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Can We Have Stabilizer And Steady Hands Back, Please?


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To the recent-topic-posters: This is the PvP-feedback-forum. For mad forum creds, just say something along the lines of "Ay", "Yarr", or use this handy pirate speech translator: http://speakpirate.com/



I wonder why these two mods were removed from Conclave. They're not that hard to acquire even for new guys (and if that's not enough, let Teshin offer them as well), and I believe they are/were what I'd call baseline mods for the new Conclave, like Serration and Hornet Strike are for PvE.


There are a few things that dictate whether we're able to hit an opponent with a gun:

  • 1. Weapon accuracy
  • 2. Recoil
  • 3. Our ability to compensate recoil
  • 4. Our ability to aim
  • 5. Our enemies' ability to evade
  • (6. Choppy motion caused by lags/network problems, but let's ignore that here)


First of all, there's no doubt that weapon accuracy and recoil in this game are balanced for PvE, and in PvP it's a lot harder to hit our opponents because they can move around much faster.


I'm fine with having to deal with weapon accuracy by itself, because that value limits our weapons' effective range. I'm also fine with manually compensating the recoil while having near pinpoint accuracy (some of the semi-autos fall in that category).


But having to deal with both of them is just unnecessary, especially when using a burst-fire weapon. For example, the Kraken is already difficult to manage with Steady Hands on it, but without that mod it's just too hard to land both shots on top of each other. You can simply forget about trying to follow a moving target at the same time.


I don't think anyone ever complained about having access to these two mods, and I feel having them in the game actually rewards good gunplay. Let us deal with only 2 out of these 3 when using guns in the current Conclave: recoil, accuracy, mobility.


And just giving us back access to these two mods is the simplest way to go about it, I'd say.



P.S.: Keep in mind that I write this as someone who loves to copter all over the place. With the latest batch of changes, it's really easy now to evade my opponents.




TL;DR: Mobility is high in PvP, if you manage to aim right and hit your enemy with a gun, you shouldn't have to deal with both recoil and weapon accuracy. Let us use Stabilizer & Steady Hands again (or alternatively, increase weapon accuracy with mods).

Edited by Kontrollo
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  • The following mods have been disabled in PvP: Magazine Warp, Slip Magazine, Burdened Magazine, Stabilizer, Steady Hands, Fast Hands, Quick Draw, Tactical Pump and Terminal Velocity. They have been replaced with PvP specific versions that have been added to the Mission Rewards of all PvP game types.

They just made pvp versions of them that you have to get, they haven't been removed.

That said it does put you at a disadvantage if you only just start playing conclave as you basically have access to no mods.

Edited by thetruninja
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  • The following mods have been disabled in PvP: Magazine Warp, Slip Magazine, Burdened Magazine, Stabilizer, Steady Hands, Fast Hands, Quick Draw, Tactical Pump and Terminal Velocity. They have been replaced with PvP specific versions that have been added to the Mission Rewards of all PvP game types.

They just made pvp versions of them that you have to get, they haven't been removed.

That said it does put you at a disadvantage if you only just start playing conclave as you basically have access to no mods.

I think they are working on replacing them with PVP versions of the mods as Conclave syndicate offerings.


Yes, I know that. But all of the new mods are corrupted. Have a look at this thread: Please List New Conclave Mods +Effects Here. where people are gathering screenshots of the new mods, and specifically this post. It has a screenshot of the new rifle version.


I'm asking to have the old versions back. Magazine sizes are already low because they replaced those mods, too. Stabilizer and Steady Hands should be baseline mods for PvP, same as Hush and Suppress, i.e. without any drawbacks (except eating up a slot of course).

Edited by Kontrollo
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I used to use the recoil mod on my Lex prime which helped a bunch, but now I have to force use it without mods because even with the recoil compensation mod, reducing the ammo on that gun anymore will just severely affect my game because I'd be reloading more then actually doing damage...

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Yeah, this whole thing doesn't make much sense unless they are planning on reducing mobility in PvP...


It's definitely clear that they want us to use weapon swapping and weapon swap mods.  I need to get those still...

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On some weapons those 2 mods were overpowered, it made, for example with Latron series, pretty easy to bishot a target with a quick flurry at the head.
Also the new mods are interesting and Imho the way to go: increase an attribute, reduce another.
If a player is skilled (and since "players" crave for something to make them show they're skilled) this will help them and it is a step in the right direction.

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OR they could be a means to make it so that the playing field is 100% even, despite the longer playing Warframe player having more mods at their disposal, cause this time weather you use an unmodded wep or a slightly modded one, it won't make much of a difference for them to really matter anymore...

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OR they could be a means to make it so that the playing field is 100% even, despite the longer playing Warframe player having more mods at their disposal, cause this time weather you use an unmodded wep or a slightly modded one, it won't make much of a difference for them to really matter anymore...

This is pretty much the case I think. Instead of mods making things better, mods make things different.

Hopefully this makes balancing easier as they continue to evaluate and tweak.

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OR they could be a means to make it so that the playing field is 100% even, despite the longer playing Warframe player having more mods at their disposal, cause this time weather you use an unmodded wep or a slightly modded one, it won't make much of a difference for them to really matter anymore...


This is pretty much the case I think. Instead of mods making things better, mods make things different.

Hopefully this makes balancing easier as they continue to evaluate and tweak.


That's the impression I have as well, and in general I agree with that direction.


However, I feel like there are some mods that shouldn't have any negative effects and they should be easily obtainable for everyone. Handspring, Hush and Suppress are obvious examples of this, and Handspring should definitely be buyable from Teshin as well (or give it away for free, I don't care. Everyone should have that equipped).


My reasoning is this: The weapons and mechanics are all balanced for PvE, and PvP is quite a different beast. Some of the mods should form a baseline the whole game mode is balanced around. Another example are the weapon holster mods, they don't have any drawbacks either. And I don't think they should have any; they're just something everyone should equip to make the Conclave a more interesting and fun experience.

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