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I Think All These "nerfs" Are To Fool Us


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The real issue here is that they removed most of the optional credit purchasing weapons.

That was the sole purpose of this patch.


Do you think its a coincidence they nerfed the two most popular frames AND added the new warframe while altering the in-game economy?


If they only released the patch that altered the market place without the other changes; the ENTIRE forums would be QQ threads about the economy change. But by adding in the nerfs and the new warframe, people populate the threads with gameplay issues effectively drowning out the negativity from the market change.


They will very soon buff your precious rhino and banshee. Its all part of the plan. You will be happy because you think you "won" the devs over with your long feedback posts.


Meanwhile items that were changed from credit to plat will be just and afterthought. 




why no patch notes DE?

Edited by ADDpillz
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Didn't they change most of those to BP though?


I agree and have to mention that I have over 1/3 mil credits and absolutely nothing to spend them on.

I'm counting what's left, it's 7 buyable, but you start with a skana, so it's 8





Honestly the only thing bad about the marketplace was making burston bp only and making strun 75k credits. The rest is easy to deal with.

nooooooooooooooooooooooo not even! Alloy plates are hard and take a long while to farm, and when each of the new BPs require over 300 alloy plates, that's bad for new players.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I too have to agree with this. Seems sketchy and there was absolutely no reason to take the credit options away from these weapons unless DE just wants to look like money hungry game producers. We all understand that they need the money to keep the game going and there will always be the people that just take the plat option because it requires them to do zero farming for credits. It really is a poor move on their part it just makes the community as a whole (I know you loyalist with lots of spare cash don't care) look down on the company as it is getting pretty tough for almost any of the new players to get the weapons that were all available to us through the purchase of credit which makes the company look shady. And again I understand that its still open beta and anything is subject to change but I have to agree with the OP this is just the wrong move for this company to make.

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The real issue here is that they removed most of the optional credit purchasing weapons.

That was the sole purpose of this patch.


Do you think its a coincidence they nerfed the two most popular frames AND added the new warframe while altering the in-game economy?


If they only released the patch that altered the market place without the other changes; the ENTIRE forums would be QQ threads about the economy change. But by adding in the nerfs and the new warframe, people populate the threads with gameplay issues effectively drowning out the negativity from the market change.


They will very soon buff your precious rhino and banshee. Its all part of the plan. You will be happy because you think you "won" the devs over with your long feedback posts.


Meanwhile items that were changed from credit to plat will be just and afterthought. 




why no patch notes DE?


"Grand Master"


You sir are a god damn DOUBLE AGENT.

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The part I find sketchy is the fact that this was done at the same time as the long-awaited optional reset. Part of the purpose of the reset was to help out those that made poor economic decisions because they couldn't have known how the game's economy would change after closed beta. Those that took the reset have been rewarded... with an unexpected overhaul of the game's economy.

I'm hoping this was done out of preparation for some U8 changes or something, but right now it just seems shady to me.

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The part I find sketchy is the fact that this was done at the same time as the long-awaited optional reset. Part of the purpose of the reset was to help out those that made poor economic decisions because they couldn't have known how the game's economy would change after closed beta. Those that took the reset have been rewarded... with an unexpected overhaul of the game's economy.

I'm hoping this was done out of preparation for some U8 changes or something, but right now it just seems shady to me.

I'm dubious that this was their intention....  but that does make a frightening amount of sense.....

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They really need to change the market system back to how it was or else the playerbase is going to tank. If an MMO is not easy for new players to get into and it takes hours for them just to get a second weapon not many are going to stick around.

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I'm dubious that this was their intention....  but that does make a frightening amount of sense.....

From what I have seen, DE is a pretty cool crew that isn't out to screw anyone over on purpose. Regardless of intentions however, it seems to me that the change may simply regenerate the issue that led to a reset becoming necessary for some folks in the first place. Hopefully the change is so they can roll out some shiny new stuff, or so they can finally make some changes to alert systems and daily rewards. Only time can tell though.

Edit: Grammar

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From what I have seen, DE is a pretty cool crew that isn't out to screw anyone over on purpose. Regardless of intentions however, it seems to me that the change may simply regenerate the issue that led to a reset becoming necessary for some folks in the first place. Hopefully the change is so they can roll out some shiny new stuff, or so they can finally make some changes to alert systems and daily rewards. Only time can tell though.

Edit: Grammar


Make no mistake, I still hold a great deal of faith in DE, they are like you said 'a pretty cool crew'.


I was just trying to make a comment that with a lack of context, it would be easy to convince someone that they where actively trying to force players to spend their newly reacquired Plat rather than re-farm.


An attempt at a joke..... or is it?    D8

(is actually bad joke)

Edited by JerryMouse13
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Whatever the case, I'm sure that DE wants to see this game succeed. They sold out on their dream before with the mess that dark sector was released as. I am positive that they are not going to do that this time.

I still have some faith in the company and so I'm going to take a "wait and see" approach and see what happens.

If I were them though, I'd reconsider the changes on the market to be more accomodating towards new players. It's not like we all have money to throw around in this crappy economy. Gas prices are going to be increasing again, there's an ammunition crisis going on right now, summer vacations coming up and numerous other things where that money can be better spent. It will take some convincing to put that money into warframe and scaring off new players is a surefire way for DE to shoot itself in the foot.

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From what I have seen, DE is a pretty cool crew that isn't out to screw anyone over on purpose. Regardless of intentions however, it seems to me that the change may simply regenerate the issue that led to a reset becoming necessary for some folks in the first place. Hopefully the change is so they can roll out some shiny new stuff, or so they can finally make some changes to alert systems and daily rewards. Only time can tell though.

Edit: Grammar

I am sure the developers HATED doing this to us.


Developers/ programmers dont get to make these decisions.


DE's other games have not been selling well (lol have you played Star Trek?). 

New consoles are being revealed in a month or 2.


Stockholders/Investors are getting nervous. They want to see a return on this investment before we get lost in the new console-fanboy mania. They are the ones calling the shots.

Edited by ADDpillz
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Make no mistake, I still hold a great deal of faith in DE, they are like you said 'a pretty cool crew'.


I was just trying to make a comment that with a lack of context, it would be easy to convince someone that they where actively trying to force players to spend their newly reacquired Plat rather than re-farm.


An attempt at a joke..... or is it?    D8

(is actually bad joke)

Word. Like I said, only time will tell. DE has done right by the playerbase so far, even when it takes some tweaking, so I think it'll all be worked out fairly in due time. Change always stings though.

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hey it's a good way of patching. I doubt their intention was that. If we react badly to the market... and there were reactions, then I'm sure DE's going to do something about it. It's not like the community didn't see the market change, give us some credit. There are just more people who feel more strongly about the rhino and banshee and Vauban than the market.


Maybe after the resource alerts and resource boosters, it'll be better. Maybe they'll change it altogether. It's beta and we know how DE is with changes.


The community always over reacts. U7, Hek, Gorgon, Rhino, and Banshee... It'll blow over. I'm sure DE doesn't want to commit financial suicide.

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