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Question To The Vets


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MR is irrelevant - it's how they play, behave, etc.. I've played Draco missions w/ low MR guys wearing barely ranked frames and a barely decent weapon that held their own and got it done.  everyone gets a chance - not everyone gets a second one.

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I would like to debunk how, surprisingly many of you, think MR is completely irrelevant in skills. Shocking, I know.


I almost never measure skill out of MR. I look at MR to tell if the player has a little or large pool of weapons.


Now, that's the first thing I do when I'm looking at MR. Secondly, I might judge someone of their skills ONLY when they're about 0~5 MR.


I know there are some that have played long but still at 5 MR, but that's only speaking for most likely a small minority of players.


Better put, 


"I can probably tell if the player is fairly new to the game or not by looking at various factors, and MR is just one of those things, but not a reliable one at that."


And cmon guys, don't go to the extreme and say MR is completely irrelevant to skills. To be perfectly honest, you can't expect 0 MR player to be somehow equal to MR 19 guy in skills. It DOES tell the skill difference in that case. So yes, MR does matter in a sense, but only to those with less play time and arguably low MR.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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MR is irrelevant - it's how they play, behave, etc.. I've played Draco missions w/ low MR guys wearing barely ranked frames and a barely decent weapon that held their own and got it done.  everyone gets a chance - not everyone gets a second one.

Since when is Draco skill test?

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I would like to debunk how, surprisingly many of you, think MR is completely irrelevant in skills. Shocking, I know.


I almost never measure skill out of MR. I look at MR to tell if the player has a little or large pool of weapons.


Now, that's the first thing I do when I'm looking at MR. Secondly, I might judge someone of their skills ONLY when they're about 0~5 MR.


I know there are some that have played long but still at 5 MR, but that's only speaking for most likely a small minority of players.


Better put, 


"I can probably tell if the player is fairly new to the game or not by looking at various factors, and MR is just one of those things, but not a reliable one at that."


And cmon guys, don't go to the extreme and say MR is completely irrelevant to skills. To be perfectly honest, you can't expect 0 MR player to be somehow equal to MR 19 guy in skills. It DOES tell the skill difference in that case. So yes, MR does matter in a sense, but only to those with less play time and arguably low MR.


The flaw in your argument is that you seem to think this game requires large amounts of skill to play to begin with.

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The flaw in your argument is that you seem to think this game requires large amounts of skill to play to begin with.


It doesn't. In fact I don't think it does. But the way the players play does tell the difference, there's no doubting that.


All I'm saying is that MR does play an unreliable role in telling a player's skills. It's a fact.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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It doesn't. In fact I don't think it does. But the way the players play does tell the difference, there's no doubting that.


All I'm saying is that MR does play an unreliable role in telling a player's skills. It's a fact.


It's not a fact because MR has nothing to do with skill. It never had anything to do with skill and probably never will.


What is a fact is that you can gain a lot of mastery ranks just by standing in one place and pushing one button. Skill has nothing to do with it.

Edited by f3llyn
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MR stops becoming specifically useful at 8 because you unlock the mastery-locked weapons and have access to all relays. If you want more loadout slots, extractor deployments or standing cap then you can continue but really unless more weapons are released with higher mastery locks, or something else involving MR, there's no point going higher besides bragging rights. Even then you don't need to go all the way if you aren't planning on using the mastery-locked weapons in the first place.


I've played over year and a half and for the most part I stayed at MR5/6 (not sure) because I was content with my current gear. I had a selection of weapons and warframes that I was proficient at and in my eyes didn't see the point of leveling any higher. It was only with the release of the Dragon Nikana, and then later Syndicates, that I started leveling up my MR by fodder grinding.


So no, I don't use MR. If I were to size someone up it would be with their gear. I'm more than happy to let people bring what they want if they utilise it well in combat; I did a T4 Survival with someone who was completely new to the game and we held up for 40 minutes by combining knowledge and use of skills. People who are willing to listen and learn, then apply that to their gaming go further.


I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore, I should sleep.

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It's not a fact because MR has nothing to do with skill. It never had anything to do with skill and probably never will.

I don't know if you understood me, so I'll repeat. I'm speaking in a general environment here, not accounting for the specifics and special cases.


MR does matter in lower numbers because some of the low MR people are new to the game. Is it that hard to understand?


What I'm saying is it stops being a thing after a little while because the game is that easy to learn, but people at around 0~5 MR are not as informed and experienced in the game as, say, MR 19 guy.


It does not matter that much, but things are tricky in those low MR. Many newcomers to the game are clueless about manuevers and weapons, hence lacking in skills. This relation holds CLEARLY. Low MR doesn't always equal to no skills, however, it is usually the case when they are new to the game and have low MR. This is so darn simple.


When I meet a MR 0, or 1, or 2, or 3 guy in my squad, and they're using some beginner weapons and keep dying, MR clearly is an indication of their standings and how new they are to the game. I can tell they're not too skilled, but as I said, MR is an unreliable factor there. How they act and what weapons they use are what build upto the conclusion, but MR can be used an easy sign of a newbie in a first glance, before they do anything.


That obviously gets very vague as people go higher in MR and MR starts to not matter in terms of skills. 


What is a fact is that you can gain a lot of mastery ranks just by standing in one place and pushing one button. Skill has nothing to do with it


What you say here is 100% hypothetical and it isn't how the majority of players play when they start out. You're speaking as if there's anyone out there not willing to learn anything about the game BUT farm. That's just ridiculously rare if you ask me. I don't know if there's anybody like that out there. Do nothing but farm from the beginning of the game. 

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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I'll help shepherd MR1-5's if they request or seem like they need it. In fact, I enjoy helping new players get their feet under them.

MR 6-8, I expect you to manage yourselves on the starchart.

MR9-15, I will actively try to engage in communication and more teamplay-oriented strategies if the particular mission calls for it, or try and race you if it's level 25 or less.

MR 16+, I expect you to know the in's and out's of the game, to pull your own weight and even teach me a few new tricks, as well as understand and properly position for the combination of your weapons and warframe. It's okay if you go down once or twice, but if I'm babysitting you, chances are you'll be burning revives while I'm clearing out the level 45+'s you wanted to hit with your unforma'd, rank 3 Prisma Skana- and no, I don't care if it has good crit, you know better and should be ashamed of yourself.

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I am mr4. However I will always endeavor to help new players. Even going as far to help them on how to equip mods. Plenty of times I have had my rear handed to me in higher tier levels playing with 3 others with maxed out everything. 9 times out of 10 we all helped each other revive etc. That 1 left out is because simply people can't be everywhere at once.

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I agree that MR is not a trustworthy indicator. I'm almost MR 19 and I can deep out when I'm distracted, tired, or just feeling the soda/booze/etc.

A few of my clan mates are MR 8-12 simply because they like to forma all sorts of stuff and really enjoy it before moving on, and they are every bit of not more as skilled as I am.

Like somebody said hours played can tell a story as well.

Rep/affinity farms have created high MR players that are uniquely unequiped tactically and experiencially for certain situations.

Sometimes I help new players, hook up a deal/freebie, or taxi. Other times I am not in the mood. I play trinity almost exclusively now as a support, but I can't always keep people alive or revive them depending on the situation, but I try if it's not going to risk the mission.

I agree with the guy who said take people seriously if they don't take themselves/warframe too seriously, or something like that.


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Honestly, I don't take someone seriously based on their MR. I've seen MR4 founders, and MR15s who have no idea what their doing. Don't judge based on MR, wait to see if they a) Can work well in a team and b) If they're willing to learn/listen.

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True, i've played with MR18 players who totally suck... 


suck in what way ?


last i checked MR18 people are mostly people dedicated and ranked up 600+ hours on the game... at least from what ive seen and inspected!


most MR18's ive seen in my squad or other squads im apart of they do the job like they are meant to...


but i agree with you that some other MR18+ players are totally crap or are just plain stupid IMHO... they dont stick to the task at hand either it being farming or anything else etc... 

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suck in what way ?


last i checked MR18 people are mostly people dedicated and ranked up 600+ hours on the game... at least from what ive seen and inspected!


most MR18's ive seen in my squad or other squads im apart of they do the job like they are meant to...


but i agree with you that some other MR18+ players are totally crap or are just plain stupid IMHO... they dont stick to the task at hand either it being farming or anything else etc... 

Just not following objectives correctly, not playing their frame/gear correctly, not producing or playing as a team.  Im only MR12 and usually can outplay higher MR's.  There's so many variables that come in to account when determining a players skill or trying to determine if they are even worth going in to a high level mission with.

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Just to clarify on my previous post. Sure I despise anyone lower than mastery 4. Been here since 2 months before founders ended and stayed MR 5 for all that time. MR 5 is achieved after leveling the starter weapons and trying out a small amount of weapons that have given you the idea on how the mechanics work.

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