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De Please Answer Us! Will You Buff Any Contents Inside The Founder Pack?


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u get smthg that is better via cash witch is not obtainable any other way = p2w


You neither understand the concept of paying to win nor what the founders packages meant to the game back then.

EDIT: as it is now only skin Cosmetic) its fine ...




buffing the weapons tho i support very much ... to be on par with best: skana- dakra or smthg like that ...

Edited by Mathemagics
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exactly, you supported WF- you got your prize then. 


Your prize now is that the game you supported has become successful. 

The prize was 2 Primed Weapons and A Prime Warframe.

Now that Primed weapons and Primed Warframes are gettuing buffed, these can also get buffed.


EDIT: as it is now only skin Cosmetic) its fine ...

buffing the weapons tho i support very much ... to be on par with best: skana- dakra or smthg like that ...

Primes are the ultimate form of weaponryy, and should be better than the originals.

Excalibur, Mag, Frost and Rhino Prime have no such buffs, while all others do,and should therefore be buffed.

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The prize was 2 Primed Weapons and A Prime Warframe.

Now that Primed weapons and Primed Warframes are gettuing buffed, these can also get buffed.


Primes are the ultimate form of weaponryy, and should be better than the originals.

Excalibur, Mag, Frost and Rhino Prime have no such buffs, while all others do,and should therefore be buffed.

If Mag, Rhino and Frost get buffed, I see no reason why Excal can't.

But he shouldn't be buffed just because he was a founder exclusive.

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This is why we can't have nice things. Exclusivity exists for a reason.

If I spent 50 bucks (or more), I'd feel cheated if it got taken away, in any shape or form, because people who didn't spend jack, are jealous.

The hateful bunch needs to chill out. Let the Founders have their fun, they earned it with their unwavering support for the game.

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u can buff him i dont mind im just worried for they p2w part (over regular excal) because u cant obtain him normal way


i would buff both Prime and normal one.

and buff skana to prisma str and lato to lex p str (or smtgh similar)


maybe i dont understand the founders thing and i really dont care about exclusive stuff just the p2w part bothers me cause there will be one frame witch is better only obtainable via cash

Edited by Mathemagics
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u can buff him i dont mind im just worried for they p2w part (over regular excal) because u cant obtain him normal way

You can't obtain him AT ALL now.And he won't be obtainable EVER AGAIN.Same with founder weapons.

Edited by Altey
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You can't obtain him AT ALL now.And he won't be obtainable EVER AGAIN.

yup and hes better... well it will not be end of the world, just my opinion and view on fairness


i usually dont pay in f2p games warframe was first and i like to support them because their fair model this would be 1st thing that i would find unfair.

Edited by Mathemagics
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yup and hes better... well it will not be end of the world, just my opinion and view on fairness


i usually dont pay in f2p games warframe was first and i like to support them because their fair model this would be 1st thing that i would find unfair.

You had a chance to buy foudner pack if you were playing back then.If you didn't use the opportunity to buy it's your own problem.

Also EX P>EX right now.Check wiki yourself to see why.

Edited by Altey
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You had a chance to buy foudner pack if you were playing back then.If you didn't use the opportunity to buy it's your own problem.

Also EX P>EX right now.Check wiki yourself to see why.

u mean the aura polarity??

well ok it seems you have very strong feelings about this so im not gona argue on internet. But when u bought it u knew what u where in to and it wasnt ment as an upgrade by them to regular excal.

yes now primes are upgrades but u can obtain them without money so thats different its not p2w.

but im not gona reply anymore just wanted to state my opinion.

i dont wana rob your excal prime i think its awesome you got your bling but why other excal players have to be weaker without a chance for upgrade....


in the end DE will do how they see fit.

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Only Grand Masters had 8k+ plat.Your argument is invalid.

No it isn't, it's still perfectly valid.

Each Founder level had an appropriate level of Plat that they paid for; in other words, each Founder level got more than they paid for.

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No it isn't, it's still perfectly valid.

Each Founder level had an appropriate level of Plat that they paid for; in other words, each Founder level got more than they paid for.

I still don't see a reason why ex P and maybe founder weps shouldn't be buffed.

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Yes, and also 9000 plat. SO what?

The point being that was also a very big part of the draw of those packs.

A lot of founders in these topics downplay the value they've already had, so as to better imply that they're somehow hard-done-to and donated out of the goodness of their hearts.

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The point being that was also a very big part of the draw of those packs.

A lot of founders in these topics downplay the value they've already had, so as to better imply that they're somehow hard-done-to and donated out of the goodness of their hearts.

It does not matter why they bought it. What really matters is that they bought a Founders Package. They paid for Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime, Lato Prime and evidently 9000 Platinum. The $250 they spent on the Founders Packages went directly into the further development of this game. Warframe could have been a Nigerian Prince scam, and they would have lost all their money for nothing. Warframe could have flopped and not picked up on the free market, and they still wouldn't get their money back. They took a risk by investing their money into Warframe, and got the rewards associated with that risk. You did not take the risk. I did not take the risk. No non-founder took the risks as they did, and therefore should not recieve the rewards that they did. The reasons they took the risks are irrelevant as they all took the same risks.

Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime are now two weapons and a Warframe subjected to [DE]'s balancing model. [DE]'s balancing model has changed since the time of the Founders Packages, along with the definition and function of Prime gear, the definition and function of damage itself, and the definition and function of status interactions. Therefore, as Prime gear themselves, and as weapons and Warframes like any other weapons and Warframes in this game,they should change to suit the new model.

Edited by TheBrsrkr
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Ok...you people NEED to stop thinking that Founders are keeping Excal Prime from you....It's DE and their verbal contract.

Had DE NEVER said it would be exclusive,we wouldn't be having the argument about it being re-released...

WE didn't have any say in it. WE didn't make the contract....BUT I am honest and do not like being deceived,So yeah,I expect DE to be honest and since THEY made this verbal contract I EXPECT them to honor it. It has NOTHING to do with keeping Excal Prime out of any players hands.

Maybe STOP assuming that? Maybe realize that if you enter into a contract with someone that them breaking it would say a LOT about them not being trustworthy?


See the thing is,as I said before, I am disabled,it took a TON of effort for me to fork over as much money as I did to get to be a founder. You could say I had to work to be one.I didn't do it for the items,though they are nice. I did it because after playing for a bit I WANTED THE GAME TO SUCCEED. I did it because I wanted to HELP THEM. I just HAPPENED to get something from them for helping.


As for those people saying that the Plat we got was something special too.....Just stop....You get bonus Plat in EVERY Prime Access.



Basically just stop acting like Founders did something to you when DE makes the rules,and we ALL just play along.


The biggest reason we want Excal Prime buffed is because we want him to stay viable and on par with other Primes.....You know,those Gold Plated versions of our frames that despite being released at later dates by DE,were created by the Orokin in the same era.....so there literally is NO REASON they shouldn't ALL be on the same level of power as each other.

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SO if they ever buff founders stuff, I think it's because they found a loophole in the "contract" that enables them to rerelease it without even worrying about anyone trying to sue them

There is no loophole and never will be. They EXPLICITLY stated that Items in the Founder Packs would NEVER be re-released....THAT is the verbal contract and it has been stated many,many times by DE....Founders aren't making the contract we're just holding them to it,as ANYONE on this side of that contract SHOULD do.

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Guys, once again a reminder. Keep the discussion clean and civil. Do not attack other players or player groups. Do not use hostile tone on your posting. Treat and reply to others the way you'd like to be treated. Do not judge other players based on preconceptions. Do not split the dream. Do not show the door.


Any and all valid discussions are welcome. If someone insults you or otherwise cause you to feel offended in any way do not reply in kind and do not "engage" that person. Report and allow us moderators to take action.


Otherwise we will have to lock this thread.

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The biggest reason we want Excal Prime buffed is because we want him to stay viable and on par with other Primes.....You know,those Gold Plated versions of our frames that despite being released at later dates by DE,were created by the Orokin in the same era.....so there literally is NO REASON they shouldn't ALL be on the same level of power as each other.

But that wasn't what you paid for though was it? What you paid for was just an ordinary Excalibur Prime which is what it is now and what it has remained for the past what, 2 years?


What you're asking for now is nothing but pure greed and eventually you'll come back and ask for more.


I don't think people would have this problem if DE stated clearly when the founders packages first came out "these weapons/frame will receive future updates in order to keep it up to par with current content" but they didn't so obviously anything you're asking for now is pure greed and selfishness.


You all got EXACTLY what you paid for and now you want more. In every game there will always be a class that outclasses the other, it's inevitable. Doesn't mean you should get royal treatment every time your item becomes outclassed.

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But that wasn't what you paid for though was it? What you paid for was just an ordinary Excalibur Prime which is what it is now and what it has remained for the past what, 2 years?


What you're asking for now is nothing but pure greed and eventually you'll come back and ask for more.


I don't think people would have this problem if DE stated clearly when the founders packages first came out "these weapons/frame will receive future updates in order to keep it up to par with current content" but they didn't so obviously anything you're asking for now is pure greed and selfishness.


You all got EXACTLY what you paid for and now you want more. In every game there will always be a class that outclasses the other, it's inevitable. Doesn't mean you should get royal treatment every time your item becomes outclassed.

Pure greed, Selfishness, we want more ?? No, most people want it to be in the same line as other prime... because in the past 2 years the term "Prime" has Evolved...

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