed to get two hours of non-grinding play time is two weeks, if you're lucky. Maybe less, if you spend your whole day doing nothing but Warframe. But it's a GAME. I don't get home from class and work to sit down and do more work. That's why I have my Psychology essays!

And then think of the newer players. If a newer player has to do upward of 50 missions to afford one new weapon, they're not going to want to stick around.

This game, while in beta, has no real excuse to why it has no logevity outside of real-life payments. I don't want to choose between a good weekend out with my girlfriend or normal friends or a friggin' virtual shotgun that I have to grind more in order to fully enjoy.

Even if I had hefty disposable income (which happens here and there), I'd choose the $15 game on my Steam wishlist for 30+ hours over the $20 frame that will last me 5 hours over a week before it feels like a second job.

I am all for throwing my spare change and extra lunch money at my games, and I will for this one! Why, after all these complaints? Because it's in beta and I know it will get better. But if we don't say anything and sit back and let ourselves get spoonfed things we don't fully enjoy, then the final product will be a terribl, sloppy mess. (For example, The War Z quashed community feedback, an look what happened there. TF2 has massive community involvment, and it's uber-successful)

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It's not difficult to do. It's annoying, tedious, and takes far too long. Even with someone's lucky 216 in one run, that's not enough to change your gear very much, and not at all if you want a dual weapon.

Work, work, work!

This is a GAME, not a job! I sit down and I want to PLAY. I want to EARN, but I do not want to spend all my time to get one hard fought-for item that I didn't really need, when my Braton is just as good or possibly better.

You have to work to play, but right now, the amount of work needed to get two hours of non-grinding play time is two weeks, if you're lucky. Maybe less, if you spend your whole day doing nothing but Warframe. But it's a GAME. I don't get home from class and work to sit down and do more work. That's why I have my Psychology essays!

And then think of the newer players. If a newer player has to do upward of 50 missions to afford one new weapon, they're not going to want to stick around.

This game, while in beta, has no real excuse to why it has no logevity outside of real-life payments. I don't want to choose between a good weekend out with my girlfriend or normal friends or a friggin' virtual shotgun that I have to grind more in order to fully enjoy.

Even if I had hefty disposable income (which happens here and there), I'd choose the $15 game on my Steam wishlist for 30+ hours over the $20 frame that will last me 5 hours over a week before it feels like a second job.

I am all for throwing my spare change and extra lunch money at my games, and I will for this one! Why, after all these complaints? Because it's in beta and I know it will get better. But if we don't say anything and sit back and let ourselves get spoonfed things we don't fully enjoy, then the final product will be a terribl, sloppy mess. (For example, The War Z quashed community feedback, an look what happened there. TF2 has massive community involvment, and it's uber-successful)


You state that you know its not difficult to do and then follow it up with but it's tedious and takes too long.  So you admit that if the process were easier you'd have no problem with it?  Basically because you need to do that little bit more it's not worth it? Lazy much?


I get that this is a "game" and that you want to play it and not have to do "work" as you say it aka grinding/farming.  Well guess what?  You don't have to grind for anything, it's a simple concept and a simple choice.  No one is forcing you to do anything you don't want to do in the first place.  You said yourself that the Braton is just as good or possibly better(in your opinion I'm assuming)than an item you don't really need, so don't make the item you don't need if you don't need to make it.  Since it seems like you're so hung up on just wanting to play, why would you do anything that would otherwise deter your enjoyment of the game by not simply "playing" it, and not worrying about stuff that you don't need to worry about?  You also stated that you'd rather not have to choose between spending time with your significant other and/or friends and this game.  Then don't, do I have to spell this out for you?  Is this game a higher priority than real life?  If yes then play it, if no then either stop playing, play less, or make a compromise between the two.  You don't to be a genius to figure that one out.


And of course the argument about newer players, people need to stop bringing new players into these situations that they don't need to be in.  You do realize that unless a new player is being rushed(which in my opinion is terrible since they level fast but don't "grow" at the rate that they should as far as money/mods goes)that they're likely to do that many missions anyway since they'll need to unlock all the areas on the various planets, and will more than likely redo them to get stronger the intended way.  Whether or not they/anyone sticks around is they're choice, while you can try to make a game for everyone the reality is that you can't please everyone all the time.  This game isn't going to fit everyone's play style, nor everyone's idea on how a game like this should be run, that's just a fact.


Another thing people have to stop bringing up is that they feel like because the most recent tweeks to the crafting system, that the developers are obviously coercing/giving no real choice to the players besides using real money via platinum transactions.  I don't know how many times I've had to repeat myself on this statement, but you don't have to spend real money period.  The general consensus among players as of late is that because you have to put in a little more effort into farming an uncommon-ish resource which takes up all the time in the world apparently, that they feel obligated to spend real money so that they can have the item now instead.  This is alarming, and anyone that shares in this feeling should feel pretty terrible about themselves.  You might as just tell the truth when replying to these threads and say:  I just want everything to be easy, and because it's not I'm going to make a big deal out of nothing because now I can't get something that I don't really need but want.  You say that you don't want to be spoonfed, but at the same time you don't want to put in any effort into it unless that's it's something that's easier than the current set of options.  Get out now seriously, this is laziness at an all time high, no joke.


Now don't get me wrong on all of this, I'm all for bringing to light issues that you may find with whatever.  It just needs to be brought about in a better way than: attacking the developers, blatantly whining/complaining that a certain change is complete and utter BS without adding any constructive criticism to back up their statement, making blind anger driven threads without trying to look at the situation from all possible sides(players/developers).  All in all the community as a whole needs to do some growing up, many of you set your expectations way too/unreasonably high.  Everyone needs to realize that theses changes(for better or worse)happen for a reason(generally balancing/rebalancing for current issues/future updates), it's not some event the dev. team crafted to purposely get a rise out of their player-base, and it's not always going to be a guarantee that it's going to work out the gate especially in an online game.  Whether you believe it or not this is game is still in beta and still in development, and will always be in development even after the beta phase is up because that's just the nature of online games, up until the end of it's virtual life.  

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You state that you know its not difficult to do and then follow it up with but it's tedious and takes too long.  So you admit that if the process were easier you'd have no problem with it?  Basically because you need to do that little bit more it's not worth it? Lazy much?


Then don't, do I have to spell this out for you?  Is this game a higher priority than real life?  If yes then play it, if no then either stop playing, play less, or make a compromise between the two.  You don't to be a genius to figure that one out.


Get out now seriously, this is laziness at an all time high, no joke.


Now don't get me wrong on all of this, I'm all for bringing to light issues that you may find with whatever.  It just needs to be brought about in a better way than: attacking the developers, blatantly whining/complaining that a certain change is complete and utter BS without adding any constructive criticism to back up their statement, 

Whether you believe it or not this is game is still in beta and still in development, and will always be in development even after the beta phase is up because that's just the nature of online games, up until the end of it's virtual life.  


Nice job going on and on with the insults, buddy.

What would be laziness is if I wanted everything from the start.

That "Get out" comment? THat's the kind of community responses that CAUSE this kind of level of anger in the forums. I provide constructive, well worded critism and it gets met by crude comments for me to leave for being lazy for not wanting to spend 2 hours repeating the same level in order to obtain one item that I used to be able to get right now?


Most importantly:

"Whether you believe it or not this is game is still in beta and still in development..."

It's not a matter of belief. The game IS in beta, this game IS in development. It is definitive fact. People like you who play devil's advocate and demand for anyone who doesn't love a content update and quell any negative thoughts on it to leave on the grounds of laziness is why I don't play games like League of Legend. Berrating, insulting, and telling other players to outright quit is not how to make a game community, or how to make a good game.

I want the game to change for the better, and when it makes a change for the worst, excuse the heck outta me for voicing my opinion in anything other than a whimper.

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You state that you know its not difficult to do and then follow it up with but it's tedious and takes too long.  So you admit that if the process were easier you'd have no problem with it?  Basically because you need to do that little bit more it's not worth it?


Actual difficulty and tedium rarely coincide.


Warframe is already a very easy game, and the grind presented has nothing to do with difficulty. There is no real difference in skill between the first and the 50th run to acquire the proper blueprints for an item.




Lazy much?


First of all, I would not use someone's willingness, or lack thereof, to grind for items in a game for hours on end as a barometer for the attribution of sloth in a person.


Second, this, once again, has nothing to do with 'laziness.' If the tedium grows to the point that the game can no longer be seen as enjoyable, then the time spent feels like a waste, and the game is no longer worth playing.




I get that this is a "game" and that you want to play it and not have to do "work" as you say it aka grinding/farming.  Well guess what?  You don't have to grind for anything, it's a simple concept and a simple choice.  No one is forcing you to do anything you don't want to do in the first place.


And no one is forcing you to play the game either. But in the best interests of the developer, they want you to play the game.




You said yourself that the Braton is just as good or possibly better(in your opinion I'm assuming)than an item you don't really need, so don't make the item you don't need if you don't need to make it.  Since it seems like you're so hung up on just wanting to play, why would you do anything that would otherwise deter your enjoyment of the game by not simply "playing" it, and not worrying about stuff that you don't need to worry about?


And it's entirely possible to play through the game with just one weapon. But that doesn't stop the player from growing tired of using it, or wanting to try something else.




You also stated that you'd rather not have to choose between spending time with your significant other and/or friends and this game.  Then don't, do I have to spell this out for you?  Is this game a higher priority than real life?  If yes then play it, if no then either stop playing, play less, or make a compromise between the two.  You don't to be a genius to figure that one out.


To reiterate, the choice to not play the game is always available, but is never in the best interests of the developer. You're narrowing it down to a very black and white decision when it plainly isn't. As it stands, the sense of progression offered by the game is inadequate in comparison to the investment of time it requires.




Another thing people have to stop bringing up is that they feel like because the most recent tweeks to the crafting system, that the developers are obviously coercing/giving no real choice to the players besides using real money via platinum transactions.  I don't know how many times I've had to repeat myself on this statement, but you don't have to spend real money period.


And I don't have to play the game either, but that means that the potential consumer base of the game, and thus the potential income of DE, shrinks.




The general consensus among players as of late is that because you have to put in a little more effort into farming an uncommon-ish resource which takes up all the time in the world apparently, that they feel obligated to spend real money so that they can have the item now instead.


This is definitely not the argument at hand. Although I would consider the encouragement of monetization going forward to be completely over-aggressive and unfriendly to the playerbase at large, and am not happy with the current nature of the market place, the issue that this thread is concerned with is that this 'uncommon-ish" resource is bottle necking the entire crafting system, and that its scarcity in earlier areas hurts the progression of newer players, which, combined with the incredibly grindy nature of the game, does a lot to push away new players, and could potentially lead to a stagnating and ultimately dying community.




This is alarming, and anyone that shares in this feeling should feel pretty terrible about themselves.  You might as just tell the truth when replying to these threads and say:  I just want everything to be easy, and because it's not I'm going to make a big deal out of nothing because now I can't get something that I don't really need but want.

You say that you don't want to be spoonfed, but at the same time you don't want to put in any effort into it unless that's it's something that's easier than the current set of options.  Get out now seriously, this is laziness at an all time high, no joke.


Once again, and ignoring this incredibly poor and incendiary generalization, this has nothing to do with difficulty. Making a game tedious and boring does not make it difficult. Mindlessly playing the same level over and over again is not "difficulty." There is a time and place for grinding in some games, and at times, repetition can be used well. But in the case of Warframe, the grind is far too much for the sense of progression offered.


Once more, not about difficulty. If a challenge in the game were genuinely and fairly difficult, and required a considerable investment of time to learn and beat, and rewarded the players accordingly, that might be the case. But it is not. There is simply a hollow grind.


Nobody wants to be spoonfed. They just don't want to be bored to tears.



Now don't get me wrong on all of this, I'm all for bringing to light issues that you may find with whatever.  It just needs to be brought about in a better way than: attacking the developers, blatantly whining/complaining that a certain change is complete and utter BS without adding any constructive criticism to back up their statement, making blind anger driven threads without trying to look at the situation from all possible sides(players/developers).


No one is attacking the developers. Have you read any of this thread? Most of the criticism in this thread has been justifiable and constructive considering the current situation.


As an end user, the consumer has no duty to the well being of the developers. If they make a threat to leave because the game is too tedious for them, that's their own perogative. But if it ends up being as common as it is now, maybe it's not just a few people not finding the game suitable to them. Maybe there are some real issues with the state of the game that need to be addressed.



All in all the community as a whole needs to do some growing up, many of you set your expectations way too/unreasonably high. Everyone needs to realize that theses changes(for better or worse)happen for a reason(generally balancing/rebalancing for current issues/future updates), it's not some event the dev. team crafted to purposely get a rise out of their player-base, and it's not always going to be a guarantee that it's going to work out the gate especially in an online game.  Whether you believe it or not this is game is still in beta and still in development, and will always be in development even after the beta phase is up because that's just the nature of online games, up until the end of it's virtual life. 

And considering the nature of many of the most recent changes, the intention is perfectly clear. While it isn't malicious, it certainly does serve a purpose (that being monetization).


As a paying customer, all I expect is my money's worth. I don't feel I'm getting it.

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Read above

A small question for you, Synth.  How high level are you compared to other players in the game?  I can't imagine you being a beginner or an intermediate player, nor could you be a resetter.  Obviously, when you recall the effort it took you to get stuff, you would have thought of it as easier than what people seem to be saying (and I can testify to this, having gotten myself three credits weapons and a blueprint that didn't use alloy before the BP update, where I'm now stuck slowly building up the measly alloy I have for a Latron).  Oh, sure, many folks already playing (experienced or not) can deal with the new alloy reliance, but new players will be immediately driven away, and ultimately, it's not about whether you're too 'lazy' or not that determines whether this game keeps on living.

Edited by Luzoto
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You state that you know its not difficult to do and then follow it up with but it's tedious and takes too long.  So you admit that if the process were easier you'd have no problem with it?  Basically because you need to do that little bit more it's not worth it? Lazy much?


I get that this is a "game" and that you want to play it and not have to do "work" as you say it aka grinding/farming.  Well guess what?  You don't have to grind for anything, it's a simple concept and a simple choice.  No one is forcing you to do anything you don't want to do in the first place.  You said yourself that the Braton is just as good or possibly better(in your opinion I'm assuming)than an item you don't really need, so don't make the item you don't need if you don't need to make it.  Since it seems like you're so hung up on just wanting to play, why would you do anything that would otherwise deter your enjoyment of the game by not simply "playing" it, and not worrying about stuff that you don't need to worry about?  You also stated that you'd rather not have to choose between spending time with your significant other and/or friends and this game.  Then don't, do I have to spell this out for you?  Is this game a higher priority than real life?  If yes then play it, if no then either stop playing, play less, or make a compromise between the two.  You don't to be a genius to figure that one out.


And of course the argument about newer players, people need to stop bringing new players into these situations that they don't need to be in.  You do realize that unless a new player is being rushed(which in my opinion is terrible since they level fast but don't "grow" at the rate that they should as far as money/mods goes)that they're likely to do that many missions anyway since they'll need to unlock all the areas on the various planets, and will more than likely redo them to get stronger the intended way.  Whether or not they/anyone sticks around is they're choice, while you can try to make a game for everyone the reality is that you can't please everyone all the time.  This game isn't going to fit everyone's play style, nor everyone's idea on how a game like this should be run, that's just a fact.


Another thing people have to stop bringing up is that they feel like because the most recent tweeks to the crafting system, that the developers are obviously coercing/giving no real choice to the players besides using real money via platinum transactions.  I don't know how many times I've had to repeat myself on this statement, but you don't have to spend real money period.  The general consensus among players as of late is that because you have to put in a little more effort into farming an uncommon-ish resource which takes up all the time in the world apparently, that they feel obligated to spend real money so that they can have the item now instead.  This is alarming, and anyone that shares in this feeling should feel pretty terrible about themselves.  You might as just tell the truth when replying to these threads and say:  I just want everything to be easy, and because it's not I'm going to make a big deal out of nothing because now I can't get something that I don't really need but want.  You say that you don't want to be spoonfed, but at the same time you don't want to put in any effort into it unless that's it's something that's easier than the current set of options.  Get out now seriously, this is laziness at an all time high, no joke.


Now don't get me wrong on all of this, I'm all for bringing to light issues that you may find with whatever.  It just needs to be brought about in a better way than: attacking the developers, blatantly whining/complaining that a certain change is complete and utter BS without adding any constructive criticism to back up their statement, making blind anger driven threads without trying to look at the situation from all possible sides(players/developers).  All in all the community as a whole needs to do some growing up, many of you set your expectations way too/unreasonably high.  Everyone needs to realize that theses changes(for better or worse)happen for a reason(generally balancing/rebalancing for current issues/future updates), it's not some event the dev. team crafted to purposely get a rise out of their player-base, and it's not always going to be a guarantee that it's going to work out the gate especially in an online game.  Whether you believe it or not this is game is still in beta and still in development, and will always be in development even after the beta phase is up because that's just the nature of online games, up until the end of it's virtual life.  


This is possibly the most elitist post I've read so far on these forums.


Suggesting that another player is lazy because they refuse to shift their gaming priority from killing enemies to killing loot containers is very odd. I seriously wonder if you've ever played a truly challenging game or if you've been so ingrained with years of skinner box MMOs that you can't understand the difference between actual difficulty and artificial game extension. You know what? Here's an example for you of how this new system feels:


Run a calculator program in your OS, do the equation 1+1 and press the = button. Now, press it again, you just leveled up. Keep pressing it over and over until you reach 600. Then you give yourself a piece of gear (no really, write this down on a paper or in a document) and keep pressing it 300 more times. Now, give yourself another piece of gear. Now, answer me this question: How this is this "game" difficult?

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I see the problem with the Alloy Plate, it's not hard to get but tedious to get and also one of the first resources you get in the game.


If we take Burston as an example


Morphics 1 Polymer Bundle 100 Alloy Plate 300 Nano Spores 600



Nano spores are right on the mark as you get loads of them, you get as many Polymer Bundle if not more each pickup, Alloy plate on the other hand is 1/10 of both these resources, I'm not saying raise the gain on Alloy plate but another option is to change the layout like this.



Morphics 1 Polymer Bundle 600 Alloy Plate 100 Nano Spores 600



This way you still got the Alloy Plate but it would not be as tedious, I've played for about 6 weeks now and I'm only missing one Warframe (Banshee) except the Frost Prime, I've gotten about 30 or more weapons. If we would compare Rubedo to Alloy Plate as that is a more highend resource, it's probably easier to get than Alloy Plate. Just feels like they could have changed the weight on the weapons to use more of the resources that is rarely used even tho it's a very common resource.


About the grinding, this game is built on grinding at the moment, the progress is to unlock all the planets and the different places, get the Warframes and the weapons, after that there is not much more than simply mindless killing aka grinding. I'm sure more content will come up and I'm waiting for update 8 to see what the Dojos have to offer.

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Dear Digital Extremes,

I'm sure that your fetish for Alloy Plates will keep new players in your game. Excellent move. It's not like Alloy Plates are very difficult to get, only like 20 missions on Sedna for 50+ of them? That's totally manageable, and it is our job as more experienced players to hold our Tenno juniors' hands along the way to farming for them right? I like that.



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Been reading a lot of the recent feedback on this thread, and I must say that I like it.  These kinds of discussions are the ones we should be having!  I'll be the first to admit that I'm never right, nor have I ever stated so, just my personal opinion here folks.


Now with the grind/farming I completely understand that it sucks, believe me I'd be all in favor to reduce the grind if possible.  I've played many an RPG and it generally falls off for me when the grind becomes glaringly apparent(in most cases).  It is quite unfortunate that along with that, that everyone now has to pretty much go for alloy plates which are uncommon.  I personally would have liked either a more common resource(which I know would never work because it would make things far too easy)or to tweek it so that the alloy costs were less myself.  The situation as a whole stinks but I do realize why DE did this, and it's because beforehand many of the weapons only required credits at the in-game store for the most part.  Which in turn made it seem a bit too easy to burn through everything, and it was, heck I was in the same boat just leveling things like a fiend because it was so easy. On the flip-side of that coin those that couldn't be bought through credits were generally made out of really easy to find components, I'm sure DE thought that it was too easy still.  


Warframe is growing fast and as such DE needed to try and balance out the system so that it wouldn't be a situation where people would burn though it because everything had happened so fast(tore through all the planets via rushing, completing every weapons/frame because they were far to easy to obtain).  Their answer obviously was adding alloy to many of the recipes, and in some of those recipes a pretty ludicrous amount at that.  Now even I as an experienced player find that to be absurd, when I heard that certain weapons required 1000 alloy I was floored.  I think out of all the time that I've put into this game(about 100 hours or so)I'm sitting on about 3K alloy, which I'm sure I had more at one point or another but spent it on stuff.  I'm not surprised at the lack of alloy that I have, but at the same time surprised that I even have that much to begin with seeing as I don't actively seek out alloy for any reason what-so-ever.


I  for one don't personally think that DE is pushing for monetization with the whole alloy deal.  But rather that this is the starting point to an idea that will come to fruition soon, that being that alert missions will soon reward crafting resources.  Making for less of a grind, and less of a need to do so as a whole.  Unfortunately that change is not yet in play, but it will be soon or at some point.  Until then you and I are just going to have to deal with the way things are now, which isn't great in the least but not unbearable. 


The way that I personally feel about the whole thing is that it kinda sucks to be honest.  But that if DE wants me to put in a little bit more time and effort(that I'm not beyond giving to them because I love this game)on my part into getting something that I set my eyes on then so be it. The alloy requirement puts things a little bit more out of reach for me, but isn't unobtainable.  It's not like they're asking for anything ridiculously extreme from me.  If anything DE is asking/inviting me to play their game more, which is something that I would end up doing anyway.


My personal approach to grinding/farming in this game is to find any possible way to making myself believe that I'm not doing that.  If I do Kiste runs(whether I'm hosting or not)I just look at it as helping out fellow players.  If I have a new weapon/frame I go back through the beginning levels again in a new game+ fashion, and concentrate on leveling it and learning how it works.  And if I see a resource drop I grab it and forget about it.  At the end of the day if I've managed to somehow end up with more than I started with then I'm good.  I know the way that I play differs from a lot of people so maybe this method isn't for you, but it seems like whenever I concentrate on obtaining something(as far as numbers go)my anticipation/expectation of it absolutely kills me when I don't achieve it.  Especially if it takes a long time to get, so I just like to go in with the attitude that I'm going to get there eventually and that being generally upset about the journey as a whole isn't going to get me there any faster/sooner.  Concentrating on the things that make this game seem unplayable/unfair is going to make it so, it's pretty simple psychology and the mind is quite strong in that regard, I should know.


But looking ahead to the future I see this game growing quite large, and for the moment we're just able to see beyond the horizon of an ever expanding universe that gets broader and brighter(sometimes not right? haha)with each update.

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I have been playing for some time now and got allot of some rescources, problem is, now most blueprints are very costy of them. Not in particular the Alloy Plate but i crafted the Gorgon the other day wich costed me 5K Ferrite and 6K Salvages wich was already outrageous enough for using 1K Rubedos!

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Hmm here's my logic...


I don't mind paying the game, as long as it's not something that I can buy or obtained in-game. For example I'd pay to buy extra slots to keep my WFs (like Tony Stark's Iron Suit display Room) and weapons. I'd pay to recolour my WFs.  However I will not pay, for BPs or ammo boxes or resources... I mean that's the fun part (or used to be) of the game--I raid, I kill, I collect. I'm not paying resources packs, providing I did enjoy "hunt" for them.


I have to agree that it gets boring (and tedious) after 200 hours of game play that I'm still after some "rare" resources like Alloy Plates. I have 100ish Morphics, 20ish Control Modules, 50ish Neural sensors, always on deficit with Alloy Plates, and supposedly they all have the "same" drop rate. By the way I have like 50K of nano spores and polymer bundles.... In my opinion, Alloy Plates' drop rate should be categorized as "LEGENDARY" instead of rare. and as for other [Common and Uncommon] resources...What's the f***ing point of having them, but not able to use them or even to sell them?



I suggest that perhaps they can set up a resources shop, and allow a NPC to buy/sell resources, at a "moderate" rate....let's say, 2K nanospore for an Alloy Plate? I mean, I don't want Credits, I just want enough resources to complete my collection and satisfy my Obsessive Completionist Disorder.


Or Simply balance the resources requirements so I don't feel so bad having to desperately hunt certain RESOURCE over and over...

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You obviously never fought against Grineer Rollers.


Seriously, I would apreciate if blueprints required other ressources than alloy plates. 500 for the Hek, 350 for the Rhino Thrak helmet, WTF? Meanwhile I'm sitting on 2000+ Rubedo and a few gorillion Nano Spores.

Please, do tell how you got two freaking thousand Rubedo. its as hard to get as alloy plate.

Though i agree, they need to either balance the recipies, or exponentially increase the alloy plate and Rubedo drop rates


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I pretty much agree with everything the original poster said, and so I upvoted. :)  In response to Shadow Hunter... I dunno about you Im ALWAYS picking up tons of rubedo. Well, not tons, but it's pretty common really. I dont know much that uses it either. Seems a lot of the really common ones don't have much use in blueprints.


I think instead of alloy plates, why not more uses for ferrite and salvage? >.> Its all metal right?

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Please, do tell how you got two freaking thousand Rubedo. its as hard to get as alloy plate.

Though i agree, they need to either balance the recipies, or exponentially increase the alloy plate and Rubedo drop rates

Rubedo drops in the same quantities as Alloy Plates, but is overall easier to farm. I've got almost 2000 of it myself.
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Rubedo drops in the same quantities as Alloy Plates, but is overall easier to farm. I've got almost 2000 of it myself.

Is this my good sir Grilleds himself from Doujinstyle?

Got way more Rube than Alloy Plates as well. These things simply refuse to drop.

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Actually the Europa invasion event gave me 3k rubedo but that all went away when I reset.

As my normal runs now are Ceres and Sedna mobile defense with Xini thrown in to break the monotony, I am fairly well stocked but as I rebuild my Akbolto and weapons it is getting eaten up quickly

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You obviously never fought against Grineer Rollers.


Seriously, I would apreciate if blueprints required other ressources than alloy plates. 500 for the Hek, 350 for the Rhino Thrak helmet, WTF? Meanwhile I'm sitting on 2000+ Rubedo and a few gorillion Nano Spores.


I am begining to agree with you here.   I think I figured up that I need around 1100 Alloy Plate for all the BPs I have setting in the Foundry.  At 30-40 Alloy Plate a run at times, the grind is just horrendous and yeah I also have tens of thousands of Nano Spores doing nothing.


They need to spread out the resource requirements a bit, reducing the Alloy Plate requirements and upping the common materiall requirements, basically make building something require you to visit lots of systems, not spend 90% of your gameplay farming one resource in one system.

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Is this my good sir Grilleds himself from Doujinstyle?

Got way more Rube than Alloy Plates as well. These things simply refuse to drop.

Yup. Also the same Grilleds from Uberent forums.

Actually, whenever I do a mission on Sedna, I usually tend to get more Rubedo than Alloy Plates, despite both being uncommon materials that drop in the same amounts.

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