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Ash Prime From Devstream, My Personal Feedback


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ITT: Edgeboys want razor blades glued to normal ash, people bash a full design concept referencing an image with terrible presentation, people support DE cause they actually want original designs.


(seriously, why do these threads keep popping up?)

these threads keep popping up cause enough ppl care that Ash Prime looks nothing like the non primed variant, if anything it looks like chroma when he eventually gets a prime. 


They stuck blades and sharp edges on loki prime, and I don't see ppl complaining about how edgy that looks, cause it looks badass and pays homage to the original loki yet at the same time has distinct distinguishing features and appearances between the two 

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Release Trash Prime as is 

Give us Edge Lords the Proto Skin We ask for on a count of  releasing this unattractive looking Cybernetic Shinobi 


We dont ask for much except live up the Sleek Agile Assassin design our Ninja deserves

Proto Ash can be worn over this unattractive design. Someone make a thread about that Proto Ash it looks Great

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Release Trash Prime as is 

Give us Edge Lords the Proto Skin We ask for on a count of  releasing this unattractive looking Cybernetic Shinobi 


We dont ask for much except live up the Sleek Agile Assassin design our Ninja deserves

Proto Ash can be worn over this unattractive design. Someone make a thread about that Proto Ash it looks Great


How about you wait to make judgement calls until you have more to go on than a single still image from an awkward angle that doesn't show his entire bottom half?

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Eh, from what little I've seen of Ash Prime, I personally love it. And honestly, the fan art looks pretty terrible.



Of Everything in this thread.

DE's design is the best, no contest in the slightest. 

Bunch of sharp edges was cool, when i was little.



Your personal feedback is irrelevant. 


But if you insist, well MY personal feedback is those fan art looks ugly. 


Now our personal feedbacks cancel out each other and Mynki can do his design as he sees fit.



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Eh, from what little I've seen of Ash Prime, I personally love it. And honestly, the fan art looks pretty terrible.



these threads keep popping up cause enough ppl care that Ash Prime looks nothing like the non primed variant, if anything it looks like chroma when he eventually gets a prime. 


They stuck blades and sharp edges on loki prime, and I don't see ppl complaining about how edgy that looks, cause it looks badass and pays homage to the original loki yet at the same time has distinct distinguishing features and appearances between the two 



ITT: Edgeboys want razor blades glued to normal ash, people bash a full design concept referencing an image with terrible presentation, people support DE cause they actually want original designs.


(seriously, why do these threads keep popping up?)



Of Everything in this thread.

DE's design is the best, no contest in the slightest. 

Bunch of sharp edges was cool, when i was little.



I think the only thing you can really hope to change is the coloring.  Imo he looks better in black and the blue bits should be like volt prime brownish, but then again I can always recolor him after he goes live.



Your personal feedback is irrelevant. 


But if you insist, well MY personal feedback is those fan art looks ugly. 


Now our personal feedbacks cancel out each other and Mynki can do his design as he sees fit.



How about you wait to make judgement calls until you have more to go on than a single still image from an awkward angle that doesn't show his entire bottom half?











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If proto Ash skin is designed by Mynki, then sure why not. 


If I want random skin designed by random people from the internet, I'd just go mod my Skyrim. 

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I'm glad they didn't go full edgelord on his design. The Orokin aesthetic isn't really very "sharp". 


I think everyone should know by now that DE pretty much just what DE wants for the art direction, and they usually come up with some damn good stuff. 

Edited by vaugahn
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lemme get this straight , its NOT ugly , its just a TOO fat, the hips are to much idc who minki is but if he been designing all the primes then he did a damn good job SO FAR, but if this gets released with a fat azz then he fcked up, everyone is human and nobody is perfect i guess

Edited by NickBoay
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i know DE has weird fashion sense but come on... you haven't even seen his full body and you already judged him...between the artist work and DE work...i see DE ash prime has more detail than the Arist Ash (no offense) cooler even.

Edited by ZzVinniezZ
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I'm glad they didn't go full edgelord on his design. The Orokin aesthetic isn't really very "sharp". 


I think everyone should know by now that DE pretty much just what DE wants for the art direction, and they usually come up with some damn good stuff. 


Instead of making em EdgeLord they made Him RoundLord.

Looks kinda sissy lol 

In my hood dudes will crack on you for lookin like a Punk with Female thighs. 

Excuse my laguage but he looks like a Biatch.


You know Koga gon give it to you blood raw fym 


EdgeLord runs the Yard.

Where tf you seen a None Edge Lord Ninja before?


Edgy to the BONE! 

Its the way of the Shadow Warriors!





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Instead of making em EdgeLord they made Him RoundLord.

Looks kinda sissy lol 

In my hood dudes will crack on you for lookin like a Punk with Female thighs. 

Excuse my laguage but he looks like a Biatch.


You know Koga gon give it to you blood raw fym 


EdgeLord runs the Yard.

Where tf you seen a None Edge Lord Ninja before?


Edgy to the BONE! 

Its the way of the Shadow Warriors!






werd up

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werd up


You feel me my Ninjuh?

Man they aint ready, Real Ninjuhs run the Yard! 

Only Real Ninjuhs see eye to eye, fuk it tho it is what it is....


The way ish lookin these gooks finna accept him the way he is.

Just let a Real Ninjuh get Proto Ash Please?!

This ish got my Hot!

No more acting Conservative, going skr8 Hood on that A$h boi!


Real A$h fan boys like yall call us want our Edge Lord! 

All you gooks hatin cuz yall suk at A$h! 


Aye I will Fight about Ash ian playin xD 

I will knock ya head clean off if you call me a Fanboy witout the proper respect, scuff ya Jordans and flip them $hit$ for Plat then buy A$h Prime thru trader. xD


Someone report Me for being a #$&(% lol 


It is what it is, alot of you needa meet me irl i will Knock ya head clean off at a Tenno live xD 

Im a fool wit it when you fuk$ wit what I love, other then that errbody in my clan or alliance love my A$h lovin a$$

I help noobs wit no problem, i carry ppl thru missions like voids draco raids.

I dnt RAGE cuz someone is a noob like some of you gooks. 


Why cant Koga just get his lil ol Edge Lord Ash Prime?

Atleast my Proto Ash please? 

I wont beat you up that bad if you release Proto Ash



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Koga lets just chill man , posting is useless now, you know from my previous post how i think about it but they have announced end of volt prime access, if u ask me they either left it as it is , or altered it a bit and its gonna come out tomorrow or maybe after tomorrow or something , but its incomming and all we post now will be too late so lets just wait i guess and see how it goes, if they screwed up then hope for a proto skin, if that wont happen then just stick to old ash and let em keep the prime, thats how we keep it real like that :) dont use what you dont like



i like it. normal ash is fugly so cant wait to get ash prime.

yeh its gonna be totally awesome to have tons of ash primes running around where people cant rely on because of a lack of skills, further lowering his misplaced reputation. hes actually above Mesa in the foodchain in the hands of a ash pro.


now before i hurt the mesa fans let me stay honest here , mesa is ALOT faster then ash can be, and will play ash out of the field in a short match. tho mesa loses power between wave 20 and 30 and ash doesnt even feel it. so ash would be better on higher waves, didnt encounter any mesa staying till 1 hour survival or 40 waves+ of defense so if there are mesa's that do that, then i want you to show me firsthand ingame plz. but so far ash > mesa in survivability , and mesa > ash in terms of speed. having both in your possession would be perfect

( if you know how to play ash offcourse, because a lot of people seem to use him totally wrong *facepalm* )

Edited by NickBoay
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Im cool, lol xD

Just felt like Raging abit cuz this chick teased me :3 


Its nice and hot here in Miami, The beach waters contaminated asf xP

Ash prime is gonna either change alot of Ash Haters into Fans or  Fans into Haters.


I still fux witchu tho Ash, i just hope Edo stays around longer man. 

Or they should drop it on Ash prime access cuz i havent had a chance to cop me that.

Im really diggin that EDO PRIME its literally imo the BEST armor



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  • 2 weeks later...

if you look at ash right now from his side profile, youll see that his arms are very wide due to the plating. I feel his arms are one of the widest compaired to the other frames. The teaser just shows how wide his arms are. I believe it will be balanced, and seeing his torso area we will feel very much like the default ash.

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