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What Is Your Most Used Warframe!?


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Most likely it go's in this order:

1. Loki/Loki Prime

2. Excalibur

3. Rhino/Rhino Prime

4. Trinity

5. Nekros

I placed Excalibur second only because I see almost every single person either newish or somewhat middle of the road new using this frame most of all.

You know you can lookup the percentage used in your profile in game right? It can give you a real answer rather than speculation. Only caveat to that is if your frames all have the same percentage :P

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Mine is Rhino (Not even prime!), I would like to kick him out of his high throne and put my Excal Prime up there heh. Rhino is up there cause he was my first frame, played him for a majority of my early hours. Instead of a "Most Used" I'd like a "Favorites" where you can choose what you want to display, that'd be nice~

No no its perfect as it is so everyone can see the rhino/boltorprime players :D

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Ash, Dragon Nikana, Dread, all around 40% of my playtime. 

Nova and Excalibur tend to be my "my team sucks and needs me to use CC powers or they'll blame me for how much they suck if I play as Ash" *ahem* frames. 

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Last time I checked (several months ago) Zephyr was at 26%. I haven't checked recently, but I would be surprised if it was under 35%, since I pretty much exclusively use Zephyr for nearly all high level content. With the massive Zephyr buff that Parkour 2.0 will bring, now is a better time than ever to main Zephyr.

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Currently, Zephyr. My main reason why is simple because with the right weapons and mods you can fly across any map! I simply love that and it makes me feel even more ninja then the stealth frames like ash or loki. However, I'm a little worried about how her movement will hold up in parkour 2.0

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However, I'm a little worried about how her movement will hold up in parkour 2.0


Zephyr's floatiness will most likely be improved even more when aim gliding, making shooting enemies while airborne even more effective when using Zephyr.


Parkour 2.0 will be a massive buff to Zephyr. Why? Because coptering is going away, and there's a good chance directional air melee will be significantly nerfed. With those to pine cones in the fruit salad out of the way, there will be very few things left to de-value the massive mobility that Zephyr provides. Directional air melee is just a nerfed version of Tail Wind that all frames can use, and it's most likely going away with coptering.


Take it from someone who mains Zephyr; parkour 2.0 is incredibly exciting to us Zephyr users.


Oh, and by the way...





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According to Warframe it is still regular Loki. I haven't used it since loki Prime came out, but it's the one I use the most. Seriously, I have played most of my frames in a certain way that feels good, at this point. So, I flip around from one to the other. Loki is still one of my favorites though. His versatility makes him good for solo and group play. Thst said, all the frames ae good fun. Hydroid, is an example of a really fun frame to play.

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