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Challenging Myself. And A Challenge For You.

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So I've been playing for close to a year or maybe little over a year...I don't know. But regardless I've come to many walls when playing this game. So I've been challenging myself to keep things very interesting for myself. To my surprise It made me play aggressively, but if I mess up I paid dearly for it.


What did I do?


I took away Efficiency mods from all my builds. And those builds that needed power strength I made it a priority to equip blind rage. Lol. Of course I started with a frame that I was well suited with.


I started with trinity. I've always played hear like her description says "A support." But I was surprised how aggressive I began to play her. It was a struggle at first but it started small then it got me thinking. Why stop here? I letter took of my redirection and vitality, bought her arcane aura helmet and equipped quick thinking. Every mistake I would make with my ability out put would cost me a life. With every ability costing 55% more energy to cast it made for a good challenge. (Especially at higher levels. Stupid Manics.)


From there I restructured every warframe build I'd ever done. Mesa was my favorite for this. I've always hated her ult. But I never doubted its effectiveness. Equipping a 1 from the top blind rage. (Nothing more said.)


This helped me focus on prioritizing my abilities on a given situation. Making builds like this won't suit everyone. These are based of a players specific play style. I've been playing like this for 3 months and no intentions of putting them back on.


 Also please try this out. It made me play more than just being on auto pilot. ( Nothing like being in a sticky situation and not having the energy to use the one ability that can get you out of it. lol.) But would also like to know have you guys found your own way of challenging yourselves?


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I thought this post would be a post where you said you unequipped your soma and tried t4 survival by yourself and got a smashing 25 minutes world record. However the ideas you propose really would get a person out of their auto pilot state just like you say. Might try this. Well planned strategy and a nice idea overall, cheers Tenno.

Edited by thecolin-
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I tried Max Power Strength(Blind Rage) Nekros before........ Powerful Soul Punch and Shadows crowding the whole room...... Too sad I couldn't use Desecrate often because it consumed so much Energy than I could get back from it. I should have bought Despoil XD.

Edited by Evansmaan
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Ive been doing things like that since MR8. And you are 100% right, it will improve anyone's playstyle, and really push them to new heights of awesome. Some of the interesting things ive done are as follows:

1. Solo T3C with Only Mag Prime and Skana, Both unranked. (at the time, There were no T4s)...Takes FOREVER.

2. Go Toe-to-Toe with all the bosses using only melee, and no damage mods...see how high you can get your combo multiplier before you die My record so far is 7980

3. Kick a Level 100 Bombard to death. I can't say ive actually accomplished this....At 2 hours into the attempt, i got frustrated and stopped.

4. (PC Only) Grab an Arcane Thrak Rhino Helmet, Hobbled Key, and challenge higher MR ranked players to speed runs in Void Captures. (No Abilities, just Coptering and Directional Melee)

Edited by Aigloblam
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Ive been doing things like that since MR8. And you are 100% right, it will improve anyone's playstyle, and really push them to new heights of awesome. Some of the interesting things ive done are as follows:

1. Solo T3C with Only Mag Prime and Skana, Both unranked. (at the time, There were no T4s)...Takes FOREVER.

2. Go Toe-to-Toe with all the bosses using only melee, and no damage mods...see how high you can get your combo multiplier before you die My record so far is 7980

3. Kick a Level 100 Bombard to death. I can't say ive actually accomplished this....At 2 hours into the attempt, i got frustrated and stopped.

4. (PC Only) Grab an Arcane Thrak Rhino Helmet, Hobbled Key, and challenge higher MR ranked players to speed runs in Void Captures. (No Abilities, just Coptering and Directional Melee)

This is... WOW... you've DONE this?


Kicking Bombard to death... I WILL GO RIGHT NOW TO DO THAT

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Well its good to have another tenno challenging themselves on the battlefield. :) I'm all about people developing their own play styles.


Too many people are focused on nothing but pure numbers. Sure, high DPS is great and all....but Playstyle is everything in Warframe. My Girlfriend's Nova Prime goes places where Valkyr's are hesitant to tread...Simply because she has mastered the playstyle to do it. One of the worst things you can do in this game is find something that works and never stray from it. Because all that does is make your whole playstyle a stack of cards, One DE Change can cause the whole thing to come crashing down.

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I've never expected this post would make me think seriously about gaming... I should admit that I always focused on numbers shown on games to feel satisfaction. I think I've played wrong not only Warframe, but other games too. Where I got joy was when I found new brilliant play style. That will be why I'm feeling bored with my Loki Prime since I was only using Duration Build to be permanently Invisible for the whole game. Going to run Planet missions to get other Frames I've thought useless...

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I've never expected this post would make me think seriously about gaming... I should admit that I always focused on numbers shown on games to feel satisfaction. I think I've played wrong not only Warframe, but other games too. Where I got joy was when I found new brilliant play style. That will be why I'm feeling bored with my Loki Prime since I was only using Duration Build to be permanently Invisible for the whole game. Going to run Planet missions to get other Frames I've thought useless...

Thats the spirit! There is definitely a place for the normal Duration-Loki...Its perfect for leveling weapons, especially with his Augment. But by no means is that the only way to do it. Thats why you see vets take Mag, Excal, Rhino, and Oberon to really high level missions. They know how to make use of the things that some other players just dont see.

My favorite weird build is Duration-Power on Nekros. Its hard to hit a squishy little Nekros when the hallway is FULL of shadows. They are amazing for Area Denial.



NO Frame is useless, I love every single one of them. ....Well, With the exception of Hydroid. He is definitely effective, i cant say otherwise. But i personally just dislike him, in Any playstyle.

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That's really all I want is for the community to think. We have so much to say but we miss the small things that have a big impact on the game. Every warframe is good. I spend a week with each of them. They have their different play styles of their own. Even strengths and weaknesses that can be used effectively. :)

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2. Go Toe-to-Toe with all the bosses using only melee, and no damage mods...see how high you can get your combo multiplier before you die My record so far is 7980

I like this apart from the fact that it seems literally impossible to beat. For example I see no way to kill Sargus Ruk. I also foresee it being absolutely mind numbingly slow and painful trying to kill Lephantis. 


Every warframe is good. I spend a week with each of them. They have their different play styles of their own. Even strengths and weaknesses that can be used effectively. :)

I'm not trying to be inflammatory but am genuinely confused. Excalibur was my starter frame, I love him, he's my badass future space samurai/blademaster BUT he's terrible. There's literally nothing he can do currently that other frames can't do better. Would you care to elaborate? I'm just curious.

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If you view Excalibur as weak or useless compared to other frames he will be. Each frame has their own particular playstyle. Once you get the hang of their play style you add your to theirs. Excal is a beautiful blend between melee and CC. Seeing his new changes coming sheds new light on how one can play him. As of now dependent on the player one can play him just as aggressively as one with a valkyr. But you just have to make up for his weaknesses. Learning when to fight or flight is key to using any so called weak frame. I play solo a lot, so I have to know when I can win a fight or when I need a new strategy. Its really a lot of trial and error really. Give him another go a combine his abilities with each other. Though my thoughts on him are changing as of the dev stream. :) ( Sorry might have derailed there. But you get my point.)

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That really depends on the flow of the battle and what frame I'm using. With my huge energy costs I equip rage to counter balance my high cost. I'll use Saryn for example: 



prime continuity

prime flow

regen. molt



steel fiber

transient fortitude


So as you can see I build for my weaknesses. Rage to help with energy, vital to help with rage, steel fiber to help with the damage, regen. molt to help with health regain, and stretch and transient fortitude are there to help boost these abilities. :) You also have Life strike to regain health and some augment mods for weapons as well. But I rarely use restores. I really hate standing in one spot. Lol.

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I do this. I have a pure utility build for my Mag. Its fun, and i feel the gameplay is balanced around the base frame.


You cant spam powers, you have to think about when to use an ultimate, you cant face tank a hailstorm of bullets- but its very much playable. My effectiveness doesnt really drop as much as you would think. it let me realize how much unnecessary power we have.

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I like this apart from the fact that it seems literally impossible to beat. For example I see no way to kill Sargus Ruk. I also foresee it being absolutely mind numbingly slow and painful trying to kill Lephantis. 


Some of them it is impossible. With Ruk, you have to find the right weapon and stance to be able to hit all his weak spots...that in and of itself is challenge enough. As for mind numbingly slow....Definitely. It was nearly a 5hr fight with Lephantis and i still never actually finished it. Krill is actually pretty hard to do it too, since the hitbox for his pipe things tends to wander.

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I tend to do unusual builds like that sometimes, for fun.


The other day I made a "bandaid Valkyr" build to solo a T3S - no Vitality, no Steel Fibre, no Rage, no efficiency, no strength, no duration, no nothing. Only equipped mods like Fortitude, Sure Footed, Shock Absorbers, Constitution (for the purpose of knockdown recovery only), Handspring, Marathon and Quick Rest. Weapon of choice was corrosive+heat Serro. I initially thought I was going to get one-shot by the first Heavy Gunner that spawned, but, much to my surprise, as long as I kept WarCry on I managed to shred everything in my way, dashing and wall-running everywhere so they couldn't hit me. (The thing that got me at 15 minutes in was the Lotus forgetting to send me LS though, so I had to extract.) It was rather fun and I can't recall playing at the edge of my seat before.

Edited by MartianJellyfish
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