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What Have They Done To You Ash Prime?!


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Look like an badass Zen master or sth. like that.
DE unique art style as always. It looks cool, but there is something weird about it.

Only question: will the back hair interfere with my Misa Prime Syandana?



The only problem I got with Ash Prime is that he doesn't look stealthy at all... :/

Ash is skilled enough to be stealthy with that. Even with a turned on lightbulb on his head.

Edited by P0int.Zer0
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De took all the complaints of volt prime looking to much to the non primed variant to heart and we suffer the consequences of having a primed frame looking nothing like it's original. I hope my edo prime will do a good job at masking those flab for arms, and have 0 regrets building trickery into the stock helm


It was not me for sure. I like to have the differences between primes and none primes minimal.

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I think Ash Prime looks great. I feel most of the fan art we see for Ash Prime isn't at all befitting the aesthetic of the game. They're uhh, spikey. I think DE did a great job. Every time a new prime is revealed, there's a thread about how it looks terrible, then the second it's released, everyone's clamoring to get their hands on it.

Edited by ronkkk
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He could be full on Gold and Hot Pink and he'd still be stealthy cause he can turn invisible. THE PINNACLE OF STEALTH!

True dat... However, admit that going full bling bling wearing white won't fool people outside of the Void... :p


I imagine that he was supposed to stay all day long like a Void statue & sneak onto the unsuspecting intruders...



Edited by unknow99
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that side profile of ash prime doe..



Dat French mson Chin tho xD 

Btw 7Lions i got Edo prime today x) 

I had too fam, cant miss out Hope yall take advantage of Bar-B-Q grill prime xP


Yes the chin isnt his only feature look near his jaw he has these sugatra like ornaments dangling from his helm near the jaw.

He isnt that bad looking, i cant complain about his helm that much i wanna see a full body pic.



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I literally have no word in my vocabulary that could impart the full force of my disgust.

This, I mean, it's not like when we first saw the disgusting Chroma. I'll have to say I am disappointed with what i've seen so far but hey, angles are a *@##$. I really can't make anything out what i've seen from those weird angles. I see a little trunk on his face, but eh, will have to wait and see. Also, legs.


Worst case scenario I'll use regular ash helmet as I perceive it as a better match for a ninja frame, to each their own.

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Dat French mson Chin tho xD 

Btw 7Lions i got Edo prime today x) 

I had too fam, cant miss out Hope yall take advantage of Bar-B-Q grill prime xP


Yes the chin isnt his only feature look near his jaw he has these sugatra like ornaments dangling from his helm near the jaw.

He isnt that bad looking, i cant complain about his helm that much i wanna see a full body pic.




hell yeah dats what I'm talking about mang..glad you pulled thru cus that thing be pimp as fug


liq or no liq =P?





My Smoke Pallet is ready. XD


my vacant long term storage slot is ready as well xD!

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Seeing as how rushed volt prime felt, I'm happy that Ash prime seems to be quite the opposite. Ash prime access may be the first prime access I invest in fully, because previously, I only ever bought the accessories. If Ash doesn't have any model errors like volt (which still aren't fixed...), I'd be happy to use him.

Oh, and as for his helmet - it seems to incorporate aspects from ALL of his helmets. There's the "forked" chin guard from his default helm, the sort of "breathing tube" from his scorpion helmet, and the ponytail from his locust helmet. I dunno. I just really like it.

Edited by Cyv001
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Seeing as how rushed volt prime felt, I'm happy that Ash prime seems to be quite the opposite. Ash prime access may be the first prime access I invest in fully, because previously, I only ever bought the accessories. If Ash doesn't have any model errors like volt (which still aren't fixed...), I'd be happy to use him.

Oh, and as for his helmet - it seems to incorporate aspects from ALL of his helmets. There's the "forked" chin guard from his default helm, the sort of "breathing tube" from his scorpion helmet, and the ponytail from his locust helmet. I dunno. I just really like it.

That's the thing... To me Volt Prime looks amazing. Ash prime looks horribad... Lol. XD

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i hope they tweaked the design to be better then what they showed. thats all i can say and i guess friday il find out, or w/e day they decide to update it if it aint friday.



He could be full on Gold and Hot Pink and he'd still be stealthy cause he can turn invisible. THE PINNACLE OF STEALTH!


ash with a invisible build is a complete waste i tell ya, those slots can be used to turn up the dmg on bladestorm for example. if you wanna be a invisible type a guy i suggest loki would be the best choice for that,


Loki Prim, on the other hand, is SUPER SNEAKY


but im derailing so on topic:


it doesnt matter if he can turn invisible, he is the ninja frame ( i know all tenno are ninja's going by the lore, but ash has the skillset for it and others dont ) and i expected him to look more assassinish, ninjaish idk, not what i expected at all, he is fast and agile and i wish for him to keep showing that in his appearance also in his prime state , i expected a bit gold here there new helmet and thats it. not a evolution into chroma prime

Edited by NickBoay
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it doesnt matter if he can turn invisible, he is the ninja frame ( i know all tenno are ninja's going by the lore, but ash has the skillset for it and others dont ) and i expected him to look more assassinish, ninjaish idk, not what i expected at all, he is fast and agile and i wish for him to keep showing that in his appearance also in his prime state

I can say that the white orokin prime light colour set does not help the ninja feel at all. Also because of the fact that white distorts silhouettes making them look thicker than what they actually are.


You might be more satisfied playing with colours yourself, just saying. Then again, maybe you won't be anyway, that's your taste right there

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Just plucked this from the latest Prime Access trailer. Looks pretty amazing to me. Not to mention all that fine detailing. 



I want to clarify...  Looking awesome and looking like Ash Prime are two very different things.  I could see why someone would think that's cool, but I don't feel it's a good prime'ing of Ash.  As I've mentioned earlier in this thread, the way Loki Prime turned out was amazing.  He's still sleek and is just about perfect in representing how Loki should look as a Prime.


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I want to clarify...  Looking awesome and looking like Ash Prime are two very different things.  I could see why someone would think that's cool, but I don't feel it's a good prime'ing of Ash.  As I've mentioned earlier in this thread, the way Loki Prime turned out was amazing.  He's still sleek and is just about perfect in representing how Loki should look as a Prime.


Ah yes. On that note, I'd probably agree with you. Its not exactly in line with the initial description of the frame:


"This is Ash, lethal and elusive.

Ash can remain unseen, but his effects on the battlefield can be felt by all. Keep an eye out, Tenno."


I suppose it's a little hard to sell the idea of an "assassin-themed" warframe when he sparkles like a Swarovski crystal.

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