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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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What steps are in place to insure that new players know that these players exist and are able to find them?

Will the lotus get a dialog immediately after the starter mission informing them about the guides?

Besides the forum post, GotL sigil and the Purple Text, there is very little in the way of in-game recognition.
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I'm already feeling like a guide of the lotus XD.

Recently I've been helping countless number of people and resurrected a clan by recruiting newbies and helping them ^^.


It really makes warframe a fantastic game if you help someone sometimes.

Edited by counterflux
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I'm already feeling like a guide of the lotus XD.

Recently I've been helping countless number of people and resurrected a clan by recruiting newbies and helping them ^^.


It really makes warframe a fantastic game if you help someone sometimes.

That's true end-game here. Helping others. :P

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I would like someone to just clarify something.

Some guides are acting as if this is a title that has been earned by helping new players, And it is not necessary to actually help new players any longer, rather it is encouraged. Is this true?

If I am to understand correctly, guides of the lotus are selected because they have been helping new players, and should continue to do so. I think a ComMod previously mentioned people can be booted from the program. Also the OP says you can report a guide.

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I would like someone to just clarify something.

Some guides are acting as if this is a title that has been earned by helping new players, And it is not necessary to actually help new players any longer, rather it is encouraged. Is this true?

No, it's not just a title.

The goal of the program is to help new players, not deny them help as soon as you become a Guide.

That's entirely counterintuitive.

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Seeing a program of this nature in a video game  makes my jaw drop. In all my years playing games warframe has really shown itself to be not only the game the dev's want it to be but what the community needs it to be. I have had nothing but great experiences with playing warframe. I know only invites are sent  to be a guide but just want it to state for the record DE even if I am not a guide of the lotus I still will help out my fellow tenno so they can share in this games experience and have fun.  

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Seeing a program of this nature in a video game  makes my jaw drop. In all my years playing games warframe has really shown itself to be not only the game the dev's want it to be but what the community needs it to be. I have had nothing but great experiences with playing warframe. I know only invites are sent  to be a guide but just want it to state for the record DE even if I am not a guide of the lotus I still will help out my fellow tenno so they can share in this games experience and have fun.                  

This ^^ is a great attitude, well played buddy.


As far as I'm concerned you get out, what you put in.


I mean if you speak with respect and a positive attitude to others even offering help along the way,

you will in most cases be greeted with the same in return.


This then breeds a positive attitude among the community, the players,

which in essence can only be a good thing for the game and everyone who shares this attitude.


Keep it up Tenno :)


Thanks for reading also & enjoy the rest of your day.



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This ^^ is a great attitude, well played buddy.


As far as I'm concerned you get out, what you put in.


I mean if you speak with respect and a positive attitude to others even offering help along the way,

you will in most cases be greeted with the same in return.


This then breeds a positive attitude among the community, the players,

which in essence can only be a good thing for the game and everyone who shares this attitude.


Keep it up Tenno :)


Thanks for reading also & enjoy the rest of your day.



Awesome! thanks for the words of encouragement Jay!

Totally feel the same way.  I have had the opportunity to hang out with the Dev's at PAX East (have a funny drinking story with [DE]Sheldon), Meet some of the tenno I have played with, made some really good friends across all the platforms. cant tell you how many times during the devstream on twitch players ask what system I am on so we can play together. I dare say we have the best community and closeness with the developers in any video in the past 10 years. 


I have sat in recruiting and trade channel seeing if others need help or if I have a item they need, just trade it to them and if not help them farm it. 

If I can help other tenno reach out and do the same for other players then that's all the thanks I need. 

Tenno united! Thanks again for being a part of this game! 


Edited by (PS4)B3tusHammer
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Awesome! thanks for the words of encouragement Jay!

Totally feel the same way.  I have had the opportunity to hang out with the Dev's at PAX East (have a funny drinking story with Sheldon), Meet some of the tenno I have played with, made some really good friends across all the platforms. cant tell you how many times during the devstream on twitch players ask what system I am on so we can play together. I dare say we have the best community and closeness with the developers in any video in the bast 10 years. 


I have sat in recruiting and trade channel seeing if others need help or if I have a item they need, just trade it to them and if not help them farm it. 

If I can help other tenno reach out and do the same for other players then that's all the thanks I need. 

Tenno united! Thanks again for being a part of this game! 


Often being the one brightening someone elses day is often more rewarding than getting a prime piece after a long farm or finish a mission after a rough time.


The appriciation and joy is the reason I personally keep doing it and finding new ways to spread it is always neat.


And about the community thing, a lot of new players seem to be suprised about how friendly this community sometime is. Either by helping or by supplying items, something I hope we keep up providing to show that a good community spirit is here to stay:)

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If I am to understand correctly, guides of the lotus are selected because they have been helping new players, and should continue to do so. I think a ComMod previously mentioned people can be booted from the program. Also the OP says you can report a guide.


No, it's not just a title.

The goal of the program is to help new players, not deny them help as soon as you become a Guide.

That's entirely counterintuitive.

Ah Thank you for clarifying
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So, can one become a guide if he doesnt post on the forums but stays active on them and answers questions or helps with their issues if needed. (since most of the time the questions on the threads i look into are already answerd so i dont feel the need to put out an additional comment)

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I would like someone to just clarify something.

Some guides are acting as if this is a title that has been earned by helping new players, And it is not necessary to actually help new players any longer, rather it is encouraged. Is this true?

Q: Where are all the Guides at? I can’t seem to find them in the Relays.

A: We realize Guides, like all our players, have lives outside of Warframe, so they do not have fixed schedules. They are encouraged to act as Guides whenever they are free to do so.


^^^taken from the OP.


Also if you have issues or concerns regarding any of the GOTL's I'd urge you to contact either a senior guide or DE_Danielle.


Hope this helps.

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