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What Is The Best Secondary Weapon And The Best Melee?


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I would suggest the Lex given it's ammo supply and dmg output is great


it is abit slow in the beginning but lategame it becomes a monster when it's upgrade with mods and firerate


it doesn't have the highest dps in the world but the ammo supply and dmg burst makes up for it by a long run


for melee I would suggest Gram but that's personal preference on the heavy weapons

it got great range and fastest charge speed off all the heavy hitters so it's great for clearing infested and armored grineers alike


but that's my opinion anyways look up the wiki and you might find something you like

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There is no "Best". The nerfs are flowing and the metagame is changing all the time. One week you could be enjoying a gun you spent hours and hours grinding materials for, the next you could be lamenting on the forums and then moving onto a new one. I know it has been said before but pick what you enjoy. Some people do not like the Paris for example but it's nice if you max it out with damage and elemental mods.


But on to answering your question, the meta so far seems to favor Bolt weaponry over standard projectile. The HEK is still nice if you're close enough. For Melee, the Scuindo is still trusty and the Dual Ether is good if you are looking for more speed.

Edited by VanillaRegal
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That all depends on your primary. If you're using something suited for very long ranges, your secondary should be something like the Afuris, Dual Vipers, or the Bronco.

If it's something closer range, like a shotgun, the Grakata, and so on, you'll want the Lex or Akbolto. Should warn you that the latter of those two is affected by a travel time, so it can be difficult to hit moving targets.

As for melee, can't really go wrong with the Dual Ether. They ignore armor, are fairly fast, and deal dependable damage per hit. They're good against just about anything.

Dual Heat Swords have some insane charge damage though, but if you can get a Glaive, you'll get that same amount of charge damage, as well as the ability to throw it.

If you're looking for something heavier, a lot of people go with the Scindo. I use the Fragor, since it ignores armor and has a huge knockdown radius, but it loses all of its awesomeness on Infested levels, unlike the Scindo.

It's really about your weapon setup. No weapon is really the best on its own; it's the three that you take with you to suit your style and give you strengths in any situation.

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All the weapons are made to be the best. Really need to explain this?

Not true at all. Some weapons are more universally applicable and flat out better. All melee weapons that favor charge builds are better than all melee that are individual slash/low base damage based, Gram is better than cronus, dual ether is better than ether daggers. As for secondaries, some of them are stronger than most primaries (lex, akbolto) and some are very underwhelming (sicarus, lato).

While the game is constantly changing, the lex, the akbolto, and whatever the best charge melee is at the time have been at the top for secondary and melee respectively for a long time.

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Kinda depends on your Primary.


e.g. - If using a Boltor you shouldn't be using Akbolto ... if using a Latron/Snipetron you shouldn't be using a Lex... if using a Shotgun you shouldn't be using a Bronco.

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Sidearm: I like the Aklato, Akbolto and Dual Vipers.  I think single Viper is probably better than Dual Vipers, and the Lex is hardcore good.


Melee:  The Glaive is gimmicky at best and not for use when surrounded by enemies, which is the ideal time for melee in this game.  Dual Zoren and Dual Ethers rule.  As does the Scindo and Fragor.  I hear good things about the Gram, but would recommend one of those 4.

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Best secondary (by far): Twin Vipers.

Best melee: Dual Ethers/Dual Heat Swords (depending whether you like to do charged attacks or not). I don't have a Glaive so I can't talk about it. Some say it is very good too.

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I have multiple weapons for each set, and mix and match on a whim. Usually, the pairings are one of the following:


Primary:                Secondary:

Gorgon                 Lex

Hek                       Akbolto

Latron                   Boar

Braton                   Akbolto/Lex


Hek can be replaced with the Strun, as both are comparable to each other somewhat

My Boltor isn't done building yet, but I'm thinking it would be comparable to the Braton; in that case, Lex as sidearm rather than Akbolto.

If you don't have Akbolto, Aklato could be an acceptable interim substitute.


As for Melee, I have three, one specialized for each faction:

Dual Ether for Infested, with heavy kiling blow / fury / molten impact mods. Flailing these around is nice when surrounded by chargers and leapers.

Fragor against Grineer, with North Wind, killing blow, fury. Innate armor ignore good against grineer, always fun to ground slam to stop them from shooting for a bit. I only wish that heavies weren't immune to knockdown while doing their own knockdown attack.

Amphis against Corpus, with pressure point and north wind. With electric down strike, I can do good damage to crewmen and ospreys, though MOAs don't do so well. It's also nice to have a heavy weapon I can use at full running speed.


I also have the Paris and the Glaive, but Only for the lulz; I pretty much never use them.

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As for Melee, I have three, one specialized for each faction:

Dual Ether for Infested, with heavy kiling blow / fury / molten impact mods. Flailing these around is nice when surrounded by chargers and leapers.

Fragor against Grineer, with North Wind, killing blow, fury. Innate armor ignore good against grineer, always fun to ground slam to stop them from shooting for a bit. I only wish that heavies weren't immune to knockdown while doing their own knockdown attack.

Amphis against Corpus, with pressure point and north wind. With electric down strike, I can do good damage to crewmen and ospreys, though MOAs don't do so well. It's also nice to have a heavy weapon I can use at full running speed.

Fragor's armor ignore doesn't matter when you're speccing it for charge damage because charge attacks already ignore armor.

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If you ask a dozen people this kind of question you get a thousand answers.

IMO, only weapons I've tried

Best melee depends on what you're fighting

Vs Infected: Dual Ether, Dual Zoren

Vs Grineer: Dual Ether, Amphis

Vs Corpus: Amphis

Best secondaries

Bronco: great damage, fastest reload, very ammo efficient. It's a shotgun, so medium range at best.

Lex: Pocket sniper, ammo efficient. Kinda slow.

D. Viper: Fire all the bullets! Amazing DPS but you will run out a third of the way through the mission.

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I really wish people would stop recommending the Lex! It has the second lowest DPS in the game, second only to the Paris. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtiLYll-XsesdG1CWWQzOG91c1o0M3hxS1lGek9RZHc#gid=0


Its fire rate is crippling, making it fairly useless when there are more than a handful of enemies attacking you, and this doesn't even mean exclusively infested. When there's four corpus shooting at you, if you're not taking them out quick, you're going to be eating a lot of lasers.


Yes it's accurate, but so is the Lato (just as an example) and several other sidearms. And if it's accurate and you aim for the head, a Lato will often kill similarly as quick (i.e. one or two bullets) as the Lex which will just too tons of overkill damage.


The argument that "it gets better as you mod it" is terrible because this is true for every weapon. The only difference is that if you add +X% damage to a Lex, you're just adding more overkill damage to it.


The best all around secondary weapon is probably the akbolto. It has good clip size, fire rate, accuracy, damage per shot and is the only sidearm with armor ignore. Armor ignore also makes accuracy even less of an issue as the damage resistance that would normally be found in the body can be ignored due to the bolt type damage of this weapon whereas other non-bolt weapons are forced to hit in the head (or arms/legs on ancients) in order to not suffer massive penalties.


As other options, the Bronco has very high DPS and ammo efficiency. The twin vipers make for an excellent "panic button" as they have the highest burst DPS of all weapons in the game, usefull for unloading on something that you really need dead right now.

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Dual Viper / Lex


Ether Swords !



Its fire rate is crippling, making it fairly useless when there are more than a handful of enemies attacking you, and this doesn't even mean exclusively infested. When there's four corpus shooting at you, if you're not taking them out quick, you're going to be eating a lot of lasers.



Are you dumb enough to take a Snipertron and Lex together ? For gods sake Lex is to be used with full automatic weapons ~.~ ........


If you got a non auto gun, take Viper or Dual Viper. If you have an Auto weapon / Shotgun, Lex is the best choice !

Edited by Zyfe3rX
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Upgraded mods on any weapon in the game make them cut through everything like butter. The only endgame currently is endless waves, and I am not sure what people use for that. I am assuming more ammo efficient guns like the Lex and Latron?

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Dual Viper / Lex


Ether Swords !





Are you dumb enough to take a Snipertron and Lex together ? For gods sake Lex is to be used with full automatic weapons ~.~ ........


If you got a non auto gun, take Viper or Dual Viper. If you have an Auto weapon / Shotgun, Lex is the best choice !


I run latron/lex all the time, but that is because I like to aim for heads and am an old quake player. For close range I just swing the Scindo. The game really isn't hard enough yet for players to have to get too tight in how they metagame their loadouts. You can really finish any mission with just about any weapon combo if you get your mods reasonably leveled up.

I hope the game gets challenging enough where I really have to spend time before each mission really thinking about loadouts.

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