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People Cant Copter?so Lets Take Away Stamina Instead Of Teaching. (That Doom Thread)


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Yeah, coptering is easy. Good coptering is something else. I like to copter in triton when playing frost and defend multiple excavators. Da speeed.

And people never complain when they're lying on the ground bleeding out and the only way to make it in time, is to copter the S#&$ out of my dagger.

I'm not a pvp guy though, but i can imagine coptering can ruin pvp. But in pve.... don't touch it man.


Well, i guess DE doesnt want certain people to have better tactics than others eventhough press a few buttons is something that can be taught easily.


You operate on the false premise that Stamina offers or enhances the challenge posed by the game,


Limited run has been a standard in shooters for a long time now.


as well as "coptering" being a deliberate design decision and not an exploit.


The day of it being a bug is lone gone when DE has done several updates on having it work properly on all weapons.


Under your false premise, your arguments make sense.

However, the falsehood of your premise, invalidates the truth of your arguments.

Not only that, but within a reality which is factually accurate, your arguments are wrong(which is not always the case).


In short, you are scientifically provable as wrong, and as such, should seek to better educate yourself on the matters you speak of.


Pretty sure 99.99% of the people in the game can learn to perform an action.

That last .01% given to people that may have some handicap and still play the game. 


Cause this is the point of the thread. Teach people how to play the game.




Its a good news if stamina will be removed, because imo its just an annoyance now there is no place for it there, this game isn't Dark Souls to care about such stuff and to be tactical. 


Why does stuff have to be either one way or the other? Why cant there be a middle?


Anyway, stamina is dead and now we are bunny-hopping ninjas cause "ninjas" never get tired of whatever magical fairy tale you folks use to want to add some element.


Pretty sure bunny-hopping is going to have a limit because if it's unlimited DE might as well destroy any mission that isnt a defense-type. Well, Extermination can stay.


Now i want to see if the bunny-hopping is so easy to do that this people that cant figure out a couple of buttons can do it.

BTW, i think this was really code for console people, wasnt it?

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Stamina is not needed. It's just adds unnecessary difficulty that is mostly anoying, rather than anything else.

There is only 3 things that we use stamina on: sprinting, blocking and melee attacks.

Problems with it?


1) Melee attacks (slide attack also known as coptering) replaced sprinting as fast way to travel around the map. Like, completely. On a rare occasion i see a Tenno who sprints rather than coptering. What's even the point in sprinting if we can copter?


2) Sprinting needs stamina and you have to manage it to sprint effectively. Coptering doesn't have that issue.

In other words:

you sprint > you ran out of stamina > you wait for it to fully regain to sprint again.

you copter > you ran out of stamina > you wait 1-2 seconds for 5-10% of you stamina to regenerate > you copter again.

For melee attacks stamina means nothing. They consume it, but you have use them anyway. They don't even loose anything in damage. As long as you have stamina to just start sprinting all you need to do after: slide and attack.


3) Blocking is useless and nobody uses it. Just like that. Almost nobody uses blocking. I was using it at very early game. I found it an awesome mechanic, but with progression of enemy levels and amounts of bullets i get - blocking is no longer helping. Unless you mod your whole frame around it with stamina increasing mods. But who would do that? That will require you to play melee only and block all the time. And even then blocking is hardly helpful, better just go with vigor, it consumes just the same amounts of bullets as the full-stamina blocking session.


Stamina right now is a mechanic that just simply prevents players from doing what they want to do. And not in a good way. This mechanic is annoying rather than anything else and serves very little purpose.


With Parkour 2.0 incoming it will be even more anoying, tus DE decided it must go, so players could use their new Parkour skills to the max without being afraid to drop from the wall in the middle of wall run.


Bye stamina.

You will not be missed.

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I would have prefer to have coptering completely removed.

It hurts me a lot when i see i go faster (A LOT faster) by coptering with ZEPHYR instead of using her own abilities...


Yeah, i dont like it either. It just helps rushers and hurts everyone else.

But DE doesnt see it that way.

DE sees it that because people cant copter that's a problem so they are going to help everyone rush.


The only way to do that would be to remove PUGs in general. The only way to guarantee it would be to make the game single player.



No, they could offer mission options. Were you can pick you who pug with.

People who like to rush would just click rush and rushers would pug together.


But DE doesnt seem to be worry about player experience that much.



Back when I was a wee Tenno and Arcanes were simply alternate helmets I used to jump/slide before I discovered Dual Ichors.

My maxed Rush Ember Prime could not keep up with Zorencoptering Thrak Rhinos.


Back when it was an actual bug and not balanced?

Back then stamina would use to drain if you kept it pressed.


I won't miss the coptering. Honestly it should be gone it makes the game seem.... Cheap. And feel a little cheap too. I'm super happy about the stamina thing being gone!


Yeah, im fine with it being gone but it doenst sound like it's going to be.



im in for removing copter and stamina, but i will really miss my dark dagger, i only use it for coptering (and small stamina use) and after there is no coptering daggers will become utterly useless. Only reason u would ever use daggers was coptering.

But still im up for changes.

They could make warframes movement speed faster while theyr at it to be on par with loki rhino vanguard helm.


Coptering will be adjusted.

If some version stays im sure they will keep daggers in mind.


you're complaining about a mechanic, thats gonna replaced by another mechanic that has the potential to be better. and you're not only failing but refusing to understand the other sides of other peoples arguments 

Please lock this thread. it isnt going anywhere fast


The feedback is about not changing the whole game because a few people cant learn something.

Why do i say this? Because there is no guaranteed that the new mechanic will be so easy that everyone can learn it.

The reason given on the stream was just silly.


Either teach people of remove THAT specific thing that is bothering some one.


Most games - you are playing as human being. Even the most "packed" person can't run longer distance because they are loaded with equipment so they make short sprints to boost their speed and not drop dead from exhaustion in few minutes. That's why in most games you only have short sprints.


Warframe - you play as frikin "space ninja" that is also "void mage" which takes tons of equipment with him (weapons, ammo, 10 slots of usables) and doesn't even notice the weight of that...


So yeah, Stamina is an outdated mechanic that needs to go away as it only hinders players in movement and not to mention how makes Melee Only needlessly masochistic if you are not using dedicated warframe.


Mages only run fast if you cast a run spell....like Volt.

Mages some automatically do thing without a spell being used.

That's why there stamina, that's why there's health, that's why there's energy.


Coptering is a crap mechanic. Not all weapons copter the same, which puts certains weapons in a 'higher' class for use. Also coptering is used to bypass bad movement mechanics. There is absolutely no reason swinging a melee weapon in midair would or should suddenly propel you forward.


If you want to copter, if you dont you dont put that on.

Of course, not all weapons copter the same. Not all weapons shoot the same, have the same dmg, do the same things.

That's how stuff works.


Half the time i cant actually copter because i tend to use slow swinging weapons. People tend to forget that when this discussion is brought up.


I have mentioned jump\slide and direction swings for a while here.

The Grineer hammer has horrible copterin but the directional attack has you flying a very long distance.

And if you can swing twice.


Coptering Is an unintended exploit Not a game feature. I can guarantee you that the devs didnt mean for us to copter around the levels. Sure, its been around for a long time, but still prob not intentional. Get over it.


Given that the devs actually gave coptering to all weapons and balanced it......

i still dont understand how this continues to be brought up.

Anyway, i dont care for this thing too much. This was mostly about stamina.

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Okay, Coptering gets removed.  Then what?  What are the ramifications?


Gmag becomes desired for EVERY group, not just Mesa farmers.  Venturing out amid the bulletstorms of end game content to grab loot is viable when coptering but suicide otherwise.  Having someone yoink all the energy, ammo, and loot straight to you becomes invaluable.


Sticking with the team becomes paramount, they can't copter to your location in the nick of time to revive you.  Slowpokes learn to hate rushers all over again while Rushers develop newfound disdain for slowpokes.  PUGs die horribly as people refuse to do anything outside recruiting channel.


Everything in the game besides defense and survival takes LONGER.  Devoid of the tools for speedrunning short of premade Recruited Volt teams, every mission in the game that isn't conducive to camp groups has an increase in time.  People learn to avoid these missions even more and focus on Defense and Survival missions exclusively, protecting the defense objective from waves of hordes.  Warframe becomes Firefall.

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I have mentioned jump\slide and direction swings for a while here.

The Grineer hammer has horrible copterin but the directional attack has you flying a very long distance.

And if you can swing twice.


the grineer hammer (jat kitag) is an exception. it is jet powered. it was meant to do that.

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