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What Have They Done To You Ash Prime?!


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I dnt like the Paladin Prime but its my opinion. Coming from the Lord of Ash FanBoys! The one and only Brave enough to admit My love and Master the "Trash" Punned Frame every "Loki FanBoy Haters" hate on.  The one and Only Cutscene Terrorist in Warframe. 

The Glitchiest Ulti known to Warframers  across the Globe..

Give us a better Helm and i will be happy :)

Edited by ShadowsofKoga
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The view we're getting is pretty awkward. It's not easy to tell what exactly is going on between his shoulder and his neck - is that some sort of giant armored collar or a giant armored shoulder plate? It's also surprisingly mechanical/roboty looking given how non-Prime Ash looks fairly clothy/organicy/chitiny, but overall I think I like it.


But jeez, after the Chroma reveal fiasco you'd think they'd understand the importance of a clear and non-awkward preview pic. (The "seahorse" helmet looks just great in action and is much better than the new default helmet... it annoys me that I have to wait for an alert or pay plat for it)

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I just noticed that the only people in this topic who don't like Ash Prime's look are all using Red Veil icons.


Not edgy enough for you?

Completely wrong. Im Arbiters Steel and Suda. I rarely even do syndicate missions. I need tovstart running em now

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There is a lot of hate for a promo picture where his arm is dominant due to the angle and the fact he is holding Vectis Prime (one of the other two teased images along with Carrier Prime). Without other pictures with different angles and poses, I'll reserve my judgement. I do hope he maintains the general build of his regular frame, but beyond that I am fairly open to seeing what the final result is.

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I'm gunna hold my breath and hope for the best, but lets just say my Arcane Scorpion Helm is READY


Beat Me too it. lol I was gonna name Myself Ash_Prime -_-  jk

I may go as KogAsh lol 

Imo a Helm rework and Keep Edo prime for Ash Prime. I really Love that armor and cant buy atm bills need to be paid. 

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Vectis prime carrier prime *sighs* 

I wish i was a part of DE i would make a conference about this. All the visions i pictured have been diminished. 

Edo prime (Volts) Shade Prime (NonExistant) Cernos Prime (Waittosee) Venka Prime (IWish) 


Im no special snowflake soo my opinion doesnt matter i guess x)




p.s. Vectis and Carrier primes look great but why on Ash prime? xP

Edited by ShadowsofKoga
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Im totally ok with the rest of him, I just can't understand what is going on with that helmet. :O Is it based off the Scorpion helmet or is it an amalgamation of all 3 helmets for Ash? I just wanted the original helmet for Ash with the mandibles to be primed up, like this >



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The only reason why I hated the model of the prime because you see the wheels that were edited on? I actually fell for it. The wheels are not part of his body so I honestly am not sure if I like or dislike Ash Prime. Maybe if I was able to see his full 3D model I can judge, but for now I honestly ain't sure.

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Im surprised theres lots of folks here who actually like him. Ok, great. That doesnt mean we cant be heard why we dont like him. After all forums is a place to share ideas and be heard. opinions and ideas are what carved this game today, if we stay quiet we are just giving up or rights to be heard and understood. We could be heard and he could be slightly changed. I rather them not release Ash prime then this Dishonorable concept. Release Vauban prime or Nekro, Oberon maybe Hydroid prime. I think its a great design i dnt wanna disappoint Minky. But as Ash prime i dnt like it. Mainly the Helm is what bugs me. Guess DEs dnt want fan arr implemented after all this is there game. Still grab our ideas and twist em up slightly, why not? Tennogen weapons are fanart right? Why not implement Prime fanart? That being sad i think Ash needs a future Proto Skin i would slap that over his Prime vers and be content. xD

p.s. this is what we get for crying to rush Ash prime. 

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I am amazed people can form such precise opinions based on a picture that shows helmet, arm + armguard at a peculiar angle, a suggestion of waist armor and nothing else. Is it really that irresistible to comment so strongly with this little information?

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Im surprised theres lots of folks here who actually like him. Ok, great. That doesnt mean we cant be heard why we dont like him. After all forums is a place to share ideas and be heard. opinions and ideas are what carved this game today, if we stay quiet we are just giving up or rights to be heard and understood. We could be heard and he could be slightly changed. I rather them not release Ash prime then this Dishonorable concept. Release Vauban prime or Nekro, Oberon maybe Hydroid prime. I think its a great design i dnt wanna disappoint Minky. But as Ash prime i dnt like it. Mainly the Helm is what bugs me. Guess DEs dnt want fan arr implemented after all this is there game. Still grab our ideas and twist em up slightly, why not? Tennogen weapons are fanart right? Why not implement Prime fanart? That being sad i think Ash needs a future Proto Skin i would slap that over his Prime vers and be content. xD

p.s. this is what we get for crying to rush Ash prime. 


Precisely...  I don't get why there are people out there slamming others about how they feel.  This is a feedback thread and some of us just don't like the leaked design.  It's good to let the devs know there's a percentage of us who were expecting something different.  It's not complaining, because it's a matter of taste, and highly subjective.  However, if no one speaks up or is constantly shunned (for no good reason) for having a different opinion, then the devs/art team will never know how we feel.


It's that simple.  No big deal.  I mean I haven't gone out of my way to slam anyone who liked the design have I?  (I mean, why would I?  If someone likes it then great...  right?)

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everyone is welcome to voice their opinions, this thread just goes to prove that there will always be ppl on opposite sides of the fence with each side having entitled to what they feel is right. It was meant for players to voice their opinions and not for players to criticize each other, call each other trolls, or flame on one another just because they have differing perspective. It is a valid statement that we've only seen Ash Prime from one angle, but I wont be holding my breathe expecting a drastic change. Thank you to those with constructive criticism, and for those who stood up for what you believe in. 

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I am amazed people can form such precise opinions based on a picture that shows helmet, arm + armguard at a peculiar angle, a suggestion of waist armor and nothing else. Is it really that irresistible to comment so strongly with this little information?


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