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Single Shot Rifles - Magazine Capacity


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Weapons like the soma need a nerf, not the other way around.


Not to mention modding needs an extreme overhaul so you can viably choose to increase magazine capacity and reload speed if you dislike the downtime on a weapon.


Just buffing weapons like the grinlok will result in powercreep and will diminish what little uniqueness the weapons retain.

Nerfing is not the solution, when have people praised DE for nerfing? Never. When have people praised DE for buffing weak weapons? Always.

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Far to long a delay between shots for that. Plus, only one barrel, so you'd have to have two firing chambers, one behind the other. That setup is, to use the scientific term, AAAAAAAAAAAAA. You've got one round going off directly in front of the next, so you need a barrier between them. But that barrier has to be removed as soon as the first chamber is clear.

And that's not even getting into the weirdness of creating the complex mechanism to load two chambers at the same time, or the need for a delay between the shots--some kind of gas operation, probably?--out the fact that with so many moving parts in the chamber(s), they're going to leak like sieves.

The lever-auto load mechanism would be much simpler, and even that is ungodly complex for no discernable benefit. It's just a weird gun.

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Latron, Latron Prime, Latron Wraith, Sybaris, Tyberon...  All of these weapons deserve a magazine capacity increase. A serious one.


And, it seems there is also an issue with the multishot stats that aren't really applied correctly (Abnormal low damage).

The Latron series and Tiberon are fine. Minor reloadspeed buffs, max. I mean, I wouldn't say no to a 20-shot mag for the Latrons, but that is potentially overpowered considering their strengths. Maybe on a new semiauto that is weaker?


Sybaris and Grinlok though, yes please. 12 shots for Sybaris and 8 for Grinlok would be nice. (Hey, that'd could call for a nerf+buff on (regular) Marelok: Nerf its damage to be the same as Grinlok, but buff its mag to 8 as well?)


And someone mentioned Tigris? 1 sec reload, 1 meter innate punchthrough and very high crit (50%?) That'd MAYBE make it a useful weapon. Maybe...

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Reload takes too much time? That's why we have mods like primed fast hands:)

In all seriousness...

Tigris and sobek can barely be improved, even with the mods.

Grinlok and sybaris do not need a ammo capacity buff because then they would become OP


They're pretty naff as is, especially the Grinlok. They do need a buff to their magazine sizes/reload speeds, if nothing else.


The grinlok needs some serious love ot its crit stats as well, but that's another topic for another time. 


Primed Fast Hands isn't good on these weapons since they take away too much damage from them because as we all know: Damage > Utility (Except on the Tonkor, which does so much damage that you can comfortably slot on a few utility mods) 

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The Kohmak is actually a solid weapon. It's not as good as a fully modded projectile Kohm, but it's a secondary and it shouldn't have to be. It's not weak so much as outclassed by a weapon (Vaykor/Marelok) that already outdamages every other weapon in its class.


I know people who use the Tiberon. I liked it. I potatoed it, and would forma it if I didn't already have half a dozen forma projects ongoing. It has virtually no recoil and high refire rate, so it's trivially easy to get triple headshots.


Weapons like Glaxion are utility weapons, so if all you want is DPS they're not for you (although the accuracy nerf on Glaxion sounds stupid to me). Drakgoon gets a fair bit of use... from people who know how to aim it. But it takes investment.


Just because these weapons need buffs/QoL and aren't the highest DPS weapons in the game doesn't mean they're completely worthless. Although things like the Nukor definitely need more than 1% crit, which would only ever work if it had about three times as much ammo.


TL;DR: Most of these weapons could use tuning. They could have polarities that suck less. But they're not necessarily trash  Except maybe the Mutalist Quanta/Paracyst.

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Unfortunately this would essentially make other weapons useless.



Yeah, and bringing new weapons into the game that surpass these guns by miles doesnt render them useless already.. The powercreeping is real.


- tl;dr of thread 


A ton of older weapons need fine tuning, they dont necessarily have to be better then high end weapons.

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