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Tactical Alert Psa: Full Rewards List

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Can we get a link to a developer stating the rewards that can drop from this event please? I'm sorry but I want to see something legit.

I think it's FB only right now.


EDIT: Totally getting hate for saying the TA was boring on FB. XD

Edited by Noamuth
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Find it funny how even community moderators don't know about these and lock topics because of it..... and yes you can get the rift sigil again with no effort so if you missed or could not do it the last event here is the chance for everyone.

Lol no effort?

I guess this takes a little more effort and luck to get.

Now you grind the hell out that TA, and its not even for the sigil, it's for the mods.Wich were granted after completing the event, and the sigil was there too..

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It's funny that DE are telling us that they don't want us to grind for stuff, but they are still giving us tactical alerts that are encouraging grind.




They are two faced liars to be sure, of the highest caliber. If EVER there was a drop table for a mission - a mission that takes 20+ mins - that shows how they are encouraging grind, it is THIS.


Just tell us in the announcement that it's a grindfest and I can ignore it completely, instead of reading all about how it's 10x worse than I thought it could ever be. Rift sigil - Yeah, they don't care about how anyone earned it before, THIS way they get grinders to play. <- This is all that matters to DE

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Is this a surprise? The use of RNG and miniscule chances for rewards is the same techniques casinos use to create the compulsion to gamble. Just one more time, I'll get lucky. If I do it enough, I must certainly win something. 


You end up spending a lot of time doing repetitive missions to get something you imagine will make your game better. 


But you're still doing the same thing repetitively. You might not lose money but you do lose time.

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This is one of the most Laziest Events I've seen in while. I mean they could have made the rewards a little easier to get but the game challenging to compleate. Like, for example, A defence game where the more waves you do the higher chances of getting them. would balance the S#&amp;&#036;ty reward part in the early game. But say have no shilds or set health or something to make it a challenge. This event is Bloody Aweful!

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The Drop rate on the Mods and Sigil must be Loki Prime Systems Tier. 32 runs and just 1 rare reward, which was a Blaze mod.  This event is not worth your time and effort. In the same time it takes to complete the event I can run Sechura 5-8 times which will give me 200-320K credits, so why would I want 3-5K credits as a reward.  As for the Clantech resources, I have thousands sitting in my inventory not doing anything, what am I going to do with 1 more. 


At least reward me properly for my efforts, the Slash mods and Rift Sigil feel like DE are just baiting us to extend the duration of the event, because who would do it more than once given how boring it is.  Honestly, I've had enough of it now.  Will just wait until there is a more reasonable way to obtain those mods. Bought the last 2 PA and was planning on getting at least the accessories pack this time around.  However, thanks to the frustrations I've experienced with this mind numbing event, I won't be buying this round just to show DE how much I appreciate this event. In fact, I might just take a break from the game.

Edited by M09482
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This would be okay if the mods actually dropped as normal mod drops. This is just disgraceful, and moreover, having the Rift Sigil drop as an RNG picked drop is a bit of a middle finger to all people who tried their best to complete the Phoenix Escalation. Anyone can do this event, as it requires almost zero effort, this is just DE once again shamelessly using their overused RNG to make players get even more frustrated. 


I doubt DE would even listen to us right now at all, but I propose a REAL escalation version of this event, that lets ENEMIES drop the mods, NOT horribly diluted with dojo crafting materials that we have S#&$loads of already. The Rift Sigil was a trophy like all other Event emblems and sigils, if you ask me, and if DE doesn't re-distribute those, then don't distribute the Rift Sigil either. This whole event is just unfair to people who completed Phoenix Escalation, as it seems they might as well have waited and gambled their spare time on this to get the sigil, with a near zero chance.


I know False Profit has pissed some people off, but this is genuinely a $&*^ move from DE to make, considering the already terrifying prices people ask for the slash mods. But of course, that would make people buy more platinum, wouldn't it? So as long as they use RNG to make sure almost none of us actually get these mods and so have to buy them from other people, they earn cash and we only get more frustrated.


I'd defend DE normally, but this is just sad. If Sheldon's responsible for this, let's hope he actually does something about it instead of blatantly ignoring the community's opinion on event RNG as DE seems to always do.

Edited by Latravysas
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I'm not against something desirable having a low drop chance, i.e. Loki Prime Systems and new Prime Access items.  However, with those items I have luxury of being able to farm them at my own pace.  I just completed my Volt Prime 2 weeks ago, and I'm still missing the Odonata Prime Wings.  But I've never complained about that, no matter how many times I have to run missions to get said items.  It's part and parcel of a farming game.


However, to give the same low drop rate to the Slash Mods, that will only be able available for a few days before becoming unavailable for another 6-12 months. That is unforgivable.  When you add worthless rewards (3-5K credit caches, common resources) on top of that, then it just becomes a joke.  25 waves in the void would net me 5 potential rewards and here it is just 1.  People have lives outside of this game, after 2 days of grinding the event I have neither the time or energy to carry on with it.  When something feels unfair, that's when you begin to lose the trust of the players. And once you lose that, well then it's game over man, game over!

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This is one of the most Laziest Events I've seen in while. I mean they could have made the rewards a little easier to get but the game challenging to compleate. Like, for example, A defence game where the more waves you do the higher chances of getting them. would balance the S#&$ty reward part in the early game. But say have no shilds or set health or something to make it a challenge. This event is Bloody Aweful!

the issue is that DE has absolutely no interest in allowing you to get what you want. There's nothing of substance in this game, it's just a hunt for the next shiny thing(that will be nerfed in a few weeks).

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