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Paris Lost Its.. Well Everything.


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Why would you guys make the only Ninja weapon in the game suck? Was it an accident?


I started playing and the bow is slower and does far less dmg.


So at least if you make it have bad dmg make it a lot faster or return it to its slow firing more powerfull state.


Thank you.


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The Paris is a flawed design.

It is a slow weapon in a game where hordes of enemies appear. It will take out enemies in a straight line if you are lucky, but that's about it.

The projectiles arc, they are slow and firing a second bolt takes time, even with mods installed.

If you want to snipe, use a Latron or a Snipetron. If you want to bolt people to walls, use a Boltor or Akbolto. Steer clear from the Paris for now.

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Try it on ancients and something bigger than a squirrel and you will notice the difference. Speed trigger wont work with paris honey, serration i have but it doesnt seem to do much anymore.


Venarge <- Speed trigger wont work with paris honey, serration i have but it doesnt seem to do much anymore.


Certain mods do improve the firing rate of the Paris.


In addition to that, nothing in the notes states it's been altered and I don't think it's been stealth nerfed either. I personally think it's in your head, i.e. placebo effect. 

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Ever heard about serration and spped trigger etc? These are mods. You should use them.....

Even with the right mods the update messed with the Paris and it's sucking bad, I should know since I gave it a go and found I could no longer one shot a mere lv30 enemy even with a headshot it would leave some HP. Same with the Glaive, not working properly when modded. But I am glad I have my Dual Ether to make up for the Glaive loss, for now at least.

Try it on ancients and something bigger than a squirrel and you will notice the difference.


Venarge <- Speed trigger wont work with paris honey, serration i have but it doesnt seem to do much anymore.

"Speed Trigger" does work with the Paris, it's what I use to speed up my draw, and it's now poop as well, hopefully by the time U8 is ready we'll get some fixes for this, or a hotfix this weekend.

Edited by OrtuOcelot
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Certain mods do improve the firing rate of the Paris.


In addition to that, nothing in the notes states it's been altered and I don't think it's been stealth nerfed either. I personally think it's in your head, i.e. placebo effect.

Critical chance has been changed for sure and its slower than before. No mod affects the firing rate of it. Im glad u think, keep it up.

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I've been playing with paris a lot (20,000 kills) Its pretty much the only main weapon i use, its lvl 30 with all kinds of mods and catalyst and everything.


I dare to say im rather good with it :)


And it makes me sad that its not as good as it used to be.. no more keeping up with hek players :(


I really hope they fix it.

Edited by Kenshin666
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Critical chance has been changed for sure and its slower than before. No mod affects the firing rate of it. Im glad u think, keep it up.

There's no need to be rude or pretentious just because someone feels differently about something than you. 


Yes Speed Trigger does affect its firing rate - it adjusts the draw speed. 

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I been testing the speed trigger with it on every update and nothing. Maybe its just my client that wont cope with the mod... but it really is just the same (for me anyways) and i literally just came back from trying it.

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I dunno, I think he's probably using it wrong. Pull the arrow back all the way before you let fly, and you have to actually aim.
On low-mid level, an unmodded Paris on a Grineer defense is beautiful.
Slap on mods like fire damage and firing speed and you have a fairly powerful weapon against non-infected.

I agree it's not the ebst, but it's not the worst, either.

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Certain mods do improve the firing rate of the Paris.


In addition to that, nothing in the notes states it's been altered and I don't think it's been stealth nerfed either. I personally think it's in your head, i.e. placebo effect. 

 Before even jump to a conclusions,you better test it yourself,nether speak openly toward something you dont even give a crap about.Talking like DE patch notes every bug they invent in the game with Each update nowa days(cant remember a single update for last 2 month without something getting buged).Paris crits are indeed been buged/nerfed to the bottom,it been tested,havnt been patch noted and not argueble.Speaking of Fast hands and Speed trigger, wont confirm any false info toward its not working with paris now,never used them, never will.


P.S. Comfirmed, Tested, Fast hand just fine improve fire rate as before patch,Speed trigger as fine improve bow string draw speed. Everything fine with fire rate mods.

Edited by Kiry
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I would never use Paris for anything other than stealth and I don't expect anything more from it. It could be better at one-shotting unalerted enemies, since anything more than a one-shot is a fail.


There is also more opportunity to shish kebab enemies on stealth missions.

Edited by kysulli
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I been testing the speed trigger with it on every update and nothing. Maybe its just my client that wont cope with the mod... but it really is just the same (for me anyways) and i literally just came back from trying it.

The draw speed does change with mods, however the audio when you pull back the arrow does not. You have to actually watch for when the string stops moving to know when the shot is fully charged when you have Speed Trigger on it.

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Hmm, it seems like the Paris' crit rate is bugged to almost oblivion. That's if another thread is anything to go by. I'm pretty sure it's a glitch anyway, as you can't stealth nerf something like that and expect it to go unnoticed for more than 10 minutes.

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