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Will You Use The New Oberon Augment? (Hallowed Reckoning)


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The augment seems really good, however mod space for Oberon is already really tight.

So my question is: Are you gone make pace for this mod? What will you sacrifice? If not, what should change to make you use it?


My personal gripes with modding Oberon are as followed:

- Cast time on his Reckoning and Rejuvenation are to slow and will get you killed on higher lvls.

So i add: Natural Talent.

- He doesn't have an exceptional energy pool, so going for QT+Rage will leave you without energy in no time and far to low survivability. 

So i go for: Vitality + Rage, for survivability, using the energy from rage to cast rejuvination.

- Range on Reckoning is terrible at base. (only 15m) So i add a Stretch to bring it up to 22,5m. It also affects the blinding radius. Can't use overextended cause power strength will suffer to much, which is needed for all of his ability's.

- Get a bit of extra powerstrength to make Rejuvination more effective and add some damage/armor bonus to the rest.

for me this is a rank 8 transient fortitude. 45% powerstrength -22,5% duration.

- We need some efficiency as well so that means at a minimum: Streamline. Also cause we have a low energy pool and rage equipped, efficiency over flow is usually better: so i add for now a Fleeting Expertise rank 2, cause i don't have second one maxed yet. (-30% duration +30% efficiency)

- To this point, i suffer a heavy penalty for duration. Which is bad for Rejuvination(It's affected inversely by powerduration) and the Radiation and Blind Procs.

So to compensate and bring it back to around 100% i use a maxed Primed Continuity.


So that's all my 8 mod slots already filled for my main Oberon build. Now on to the augment;


From what i can tell from the mod card, it's likely affected by duration and powerstrength, likely range as well for the hallowed ground patch size. so i'd have to sacrifice a mod slot on this already tight build for the augment, which will automatically reduce the effectiveness of the mod itself. Unless i would remove any of my survivability mods or Natural Talent.


Perhaps i'd have more options with a maxed fleeting expertise, but the duration penalty will be hard to compensate for.


I also have a the same concern with the hallowed ground patches as i have with the normal halowed ground. To get it's full benefit you have to stand on a small area, which limits your mobility severely. And on the higher lvl's staying on the move plays a large part in your suitability. So at the times you would actually want that armor + proc resistance, you're trading one form of survivability for the other. Not to forget that the range on reckoning hardly covers enough ground on most tiles, so i often find myself moving up to the enemy to affect all of them with my Reckoning. Can't realy do that effectively on a small patch of ground.


So what are your thoughts on this augment?

Does Oberon need a change to how duration affects him before you consider using it?

Or should his cast time just be reduce to free up a mod slot?

Or forego power strength entirely and focus on duration + range?

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I am already using it. My only problem with reckonings low base damage. I currently use intensify, but I am considering using Transient Fortitude as well.

At the moment I use the following:


I might switch flow for transient fortitude for increased damage, since Im already using a lot of efficiency. But for that, I need to forma him

Edited by Zareek
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I am already using it. My only problem with reckonings low base damage. I currently use intensify, but I am considering using Transient Fortitude as well.


At the moment I use the following:



I might switch flow for transient fortitude for increased damage, since Im already using a lot of efficiency. But for that, I need to forma him again.

Man up with Blind Rage? Energy is infinite, abuse it while you can.

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I was just thinking


At what stage in the game would you need an armour buff because the enemies are that strong yet reckoning can reliably kill enemies?


The window of time within a survival/defence mission where I see this as viable is really short... I'd still rather just spam hallowed ground. More reliable, defined area of effect and removes status procs as well.


Then again I have tested nothing so don't bash me later if this turns out really good...

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I might switch flow for transient fortitude for increased damage, since Im already using a lot of efficiency. But for that, I need to forma him


Using Transient Fortitude is guaranteed to be a bad idea on Oberon. Unless you only use Oberon for Smite and Reckoning, then in that case you shouldn't be using Oberon.


Oberon's Renewal is inversely affected by duration, for the sake of benefitting both HG and Renewal, instead of benefitting one or the other. The more duration, the shorter time it takes for Renewal to heal.



Anyway OT, no I won't use it, because Oberon badly needs Strength, Duration and Efficiency, which makes him a difficult frame to mod.

And I modded him for as much strength as possible, without sacrificing duration and efficiency ( http://goo.gl/Wa39Wq ). Which leaves me no place for the augment.

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Using Transient Fortitude is guaranteed to be a bad idea on Oberon. Unless you only use Oberon for Smite and Reckoning, then in that case you shouldn't be using Oberon.


Oberon's Renewal is inversely affected by duration, for the sake of benefitting both HG and Renewal, instead of benefitting one or the other. The more duration, the shorter time it takes for Renewal to heal.



Anyway OT, no I won't use it, because Oberon badly needs Strength, Duration and Efficiency, which makes him a difficult frame to mod.

And I modded him for as much strength as possible, without sacrificing duration and efficiency ( http://goo.gl/Wa39Wq ). Which leaves me no place for the augment.

Good points, but in my experience, Renewal is rarely needed. I don't do void missions with him, only regular missions. So a longer renewal might not be so bad 9/10 times. I do use hallowed ground though, and the duration loss Id get from Transient Fortitude would affect that. However, its only 15%, and my primed continuity is not maxed. So if I max my primed conti Id only lose 5%.


As for your "then in that case you shouldn't be using Oberon", well, I use Oberon because I like his abilities. I do mainly use Smite and reckoning, and I do just fine. To each their own.

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Unless you're building Oberon for spamming Reckoning, I doubt it's worth it. The power's got pretty okay damage and it decently builds on that with utility - blinding anything that enters its range after it picks enemies up and confusing enemies slammed like it's basketball. However, unless you build for maximum strength and efficiency, you'll take a pretty high amount of energy to get enough kills for some good Hallowed Grounds.

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I have the following mods in Oberon: Steel Charge aura (for points), Vitality, Rage, Natural talent, Stretch, Blind Rage, Transient fortitude, Fleeting expertise and Streamline. So I don't have any mod spaces left and also it is a minimum duration build.
We need a separate slot for warframe augments (1 or 2)

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After seeing how small the patches were on Potato's video i say it's really not worth it.


I do ave a question though.. i rarely see you use natural talent.. is that not killing you during the casting animation on void missions?

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I've experimented with Broberon and currently i use my "patented" generalist build which is:

- Max Primed Continuity

- Max Transient Fortitude

- Constitution

- Stretch

Those are the base mods. +55% strenght/duration and +45% range is what i feel works best for frames who need all of it.

Then Broberon has it special, and the last 4 modspaces are

- Streamline

- Hallowed Reckoning

- Vitality

- Rage

I did some 2 full rotation T3/4 endless and it works. To conpensate the lack of Natural Talent i usually jump around a lot casting in mid air.

Rage/renewal lets you cycle health and energy pretty well, on top of health orbs from reckoning.

Reckoning being half rad damage means you have it decent agaist alloy guys even a while into endless.

The augment is good imho. I feel like it's more worth of a slot than Natural Talent or Flow are.

Hope it helps you.

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This is my current build, and it seems to be working pretty well. Keep in mind my Oberon has 2 formas on it.


Of course Vitality+Steel Fiber are pretty much required for Oberon.


Rage+Fleeting Expertise is basically infinite energy.


Primed Cont. to balance out Fleeting leaving duration at 85% which isn't that bad (Hallowed Ground is still around 16 seconds I think).


Stretch because Reckoning has godawful range, and Natural Talent because Oberon casts everything way too slow.


Overall I like the augment, but I feel like it could be better. The area of effect is too small (why no fire rugs???) and the damage is terrible. Also, after around level 30, small enemies start taking 2 pumps of Reckoning to kill, and that's ~100 energy I think so efficiency is pretty much null and void. I haven't tried it out much in a team environment, but I doubt the team buff helps much tbh.


Verdict? I kinda regret spending 25p to buy this mod off someone. It looks kinda cool but it's really not too useful.

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Am I the only one that does negative duration builds on my Oberon on purpose, and still uses all four of his abilities regularly? Maybe I want his heal to be slower... since it stops as soon as they reach max health. Maybe I don't always need a Hallowed Ground that sits around for a long time, maybe on a lot of missions I just need something I can quickly throw down on myself and the squad as a proc removal blanket. 


But anyways, I can't be sure yet... but so far this mod sounds like it could be fun or interesting in low to mid tier, but just wouldn't be that effective in high tier play. You would need to be killing a lot of stuff, like a serious power strength build, and even then... I'm not entirely sure it would be really worth it. I'm hoping someone will test it out on a t4 something soon and report how effective they found it if at all, with some decent power strength equipped of course. 


Also, I think in the OP, you keep saying rejuvenation when you mean Renewal right? Revuvie is an aura, Renewal is Oberon's healing ability. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Am I the only one that does negative duration builds on my Oberon on purpose, and still uses all four of his abilities regularly? Maybe I want his heal to be slower... since it stops as soon as they reach max health. Maybe I don't always need a Hallowed Ground that sits around for a long time, maybe on a lot of missions I just need something I can quickly throw down on myself and the squad as a proc removal blanket. 


I do this usually, considering the low damage output of Hallowed Ground, proc removal is its most useful application anyway. Plus I usually just cancel rejuvenation and recast over and over until everyone's health is full.



But anyways, I can't be sure yet... but so far this mod sounds like it could be fun or interesting in low to mid tier, but just wouldn't be that effective in high tier play. You would need to be killing a lot of stuff, like a serious power strength build, and even then... I'm not entirely sure it would be really worth it. I'm hoping someone will test it out on a t4 something soon and report how effective they found it if at all, with some decent power strength equipped of course. 


I just went 30 minutes into a T4S with 2 friends, and it really didn't help too noticeably. As predicted, the damage falloff really starts to make the augment useless once the enemies pass the level 30 range and Reckoning can't instagib the smaller ones. The area of effect also really limits the ability.

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I do this usually, considering the low damage output of Hallowed Ground, proc removal is its most useful application anyway. Plus I usually just cancel rejuvenation and recast over and over until everyone's health is full.




I just went 30 minutes into a T4S with 2 friends, and it really didn't help too noticeably. As predicted, the damage falloff really starts to make the augment useless once the enemies pass the level 30 range and Reckoning can't instagib the smaller ones. The area of effect also really limits the ability.


I see what you're saying with healing, just recast for the quick heals until everyone is full. Then with negative duration, you can also keep it going for awhile in certain situations as a heal over time when people really need it. That can be useful when things get chaotic, especially on nightmare. 


Kind of too bad, it sounded like it could have been cool. Thanks for reporting on your test! 

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