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Block And Stamina


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at the moment if u take valkyr u can block like 100 bullets. well it felt like 100 u can make the test on ur own. generally blocking should consume more stamina it should be situational!! at the moment u can just run up to someone while blocking or use kogake to copter in between becouse ur hard to hit while doing kogake copter. ur best chance to kill ppl that go full melee kogake or furax is to shoot them in the back while they are fighting someone else. i use pure melee sometimes myself and i gotta say if someone lands atleast half of his clip on me then i feel like i deserve to die.

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just copt away and shoot them when they fighting other guys, hehe

I think DE want to make the "melee only" in PVP be undefeatable in 1 on 1 -face to face combat.

and don't forget  guns still dominate the mid to long distant range area with copts.


coptering away dont kill them ;D

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Melee blocking is ridiculously good. Shots at a blocking player should take away more Stamina than it does now. Or maybe blocking should only reduce damage instead of completely deflecting. Or maybe blocking should have a percentage of chance of successfully block each shot.

Edited by RexSol
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Here you have a little test about this, apparently, just like time to kill, blocking has been mainly balanced about time to break guard, obviously bows and lex are out of such scale, because they suck against guard and they deserve to, as these weapons are supposed to rock from far/stealth enough to be even more invulnerable to melee


honestly, i think that the two frames that have innate 150 stamina need that extra stamina, ember may be arguable, she was nerfed, her ultimate doesnt erase players anymore, but still one could argue if she can be even touched with a fire covering the screen on the affected player


also blocking in a frontal engage means getting to the place with little to no stamina to proc MM, so if the melee initiator has been blocking, chances are that once hes into range both players will have to actually aim, and if melee is still superior after that, then its deserved since its his ground





hits to break guard 150 stamina | 100 stamina / magazine size

time to break guard 




consumes all stamina and no sh*t is blocked




23 | 15 / 100

1.5s | 1s



dual viper

27 | 18 / 28

1.1s | 0.7s 




8 | 5 / 15

1.4s | 0.9s




15 | 10 / 60

1.5s | 1s



original video

Edited by rockscl
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coptering away dont kill them ;D

But melee fight already have less choice in battle location than guns. When you try to melee attack a player,  your back is always open to another player.

Unlike guns, you can copt. high, shoot from a corner(tactic moves in real life let the wall protect your back.) etc...

And don;'tt say most of melee have lower dps than most guns, and can't score headshot in the moment.

Edited by cary2010haha1
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The thing that irks me the most is that on even an semi bad host people will often block shots to their back.


If Stamina gets done away with, there will probably have to be a new system in place, like only blocking a percentage of bullets, as oppose to all bullets.

I'd be more in favor of a melee blocking damage cap stat for melee weapons. Break the cap and they get staggeredd or have a cool down on blocking.

Edited by Aggh
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The thing that irks me the most is that on even an semi bad host people will often block shots to their back.


I'd be more in favor of a melee blocking damage cap stat for melee weapons. Break the cap and they get staggeredd or have a cool down on blocking.


That's a good idea...block only a certain percent of damage, and then have to take time to regenerate that damage soak, and punish for excessive blocking.

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If Stamina gets done away with, there will probably have to be a new system in place, like only blocking a percentage of bullets, as oppose to all bullets.


Yeah it does make sense that you can't block all the pellet  of a shotgun because they coming all at you at once (unless you have a shield)


BTW New Excal #4 will be auto block (not sure in PvP)

Edited by Hueminator
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That's a good idea...block only a certain percent of damage, and then have to take time to regenerate that damage soak, and punish for excessive blocking.


thats a good idea it makes blocking then a tactical choice instead of solution for everything. using enviroment and situation will be more a thing then

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