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Tonkor: Make It Explode Against Shields


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At least you can kill nullifiers through the shields if you hit enemies just outside it with a Tonkor grenade.  As for the uber assault rifles with no downsides, it's pretty obvious that nerfing them will result in a much more interesting game than buffing every non-assault rifle and removing downsides from every weapon.  

You'd have to nerf most weapon types in the game... not just assault rifles, but all pistols, especially the shotgun pistols, and all weapons with high ROF.


It's easier to buff slower fire rate weapons like snipers, bows, tonkors, and shotgun primaries than to nerf every automatic rifle and every secondary weapon in the game.

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The best anti-shield tactic is basically "Shoot it with weapons until it goes down"


By not being able to shoot it with weapons til it goes down, it essentially nullifies the best anti-shield tactic in the game.

Dang... you might have to change tactics. Better nerf nullifiers.


But seriously, just spam nades everywhere. With the huge blast radius the Tonkor has, one of them is bound to get'im. Or, switch weapons. Or, my current tactic - throw a Glaive Prime with max Power Throw and Quick Return. The Glaive goes through the bubble, damaging it on its way in, then out, then another two times on the return trip. The blade can kill the nullifier and hit the enemies inside. Plus, the Glaive does that weird explosion thing, which has a tendency to kill the nully and everything around him for good measure.


No wait, just nerf nullifier shields.

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OP, that's the point of shields.  To break the spam-at-it-until-it-dies-while-sort-of-aiming regimen that the community has fallen into with the Somas.


Salt aside, the Arctic Eximus snow globe, Nullifier shield, and Shield Lancer shield are objects, and so they won't trigger the explosion of the Tonkor unless you want it changed so that the bombs blow up as soon as you hit anything with them.


Best advice I have for you right now is to zoom in and use the Tonkor's arc sight on Shield Lancers.  It traces the path and impact point of your bomb before you launch it; aim for their head or even the top of the shield and they won't stand a chance.  If it hits the top of their shield usually it bounces into their face.


For Nullifier shields bring a rapid-fire weapon like the AkZani (the shield takes a base damage of 100 and a max of 400 per shot so don't bother using something like the Marelok) or a hand cannon like the Brakk (each pellet counts as a separate shot) to tear it down quickly or try to land a bomb on a nearby enemy.  The blast penetrates the Nullifier shield so as long as the enemy you hit is close enough the Nulli's screwed because they're weaker than the Viking's defensive line.


Arctic Eximi snow globes dissipate after a while, so you could just wait it out, or copter inside and blow his face off.  Alternatively hitting an enemy at the edge of the globe can kill the Eximus if he has low enough health.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Most weapons have zero downsides.  Tonkor has four huge ones (shot arcs, slow rate of fire, small magazine, flight speed).  That's already more than enough downsides to justify letting it blow up against shields.  It's still a difficult weapon to use well, have to carefully aim your shots and keep track of ammo.


I was hoping that maybe they could make the grenade explode with a minor proximity trigger. Nothing too major, a meter at the most.

Just to prevent shots from sailing 2 inches by a guy's head and bouncing off harmlessly, only to explode when all enemies are dead after you nailed the second shot.


The slight spread each shot has doesn't help either. I've sighted up shots that should've gone right at the enemy's head, maybe their torso.. Only for it to sail over and to the left of where I was aiming. Then the next shot, it sails to the right.

It's a grenade launcher, I know it's not supposed to have sniper-like accuracy. All I ask is that we get a proximity trigger on the things, so a shot that goes a little wide doesn't get wasted. We only get the Sniper ammo pool to play around with, after all.

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Every top tier assault rifle (Boltor prime, soma prime, prisma grakata against high level grineer, etc) is extremely easy to use, has zero downsides, and absolutely annihilates nullifiers and shield eximus units.


Just because Tonkor is the first top tier explosive weapon to be introduced doesn't mean it should have so many crippling downsides when the top tier assault rifles have none.  I don't mind any of the other downsides, just want it to explode against shields.


Simply this.

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Your just not using the weapon correctly.

And you aren't using "your" correctly :P i kid i kid (no, but really, it is wrong)


As for actually contributing to the topic, I say this a horrible idea. I like the tonkor just as much as my penta and both are fully maxed, but the tonkor grenades not exploding on shields is actually something I find that justly balances the weapon. 


Also, keep in mind this is coming from someone who despises nullifiers (but does find them extremely fun) and builds the whole loadout around them. 

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You'd have to nerf most weapon types in the game... not just assault rifles, but all pistols, especially the shotgun pistols, and all weapons with high ROF.


It's easier to buff slower fire rate weapons like snipers, bows, tonkors, and shotgun primaries than to nerf every automatic rifle and every secondary weapon in the game.

Like remove Hit-scan,entirely, and adjust Ammo capacity to be balanced like Braton Prime?

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