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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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Added info on what to expect when contacted for recruitment :) 


Q: What should I expect when I'm contacted for recruitment? 

A: You will be sent an invitation to the program for the appropriate platform. Once you've replied to the invitation a brief questionnaire will be sent to confirm your eligibility. After reviewing your answers and having the thumbs up you receive an "All you need to know" rundown of your duty as a Guide and the program in its entirety! 

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Please join me in welcoming Dom I Skilla as an XB1 guide.


He is a good friend of mine even though we live thousands of miles apart across the Atlantic.

He  has over double hours as I do and is the only XB1 player I know with more than a million kills to his name.

He is fluent in German and English.

He does not post often on the forums as he prefers to be in game.


He has an especially deep knowledge of Kubrows.



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Added info on what to expect when contacted for recruitment :) 


Q: What should I expect when I'm contacted for recruitment? 

A: You will be sent an invitation to the program for the appropriate platform. Once you've replied to the invitation a brief questionnaire will be sent to confirm your eligibility. After reviewing your answers and having the thumbs up you receive an "All you need to know" rundown of your duty as a Guide and the program in its entirety! 

Thanks for keeping us updated Danielle!

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i personaly think its a realy nice thing to have the GotL, not everyone can be as lucky as i was when starting the game and needing help to always have ppl at hand to provide it. with my playtime of nearly 1500 hrs i know that now, back then i had no idea at all tbh *^^*


doing my best to help whoever whenever i can, helping clanmates aswell as randoms when they have questions, need help for missions or want some tips/info about Frames/weapons/mechanics.


the point of the sigil, if it helps new players to determine a GotL.. prob not, but it is mostly a good reason to talk to one, and after that they know it, so still a nice thing to have. and for the guides themself is surely a nice thing to wear them, as it shows their devotion to help.


long story short: thx Guides, u are amazing and WF easily one of the games with an awesome community and playerbase.

keep it up, and maybe one day i shall join ur ranks ^^ until then i will keep enjoying the game and the satisfaction of being helpfull =)


sincerly, a fellow Tenno ^_~

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I ran into Skilla and Unholy both yesterday.


Both were getting their GOTL on.  


Congratulations and it is great to have some more guides on Xbox.

Thank you again, Swag. :)


Congrats for all new guides.I love seeing more additions for Xbox but there is no full time Xbox senior guide.I hope I can see the best from them.Stories I've heard from Xbox are very odd....

Thank you Nuker, and yes, Xbox gets REALLY weird at night O.o

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