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Ash's Teleport: How It Should Also Be A True Travel Power For Next Movement 2.0


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So basically buff Ash's mobility so ridiculously that it breaks the movement system and makes him more mobile than the frame that was specifically designed to have the highest mobility? The logic behind making Ash have higher mobility than Zephyr is nonexistent.

But Ash would be able to get from A to B faster than Zephyr could. There is nothing that could ever possibly exceed the mobility of a free aim Teleport. There is no reason whatsoever for Ash to ever have higher mobility than the frame that was specifically designed to have the highest mobility.

got to rebbecca twitter right now i have proved my point
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I like the idea but it would be game breaking and way too powerful. Literally speed run missions with his 90 m teleport without needing to look at mobs also made spammable for melee usage...

Edit: Max efficiency costs 6 power, max p flow I can cast it quite a few times, maximized range via wiki is 140m which is an endless blade storm build.

that almost to say speed was being held back by stamina and that speeds up the whole group
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got to rebbecca twitter right now i have proved my point


While the teasers are both glorious and thrilling, it does not change the fact that Ash would be able to move from point A to B faster with a free aim Teleport, thus having higher mobility. As previously stated, there's absolutely no reason why Ash should have higher mobility than the frame that's specifically designed to have the highest mobility.

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While the teasers are both glorious and thrilling, it does not change the fact that Ash would be able to move from point A to B faster with a free aim Teleport, thus having higher mobility. As previously stated, there's absolutely no reason why Ash should have higher mobility than the frame that's specifically designed to have the highest mobility.

Agree to disagree, but if there is enemies in every corner every ounce of the tile set ash can go anywhere he wants, no enemies in a tileset is a relay

basically mobility as a whole just got a face lift how it works now, throw it out the window.free roam teleport maybe excessive by the slightest 

but the limitation on a stealthy elusive  agile frame  apposed too   an Aeriel flight light footedframe (Complete different realm of mobility)  limitaions on ash is outdated and currently  unessacary

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And remember this mobility was before directional melee, and around when coptering was a mobility of choice super jump was removed because of how underwhelming it is but it had no restrictions

Granted teleport has open to finishers but

It has more cons than pros as an ability

Above anything else ot should not stay the same

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It should also be an actual TELEPORT and be able to target Allies THRU WALLS (their glowing outlines)

Currently if there is a BOX in the way of an ally or enemy it wont work!


I rather have this go through walls to allies than anything else. I like the target seeking, otherwise I'll end up missing constantly like a baddie the same way I do with Valkyr's grappling hook.

Edited by Wolfdoge
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And remember this mobility was before directional melee, and around when coptering was a mobility of choice super jump was removed because of how underwhelming it is but it had no restrictions

Granted teleport has open to finishers but

It has more cons than pros as an ability

Above anything else ot should not stay the same

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  • 2 weeks later...

and mixed in with smoke screen , teleport to any enemy from the wall he would thrive

Auto-finishers on enemys would actually be the better add. He can pretty much miss out on CC as working dd frame. A more fluent execution of his abilitys would be highly welcomed tho.

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Here's something that may be of some interest.




Being able to throw a Shuriken into the environment and then teleport to it seems like it would be a reasonable enough limitation to the game-breaking mobility that a free aim Teleport would offer, but the key word there is seems. I'm cautiously optimistic.

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Auto-finishers on enemys would actually be the better add. He can pretty much miss out on CC as working dd frame. A more fluent execution of his abilitys would be highly welcomed tho.

i actually meant using synergy with both powers with the teleport change and i love the finishers was a great addition to ash 

Being able to throw a Shuriken into the environment and then teleport to it seems like it would be a reasonable enough limitation to the game-breaking mobility that a free aim Teleport would offer, but the key word there is seems. I'm cautiously optimistic.

glad we can come to terms 

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Being able to throw a Shuriken into the environment and then teleport to it seems like it would be a reasonable enough limitation to the game-breaking mobility that a free aim Teleport would offer, but the key word there is seems. I'm cautiously optimistic.

...for what price? Shuriken without auto aim? Free aim teleport is not that much of a issue to begin with.

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Free aim teleport is not that much of a issue to begin with.




Keep in mind that a free aim Teleport would give Ash higher mobility than Zephyr, who was designed to have the highest mobility of any warframe. Teleport has always been an assassin's tool, not a way to ruin other mobility warframes. Buffing Zephyr also wouldn't be an option, because if Teleport was free aim, it would be completely impossible for any frame to have higher mobility.


The only situation in which a free aim Teleport could possibly work is if it was only free aim in a specific situation that didn't come up very often. An idea I had was to make it free aim very briefly after teleporting to an enemy and performing a finisher on them. This would make it an escape tool rather than a Zephyr ruiner.


If Ash was simply given a free aim Teleport, the damage would be quite severe, especially to Zephyr. I see so many people requesting a free aim Teleport without any regard whatsoever for the damage that it would inflict. without some kind of limitation, it would do far more harm than good.

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From the wiki:


"Ash teleports to a target within 20 / 45 / 45 / 60 meters."


I wouldn't exactly call that a limiting factor.


The option to teleport to walls is also more limited then typical "i rocket to wherever i feel like" abilitys.


Only being able to teleport to walls is another limiting factor that could potentially work to prevent a free aim Teleport from being completely game-breaking, although walls are everywhere, so it would have to be slightly more limited than just requiring walls. What if:


When wall clinging, Ash can teleport to another wall to start wall clinging there. Ash cannot teleport to another wall again until he detaches from the wall and attaches to another wall, to prevent it from being spammed.


I still think I like the ability to teleport to your shurikens more, though.


Teleport should've been free aim from the very beginning.


Then Zephyr would have never been able to exist.


As previously stated, a purely free aim Teleport with no other limiting factors would be extremely game-breaking. A free aim Teleport would accomplish the exact same thing that Tail Wind does, only better, making Ash have higher mobility than the frame that was specifically designed to have the highest mobility in the game. Remember when Irradiating Disarm was released, and now Loki is a better Nyx than Nyx is? A purely free aim Teleport would do the same to Zephyr.

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it would no price but more of an addition when you throw a shuriken it vanishes. if it was to change shuriken wouldnt vanish and you could teleport to whatever surface it lands on

Nah man. It vanishes into the flesh of your enemys. Guaranteed. Still the best tracking ability for remaining units. Would be quite satisfies if we did this on a higher quantity tho. Some tracking, a couple just flying.

Would be quite the addition to the shuriken augument and meet both potential functions.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Tail Wind moves Zephyr from one place to another at a very high speed. A free aim Teleport would move Ash from one place to another instantaneously. It would be straight up superior to Tail Wind. The mechanics are different, but they have the same basic function: getting from point A to point B faster than normally possible. A free aim Teleport would make Tail Wind obsolete by doing Tail Wind's exact job, only better. Why should an assassin have higher mobility than the frame that was specifically designed to have the highest mobility?


Teleport should not be free aim without some sort of other limitation added, because it would defeat the purpose of what is supposed to be the highest mobility frame in the game.


Tbh Soo what!?

Lokis invisibility is better than Ash soo why do we need Ash?

Trinity Heals better then Oberon

Vauban can CC better then Nyx 


 Free-aim Teleport should help alot, granting shorter range and higher energy cost should pacify the complaints of folks who feel as You do.

Remember Ash is a Shinobi you dnt see me trippin bout Valkyr having one of Ashs utilities (RipLine) remember ninjas use Grappling hooks to move around not Magical teleportations but hey, this is a VIDEO GAME


It wont hurt Zephyr players one bit

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Just leave Ash alone, he's fine as he is. Don't turn this assassin into a rusher frame, he's more than that. Besides, he can teleport to his rushing teammates, so you should never have a reason to fall behind.

i hear what you saying but i dont want to be mother goosed to the other side of the map because my travel power is limited than everyone elses

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